help sticking primitives together
this will sound terrible but I don't want to learn carrara right now...
but I need a three-D program to do one thing for me...
hexagon sort of does it and than crashes on export...
I have a wall made up of 9 primitives I put together in daz ---
all I want to do have them welded into one new piece.
so far I can get one piece but it's still the 9 little pieces back in daz when I apply a shader
hexagon says I can cut a window out of a solid wall with a boolean operation and it does once and the crashes when I try to export the itme and has to be reinstalled to do it again one time...
so, is carrara capable of welding, skinning whatever the nine pieces into one or creating a texture to go over them all
and if not will it do booleans knock outs on a wall that I can export back to daz
Not that I'm lazy, i'm time short... and I'm hoping to find a good reference... I like to read, I learned multiple languages by RTFM and what I really want is a nice well written one.
thanks anyone who can say something like
import object
run the xxx tool saying blah and blah
save and export...
it would be the upper walls in the background (red buildings) in the sample attached
I'm rendering so can't check this
select all primitves
hit ctrl g to group them
expoert them as an object
via file>export
import them back in
in the window that appears to tell carrara how to import
select import as one mesh
if this doesn't work then before you group them
and export them
you will need to convert them to meshes
edit>convert to other modeller
(choose vertex modeller)
yes carrara can do Booleans, you need to read the destructions for that
trying a number of things.. was able to get it listed as a single object
but when applying shaders it showed it was still multiple objects...
I'm installing some of my really old mac 3d software
on one of the macs...
I don't need an interface full of animation stuff etc...
never a dull moment...
right now I'm also trying to figure out how to put lettering on glass windows..
but I'll try again
thanks for the suggestions...
will make a list of what I have tried..
sounds like they are still uv mapped sepperately.
you need to do uv mapping
in carrara in vertex room under global delete all seperate domains for a start.
For applying lettering on glass windows(or bottles etc.), you can use the layer shaders and tools(small icons at the top of the window) in the shader room.