A valid PostgreSQL CMS connection could not be established. ?



  • wizwiz Posts: 1,100

    And guess what happened to me today!

    I hadn't used Studio for a couple of weeks (yeah, I know, sacrilige) and there was a Windows update between the last time it ran and now.

    Tried the classic "change the port to 1800" thing, no joy. I'm guessing Microsoft changed something and now I have to let it through the firewall, and I have to come up with a rule.

  • wizwiz Posts: 1,100

    You know what else happened in the interval between when this ran and when it didn't.

    DAZ Studio


  • I've been having this problem since I updated to the latest version of DAZ and Beta. I also try to change the port to 1800, but it immediately defaults back to 1024? I also tried to change the port to 1024 in DIM, but that change won't take either.

  • I've been having this problem since I updated to the latest version of DAZ and Beta. I also try to change the port to 1800, but it immediately defaults back to 1024? I also tried to change the port to 1024 in DIM, but that change won't take either.

    If the chnage isn't sticking that sounds as if there's an issue with folder permissions, not letting the application chnage the file in

    %AppData%/Daz 3d/cms/

    Rob says it could also be two applications trying to access the settings file at the same time.

  • VadisVadis Posts: 15

    Guys, the definitive solution with this PostgreSQL CMS BS.

    Open your USER/AppData/Roaming/Daz3d/cms

    Find the text file 'dblog'

    Open it and read what is the file or directory which it couldn't open because it doesn't exist (marked as FATAL). 

    Create an empty file or directory (folder) with that name in that folder (Daz3d/cms).


  • Vadis said:

    Guys, the definitive solution with this PostgreSQL CMS BS.

    Open your USER/AppData/Roaming/Daz3d/cms

    Find the text file 'dblog'

    Open it and read what is the file or directory which it couldn't open because it doesn't exist (marked as FATAL). 

    Create an empty file or directory (folder) with that name in that folder (Daz3d/cms).


    If the folder doesn't exist when it should then that indicates a more dep-seated issue than the simple absence of the folder - for example, with permissions. Creating the missing folder may help, but if the underlying issue remains then the is still the potential for a nasty surprise later.

  • VadisVadis Posts: 15

    If the folder doesn't exist when it should then that indicates a more dep-seated issue than the simple absence of the folder - for example, with permissions. Creating the missing folder may help, but if the underlying issue remains then the is still the potential for a nasty surprise later.


    It may, but I solved this issue twice in a course of a year, and for me, as an end user, this was what brought me a usual fluid experience.

    I created 2 folders the first time, and 1 folder the second time. Worked like a charm, despite obviously something more deep created those issues in the first place.

  • Vadis said:

    If the folder doesn't exist when it should then that indicates a more dep-seated issue than the simple absence of the folder - for example, with permissions. Creating the missing folder may help, but if the underlying issue remains then the is still the potential for a nasty surprise later.


    It may, but I solved this issue twice in a course of a year, and for me, as an end user, this was what brought me a usual fluid experience.

    I created 2 folders the first time, and 1 folder the second time. Worked like a charm, despite obviously something more deep created those issues in the first place.

    Doesn't help. That folder DOES exist - it's  my user account folder name.

  • I have the new Mac Pro 2019, and got the same popup.
    I couldn’t find a newer PostgreSQL CMS, than the 2014 edition, and when I installed it, DAZ startet to crash.
    I`ts only possible to run DAZ, when I remove PostgreSQL CMS, and I’m back with the annoying popup.
    If anyone know of a more up-to-date PostgreSQL CMS, it would be great..?

  • TotteTotte Posts: 14,100

    It would be helpful to see where it crashes (a crashlog), as if DS crashes when the CMS/Postgres is installed it has nothing to do with the CMS/Postgres itself as it's DS that crashes.
    A crashlog can say why it crashes. I know 10.15 (and in some ways 10.14 too) has mechanisms that kills a process trying do something the OS does not allow it to do, like opening connecttions when it is not allowed to do that.

    A crashlog (you find them in console.app ), open it, print to PDF and upload is the best way to get it on the forum.


  • Well… DAZ stoped crashing, after uninstalling the PostgreSQL CMS, so I can live with a simple popup.

    I tried to instal DAZ from a downloaded dmg file, but got this:

    The installation of the “DAZ Content Management Service” has encountered an error.
    You may need to contact customer support for assistance (www.daz3d.com/help/help-contact-us)

    But with the Install Manager, it installed with no error.

    My Content Libray seems to be fine, and also my Shaders and Shader Preset, but theres nothing in my Surfaces Preset..?

  • Crashlog...

  • TotteTotte Posts: 14,100

     Crashes in the DzCloud package which is DazConnect connecting stuff. My bets guess is still that there is something in your settings for Connect that was weird and 4.12 is more sensitive to errors in that data, Have you logged into Conect from DS?
    And still, is there a DAZ Connect path setup in the content library manager, even though it points to an empty directory it has to be there for some reason.

  • TedBusk said:

    I have the new Mac Pro 2019, and got the same popup.
    I couldn’t find a newer PostgreSQL CMS, than the 2014 edition, and when I installed it, DAZ startet to crash.
    I`ts only possible to run DAZ, when I remove PostgreSQL CMS, and I’m back with the annoying popup.
    If anyone know of a more up-to-date PostgreSQL CMS, it would be great..?

    I have a new mac i bought in 2019 as well and I'm also having this SAME problem
  • TedBuskTedBusk Posts: 9
    edited March 2020
    deepfak3r said:
    TedBusk said:

    I have a new mac i bought in 2019 as well and I'm also having this SAME problem

    I`ve got other issues with DAZ, but I found a solution to the PostgreSQL probleme.
    I discovered, that that the place my Mac put the cms-file, was`nt where DAZ was looking for it, so here`s what I did:

    Open your Install Manneger.
    Uninstall PostgreSQL CMS
    (Keep Install Manneger open)
    Open DAZ
    (Keep DAZ open, and reinstall PostgreSQL CMS with Install Manneger)
    In DAZ - Go to: Preference/CMS Settings, and in the Cluster Directory;  browse to your “cms-file”
    (/Users/yourname/Library/Application Support/DAZ 3D/cms)
    Cross your fingers and restart DAZ

    Post edited by TedBusk on
  • SeiginotoraSeiginotora Posts: 107

    I recently transferred all my stuff to a new compy and I'm getting the Postgresql CMS error. Reinstalled Daz and the Postresql CMS files (the latter I hope I installed correctly; the Install Manager couldn't do it by itself so I had to do it manually) and I still get the message. Went into the Preferences and added the files in the CMS setting, Applied and OK'ed, but it automatically reset itself to "None." Tried changing the port from 1024, it resets BACK to 1024. Tried everything I could find on the Internet and NOTHING works. On top of that, I try to search for content in the Content Library and Daz automatically crashes. 

    I'm at a total loss. I have absolutely no idea how to fix this. For the record I'm on a Mac if that helps anything. 

  • AlmuricAlmuric Posts: 15

    So I just got a similar issue. I just finished moving my content library to an external drive. I did not reinstall either DAZ Studio or the CMS, but now I get the error and when I check the log, the message is as follows:

    LOG:  autovacuum launcher started
    LOG:  database system is ready to accept connections
    FATAL:  pg_hba.conf rejects connection for host "[local]", user "my_username", database "postgres", SSL off

    I've already tried the permissions - the pg_hba.conf file is set to allow everyone read/write access, and I tried editing the pd_hba.conf fiel to allow local connections. Error is still appearing. No firewalls on this system - I'm allowing all incoming connections. All the content loibraries seem to be working correctly - it's just that CMS error that's bugging me. Anyone have any ideas?

  • AlmuricAlmuric Posts: 15
    Almuric said:

    So I just got a similar issue. I just finished moving my content library to an external drive. I did not reinstall either DAZ Studio or the CMS, but now I get the error and when I check the log, the message is as follows:

    LOG:  autovacuum launcher started
    LOG:  database system is ready to accept connections
    FATAL:  pg_hba.conf rejects connection for host "[local]", user "my_username", database "postgres", SSL off

    I've already tried the permissions - the pg_hba.conf file is set to allow everyone read/write access, and I tried editing the pd_hba.conf fiel to allow local connections. Error is still appearing. No firewalls on this system - I'm allowing all incoming connections. All the content loibraries seem to be working correctly - it's just that CMS error that's bugging me. Anyone have any ideas?

    Solved. The 'My DAZ Connect Library' in Studio preferences was pointing to the wrong place. Changed it to point to the correct location and voila! problem goes away.. 

  • Almuric said:
    Almuric said:

    So I just got a similar issue. I just finished moving my content library to an external drive. I did not reinstall either DAZ Studio or the CMS, but now I get the error and when I check the log, the message is as follows:

    LOG:  autovacuum launcher started
    LOG:  database system is ready to accept connections
    FATAL:  pg_hba.conf rejects connection for host "[local]", user "my_username", database "postgres", SSL off

    I've already tried the permissions - the pg_hba.conf file is set to allow everyone read/write access, and I tried editing the pd_hba.conf fiel to allow local connections. Error is still appearing. No firewalls on this system - I'm allowing all incoming connections. All the content loibraries seem to be working correctly - it's just that CMS error that's bugging me. Anyone have any ideas?

    Solved. The 'My DAZ Connect Library' in Studio preferences was pointing to the wrong place. Changed it to point to the correct location and voila! problem goes away.. 

    Could you show us what to do step by step, please?

  • rrinconrrincon Posts: 0

    Open your terminal App

    type the following or "copy & paste"

    cd ~/Library/Application\ Support/DAZ\ 3D/cms

    Now you need to know your "user". If you type "ls -la", you should see something like this:

    Alf-iMac:cms alf$ ls -la
    total 8
    drwxr-xr-x  4 root     staff  136 Apr 17 20:02 .
    drwxrwxrwx  8 alf  staff  272 Apr 17 20:10 ..
    drwxrwxrwx  2 root     staff   68 Apr 17 20:02 ContentCluster
    -rw-r--r--  1 root     staff  101 Apr 17 20:02 cmscfg.json

    The underlined text must be your username, in my case is alf

    Now type the followin command replacing alf with your username and press [Enter], it should ask for your computer password. The following command will change the ownership of the ContentCluster directory/folder.

    alf-iMac:cms alf$ sudo chown -R alf:staff ContentCluster
    Rafaels-iMac:cms alf$ ls -la
    total 8
    drwxr-xr-x  4 root     staff  136 Apr 17 20:02 .
    drwxrwxrwx  8 alf  staff  272 Apr 17 20:10 ..
    drwxrwxrwx  2 alf  staff   68 Apr 17 20:02 ContentCluster
    -rw-r--r--  1 root     staff  101 Apr 17 20:02 cmscfg.json


    Now you should be able to start DAZ without issues.

  • katzesnow56katzesnow56 Posts: 0
    edited April 2020
    Post edited by Richard Haseltine on
  • TotteTotte Posts: 14,100

    I created a little fixer tool for this: http://4eyes.code66.se/wp-content/uploads/2020/04/Fix-DSCMS.app_.zip

    Sets the correct owner of the ContentCluster directory

  • rrincon your instructions worked for me!

  • this is all i see

    Screenshot 2020-04-30 at 01.03.35.png
    790 x 136 - 32K
  • Totte said:

    I created a little fixer tool for this: http://4eyes.code66.se/wp-content/uploads/2020/04/Fix-DSCMS.app_.zip

    Sets the correct owner of the ContentCluster directory

    That finally fixed it for me on Mac Catalina, thanks a lot my friend, much appreciated!

  • PtropePtrope Posts: 682

    I had to uninstall Studio, which did have a working PostGRE SQL CMS, and reinstalled both Studio and PostGRE, and now PostGRE simply will not work. I've uninstalled and reinstalled several times, rebooted a couple times, and still get that "cannot connect" message. Tracking down the CMS folder, I found the dblog.txt, and this is the only mesage it has (multiple times):

    postgres cannot access the server configuration file "C:/Users/User/AppData/Roaming/DAZ 3D/cms/ContentCluster/postgresql.conf": No such file or directory

    And it's right - that file does not exist. So where might it be, how is it formed, why might it not be formed? I use the Smart Content a lot for loading assets and locating utilities - the machine it was installed on hasn't changed, so I'm not sure why it doesn't work now when it did before.


  • Richard HaseltineRichard Haseltine Posts: 102,865
    Ptrope said:

    I had to uninstall Studio, which did have a working PostGRE SQL CMS, and reinstalled both Studio and PostGRE, and now PostGRE simply will not work. I've uninstalled and reinstalled several times, rebooted a couple times, and still get that "cannot connect" message. Tracking down the CMS folder, I found the dblog.txt, and this is the only mesage it has (multiple times):

    postgres cannot access the server configuration file "C:/Users/User/AppData/Roaming/DAZ 3D/cms/ContentCluster/postgresql.conf": No such file or directory

    And it's right - that file does not exist. So where might it be, how is it formed, why might it not be formed? I use the Smart Content a lot for loading assets and locating utilities - the machine it was installed on hasn't changed, so I'm not sure why it doesn't work now when it did before.

    That sounds like an issue with access persmissions for the foder - had you restored data from a back up recenty? This may help you to rgaina ccess if that is the issue https://www.tenforums.com/tutorials/3841-add-take-ownership-context-menu-windows-10-a.html

  • PtropePtrope Posts: 682

    Actually, I did have to restore data from a crashed hard drive, recently, but not to the locations where Studio was installed - the only things affected were where I stored my saved scenes.

    When I check the properties under that path, every folder is marked "Read-only (Only applies to files in folder)", and changing that doesn't seem to last beyond applying it - leave the folder and come back, and the RO setting is back. I don't know if that is what is preventing PostGRE from writing all its folders and files, or not. I don't see an option to install PostGRE anywhere else. What's frustrating is that this all worked, before, and then I had the problems with the corrupted G3M assets, and then had to go to extreme lengths to flush them off the machine. Now, what worked before no longer works, but, hey, at least G3M doesn't load looking like a zombie!

  • mavantemavante Posts: 734
    Totte said:

    I created a little fixer tool for this: http://4eyes.code66.se/wp-content/uploads/2020/04/Fix-DSCMS.app_.zip

    Sets the correct owner of the ContentCluster directory

    Thanks very much for this, and for all you do, Totte.


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