SereneNight's Sci-Fi Fun Thread 2



  • Serene NightSerene Night Posts: 17,680

    I also made a sime for Genesis 9. The Gender Neutral aspect of Genesis 9 suits the creation of Simes a bit more than Genesis 8. The challenge I found with him was locating a long a hair that wasn't gender neutral. I like this one, but though I tried to use a mesh grabber to push the hairline back at the temple, the hair still has a female-presenting hairline. 

    I think these underwear though, look good on men, and will use them again.



  • Serene NightSerene Night Posts: 17,680

    Thanks, yeah, the Sime-Gen series is some of my favorites. there are a few new books in the series as well.

    I use this product for the tentacles.

    there is a small and large easy pose tentacle  in the pack. I parented them to a sphere and then imbedded them  on the forearm so they move with the bones. I used skin from the body to match. No tentacle sheathes though. It takes a while to get the position right since they are pretty big.

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