Bug with DzNodeSelectionComboBox?

HowieFarkesHowieFarkes Posts: 606

Am having some huge issues with DzNodeSelectionComboBox widgets. Basically if you add one to your dialogue box Daz Studio will go straight to 100% cpu usage _until_ someone either clicks on it or you use the DzNodeSelectionComboBox.showPopup() method. This is on Mac anyway - I don't know about Windows.

The following script demonstrates the issue. Run it and Studio will be using 100% cpu within seconds. Click on the Node selection widget and the cpu usage will immediately drop.

Am I doing something wrong with regards to initalising the widget or is this a bug?


(function(){        var wDlg = new DzBasicDialog();    wDlg.caption = "DzNodeSelectionComboBox Test";     var wNodeSelectCbx = new DzNodeSelectionComboBox( wDlg, 'DzNode', true );        wDlg.addWidget( wNodeSelectCbx );    wDlg.setFixedSize( 200, 100 );    wDlg.exec()})();


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