WinterMoon Wants Attention.



  • WinterMoonWinterMoon Posts: 1,904
    edited August 2019

    You all know how some renders just won't come out as you want them to, right? Well, here's one of those. After dozens of false starts, I finally managed to get a version that was worth letting run beyond 0%. I did this for the newest PC inspiration contest, but the competition is too stiff for me on this, so I'll just post it in here as well. AFAIK, it's not against the rules either. 

    This is Riana (completely unrecognisable) and Adana (slightly more recognisable) in their younger years. They're meant to be around 14 here. Both of them blog about their strange adventures. Adana likes taking artsy pictures of all kinds of interesting and pretty things, while Riana loves documenting mysteries she comes across.

    Post edited by WinterMoon on
  • WinterMoonWinterMoon Posts: 1,904

    And so I decided I didn't like the above render. The light looks kind of weird, like it's just before a thunderstorm. And it could be, totally, if I say so! But that's not what I wanted, I wanted a sunny day in the woods in early summer.


    Voilá. I did some tweaks to the characters' skin and the floppy-sleeved shirt, and I kind of like how that came out. Buuuuuut, now I look at this version and think "Nah, the light is too harsh." frown

  • HylasHylas Posts: 4,909

    I think it's a lovely scene already! Very pretty colours!

  • I hope they don't eat the wrong mushrooms.

  • HylasHylas Posts: 4,909
    TigerAnne said:

    (...) I did this for the newest PC inspiration contest, but the competition is too stiff for me on this, (...)

    Come on over to the Freebie Contest! We could use some more participants, and the theme this month is "Best Friends forever", isn't that right up your alley?

  • WinterMoonWinterMoon Posts: 1,904
    Hylas said:

    I think it's a lovely scene already! Very pretty colours!

    Thank you so much! I love the new shader set, it's one of the most versatile ones ever. TigerAnne loves green, especially with more green, so I always have to add some splashes of colour to break it up. And this image was all about using the new PC products - colourful shaders and flowers - in prominent positions. x) I may try the Freebie contest. Hunting for freebz is always fun!


    I hope they don't eat the wrong mushrooms.

    No, they brought a huge book with them to help them identify what everything is. (Have you ever seen a field guide that size? LOL!) But they don't really like mushrooms anyway.


  • TigerAnne said:

    No, they brought a huge book with them to help them identify what everything is. (Have you ever seen a field guide that size? LOL!) But they don't really like mushrooms anyway.


    Yes, the field guide seems a little unhandy. why carry a huge book when you have all this and more in your smartphoen? LOL

  • WinterMoonWinterMoon Posts: 1,904

    Yes, the field guide seems a little unhandy. why carry a huge book when you have all this and more in your smartphoen? LOL

    It looks so *~a e s t h e t i c~* in the pictures snapped with that smartphone. laugh


  • Maybe one girl can make too a snaphot with the book (maybe it has a hidden cam or is some kind magical book?) LOL

  • IceDragonArtIceDragonArt Posts: 12,548
    TigerAnne said:

    No, they brought a huge book with them to help them identify what everything is. (Have you ever seen a field guide that size? LOL!) But they don't really like mushrooms anyway.


    Yes, the field guide seems a little unhandy. why carry a huge book when you have all this and more in your smartphoen? LOL

    Because their might not be internet way up in the hills.  And also, because some of us still love paper...

  • ahhh, now i understand, this render plays in an ancient time - no tech at all.

  • WinterMoonWinterMoon Posts: 1,904

    Yes, the field guide seems a little unhandy. why carry a huge book when you have all this and more in your smartphoen? LOL

    Because their might not be internet way up in the hills.  And also, because some of us still love paper...

    Yeah, and half the fun is to try matching what they find to the images in the book. They could snap a picture and do a reverse google-pic search, but that's cheating. It's also a lot easier to forget what you've learned when you get the answers the quick and easy way. (And it looks pretty neat to display stuff next to the book illustrations in their photos. Gotta get those views, you know...)


    ahhh, now i understand, this render plays in an ancient time - no tech at all.

    Could be..! Time plays by its own rules in the realm these characters live in. Is it future, or is it past. [Twin Peaks theme starts playing]


  • WinterMoonWinterMoon Posts: 1,904

    Hi guise! It's Edgar, and he's got his hair and most of his beard back from last night's flash sale! It looks like he's had a few to celebrate. laugh

  • WinterMoonWinterMoon Posts: 1,904

    So I redid my pumpkin-patch image, from page 4. My lighting skills have become a bit less awful, and I always meant to redo that image, so here it is. Yeah, it looks awfully dark, but the full-size version is actually lighter.

    A "conserned mother of three" called the police station and reported that she had seen light from the area around an old, abandoned manor she passed on her drive home. She thought it could be kids doing drugs, or possibly even something worse. A constable went out to check, and then the case was transfered to the Officially Not A Unit that Riana works for. 

    Riana's surprised to see that someone has already started celebrating Halloween, before summer has even ended. Something about it doesn't feel right. The house is fairly remote, and there are no signs that kids have been anywhere around recently. As long as Nova stays calm, she knows there's nothing exactly evil around, however. Her huge doggo has a kind of sixth sense for bad intentions, and would be growling and going bananas if she detected anything unwholesome.

  • TigerAnne said:

    So I redid my pumpkin-patch image, from page 4. My lighting skills have become a bit less awful, and I always meant to redo that image, so here it is. Yeah, it looks awfully dark, but the full-size version is actually lighter.

    A "conserned mother of three" called the police station and reported that she had seen light from the area around an old, abandoned manor she passed on her drive home. She thought it could be kids doing drugs, or possibly even something worse. A constable went out to check, and then the case was transfered to the Officially Not A Unit that Riana works for. 

    Riana's surprised to see that someone has already started celebrating Halloween, before summer has even ended. Something about it doesn't feel right. The house is fairly remote, and there are no signs that kids have been anywhere around recently. As long as Nova stays calm, she knows there's nothing exactly evil around, however. Her huge doggo has a kind of sixth sense for bad intentions, and would be growling and going bananas if she detected anything unwholesome.

    Real nice! (although I'd love to see some back lighting on her hair and skin...I mean look at that moon, it's hugelaugh)

  • WinterMoonWinterMoon Posts: 1,904

    Thanks! laugh Hmmm, I could try putting a spot-light behind her.

  • WinterMoonWinterMoon Posts: 1,904
    edited April 2020

    Phil had heard that the game was allegedly dangerous to play, but he didn't believe it for a second. It sounded just like the kind of scare-story teachers and other moral guardians would tell to stop kids from having fun. Because everything that's fun is bad for you, right? Yeah, totally! 

    Dude, the game was hard. In 56 games, he only got to the second level once, and then he was out of quarters. He decided to go back home and rob his brother's piggybank, and return to play some more. It was when he started walking away from the cabinet he noticed something wasn't right. His feet seemed unusually disobedient. Against his will, they started dancing around, kicking him in the bum and generally everywhere else they could reach. Soon he was having full-body involuntary movements, performing the worst break-dance number ever perpetrated, while neon signs flashed across his inner eye telling him that good kids stay in school and don't play video games.

    Polybius, the game that probably never existed. Legend has it this was an arcade game released in only a few locations, in 1981. It was noted to have odd-looking abstract graphics and difficult gameplay, and was also said to be very addictive. Those who played it a lot started experiencing strange symptomes, including hallucinations, seizures, sleep-disorders and memory loss. After the arcades closed their doors for the night, they would receive visits from strange men in black, who collected data from the Polybius cabinets. Then one day, the games were just gone, and not a single authentic cabinet has ever resurfaced. This game probably only exists in internet lore, after all.

    But you know... It would explain a thing or two about Phil.

    Edith: I just want y'all to know that I actually dreamt up this render. I literally dreamt that I'd had this idea, and was working in DS, contorting poor Phil into the Yoga pose from Mordor. So when I woke up, I really wanted to see if it was possible to pose a G8 model like that. It was, although it definitely looked funnier in the dream.

    Post edited by WinterMoon on
  • GordigGordig Posts: 9,903

    Love it. I have all those arcade cabinets, but haven't rendered anything with them yet.

  • WinterMoonWinterMoon Posts: 1,904

    Thank you, @Gordig. When I saw the topic of this month's PC+ contest, I just knew I had to do Polybius. I want it to be real, LOL!

  • HylasHylas Posts: 4,909

    Wow, that shirt... that's some Xander-from-Buffy realness!

    Great render!

  • WinterMoonWinterMoon Posts: 1,904
    Hylas said:

    Wow, that shirt... that's some Xander-from-Buffy realness!

    Great render!

    Ha ha ha, thanks! laugh I was trying to make it look a bit like the early 80s, and several gaudy shaders were applied onto poor Phil. That one was the winner, because it's just so beautifully tastelessly 80s.


  • WinterMoonWinterMoon Posts: 1,904

    Well, here's another render I did for the September challenge. This one was inspired by the fairly newborn legend of Staircases in the Woods, which appear to be some kind of portals. I'm not at my brightest today, so allow me to just copy the text from another thread.

    "This is my interpretation of the Stairs in the Woods phenomenon, made famous by a guy on Reddit. These randomly appearing staircases are not of our world, and you do best to pretend you don't see them. Don't approach them, and certainly never touch them, because they seem to function as teleportation pads of a sort. In one story, the stairs were described as looking like a graphic glitch, which is the impression I've tried to replicate."

    There's a different version here, but I don't like that one as much. If you think that one's better, and that I'm plain wrong, feel free to tell me why. yeslaugh

  • TigerAnne said:

    Well, here's another render I did for the September challenge. This one was inspired by the fairly newborn legend of Staircases in the Woods, which appear to be some kind of portals. I'm not at my brightest today, so allow me to just copy the text from another thread.

    "This is my interpretation of the Stairs in the Woods phenomenon, made famous by a guy on Reddit. These randomly appearing staircases are not of our world, and you do best to pretend you don't see them. Don't approach them, and certainly never touch them, because they seem to function as teleportation pads of a sort. In one story, the stairs were described as looking like a graphic glitch, which is the impression I've tried to replicate."

    There's a different version here, but I don't like that one as much. If you think that one's better, and that I'm plain wrong, feel free to tell me why. yeslaugh

    Cool:) Nah this one is better, like the contrast;)

  • WinterMoonWinterMoon Posts: 1,904

    Cool:) Nah this one is better, like the contrast;)

    Thanks! That's why I like the version I posted better. It's got more contrast between light and shadows.


  • WinterMoonWinterMoon Posts: 1,904

    Such stylish boys, huh? Here we have Orca and Buck, who are Nerniya and T'anamika's husbands, respectively. Their "real" names are Bertram and Clement, but don't call them that, please. Orca is fine with "Bertie" among his friends, but Buck is neither "Clem" or "Clemmie," he's BUCK!

    Orca, who looks like a young but kinda ugly Tommy Lee Jones, is from an illustrious dynasty of troll-human hybrids. He got the name from his striking black and white hair, which is actually just dye. His natural colour is reddish brown. He gets his aesthetic from his mother, an influential oceanographer and environmental warrior known as The Ocean Avenger. (Of course I'm going to have to make her next!)

    Buck has a tragic backstory involving an extremely evil grandmother, a dead grandfather in a closet, and a little brother who was born with his head up-side down and who met a sticky end. As a result, Buck has a pathological fear of old ladies. The poor boy is so messed up, he makes his wife - T'anamika - seem like a steady rock of sanity in comparison. At one point, she had to lock him in the attic for several years, to stop him from fighting with her family members. Her family has rules stating that if you can't get your dog or husband to take to obedience training, you have to rehome them. Poor T'ana loved her husband too much to dispose of him, so she gave him a new home in the attic, until he could undergo therapeutic brain-cleansing. The saddest part is that he's a world-upgrade from her ex-boyfriend.

    Click here to see Buck and Orca in their original versions. 

  • WinterMoonWinterMoon Posts: 1,904

    And look, here we have T'ana and Nerniya. They're showing off their new t-shirts, because if anyone likes expressive, colourful clothing it's these two. (T'anamika in particular.) Of course T'ana gets the punk unicorn shirt, because she's definitely something of a unicorn herself. This is probably the first time these two have worn full-lenght shirts since they were 12.

  • WinterMoonWinterMoon Posts: 1,904

    The gang is out for a little evening stroll, looking all fashionable and fabulous. Left to right we have Fitzgerald (the Frenchie), T'anamika, Buck, Orca, Nerniya and Gaynesford.

  • WinterMoonWinterMoon Posts: 1,904


  • WinterMoonWinterMoon Posts: 1,904

    Uh-oh. Liranda's looking evillously happy, and she's snapping pictures. Her dress looks kind of formal, doesn't it? Is she attending some sort of event, where crap is going down? Is she collecting blackmailing fodder? Is this part of a bigger picture?


    I found this picture in my folder, and I'm pretty sure I never got around to post it before. The child here is Sandy, one of the daughters I made for Monique and Darius. (They have a son too, now.)  This is an older picture, from back when I first got my desktop set up. Sandy's using a different skin now. She's the one holding two fingers up.


    This is just a picture where I tested out several items at once, but I kind of like how the model looks with that hair and shirt. laugh (At the same time it royally annoys me that a d-force shirt hovers at the neckline like this, but I got it from Rendo, so yeah. No use complaining here.)


  • HylasHylas Posts: 4,909
    TigerAnne said:

    TigerAnne said:


    Love these!

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