Carrara 8.1 Crashes on Windows 8 (64-bit)

edited September 2013 in Carrara Discussion

I searched the forum and didn't notice at first glance if this was addressed before. I am trying to install and use my license of Carrara 8.1 Pro on my Windows 8 Pro notebook PC and right now Carrara locks up when trying to render (real-time 3D view) the OpenGL 3D scene room.

Is anyone else seeing this? I know 8.5 adds official support for Windows 8, but is Carrara 8.1 simply not compatible with Windows 8? (I am using the 64-bit built of both Carrara and Windows.)

Post edited by staley2001_960fdbcf52 on


  • edited December 1969

    This issue has been resolved. Turns out the Intel HD Graphics drivers weren't properly installed on Windows 8. Windows 8 doesn't install full drivers that implement OpenGL. It installs incomplete drivers. Once you install Windows 7 drivers, OpenGL support is restored and Carrara 8.5 works. I ended up purchasing the upgrade to Carrara 8.5, hoping it would resolve my issues with Carrara 8.1.1, but now that 8.5 is working, I haven't tested Carrara 8.1.1 works. Will update thread if I get around to it.

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