H-Man_morph - nc

patience55patience55 Posts: 7,006
edited December 1969 in Freebies

A "little morph" for Genesis. Created in D/S4.0. Works apparently in 4.5 and 4.6.

It's the last one from/for D/S4.0 as 4.6 hogged the resource files and like, what's the point?

If you don't have and maybe want 4.6, grab it fast [not the beta, the release] because it seems everytime I finally catch up with the Jones, they [and it does NOT matter which company or product] "always" come out with a 'new and improved' version/edition maybe even the next day.

sharecg.com link

400 x 400 - 124K


  • sfaa69sfaa69 Posts: 353
    edited December 1969

    I'm really disappointed. I thought from the topic title this was based on the H-Man movie that I saw as a teenager. I was curious as to how you would create such a being, which was kind of a slimy liquid thing that dissolved people, leaving only their clothing behind.

  • patience55patience55 Posts: 7,006
    edited December 1969

    sfaa69 said:

    I'm really disappointed. I thought from the topic title this was based on the H-Man movie that I saw as a teenager. I was curious as to how you would create such a being, which was kind of a slimy liquid thing that dissolved people, leaving only their clothing behind.

    Don't recall seeing that one.
    In another TV series there was a hologram character which bore an "H" on his forehead ... topic came up in another thread and so I threw this together.

    A 'slimy liquid thing' ... was it "humanoid" in appearance or ?

  • sfaa69sfaa69 Posts: 353
    edited December 1969

    No, as I recall it was in essence a puddle of slime that could move up walls and under doors and caused people it contacted to dissolve without a trace. It was a Japanese movie and the premise, if I recall correctly, was that the crew of a fishing boat was caught in a radioactive cloud from a nuclear test and were changed into these "H-Men".

  • patience55patience55 Posts: 7,006
    edited December 1969

    sfaa69 said:
    No, as I recall it was in essence a puddle of slime that could move up walls and under doors and caused people it contacted to dissolve without a trace. It was a Japanese movie and the premise, if I recall correctly, was that the crew of a fishing boat was caught in a radioactive cloud from a nuclear test and were changed into these "H-Men".

    Okay ... well a puddle figure I could make ... but it wouldn't be a morph for Genesis!
    And it would be legacy.

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