Cant Download items I have purchased...

I have purchased 3 things from the store today and the order status says completed, however when I go to My Downloads it says pending and wont let me download my latest purchases. This wouldnt be a big deal if they were freebies, but I payed cash for these.....anyone else having this problem?
This is happening a lot since the store changeover. Try going into your Itemised Order History (on the left menu in your My Account page) and reset each item in that order. Then go into your Downloads page again; for some people, that seems to pull the cork out, maybe you'll be one of the lucky ones.
Yes this happens with ALL my products also, reset or not, but just with mac files and zips.
No mac files will download for me NOR will the new(?) zip files. Exe files for pc work as usual.
I have several tickets in but no replies. (LOL)
(Aside: No problem charging my credit card more for monthly PC renewal which I didn't authorize. Yeah, I know, put in another ticket. :) )
On "Status of those having issues with Platinum Club Renewals" topic:
"The fix to the Platinum Club Renewals Is Scheduled to be Fixed Tonight!" June 1, 2012 - from DAZ_bfurner
"Go to help (on the top line of the forum) Select “Contact Us”. On that screen select the cetre section, the green button for “submit a help request. " SAME TOPIC June 22,2012 - from chohole - 21 DAYS LATER.
On "Order Cancellation Notification" topic:
"This only affects a handful of customers who will receive this notification in the coming weeks.
If you believe your card was charged for the order in question, please provide a copy of your bank or credit card statement and we will take care of this for you.
If you have questions contact our sales support." (LOL) June 22, 2012 - from DAZ_bfurner
I don't think the administrators of these forums have a real grasp as to how backed up support is and, asking customers in each “complaint” topic for the past weeks to contact a non-responsive support link is a disservice to these customers whom they believe should help them deal with their debacle, for not days but now weeks.
Others, matthewryanhanbury, that now communicate in private, are having the same problem you ask about, but have stopped visiting the forums here for now, hence the low response. In discussions elsewhere on the net, they conclude it may be wiser not to purchase more non-delivered products until current issues are resolved. Business 101; if payroll is met, business tends to run at the same level.
I am sure this reply will be censored, moved to other topic, or reproached, but I hope it appears here long enough to let you know that you are by no means alone.
You could try using a different Browser to download the items, especially if you are using IE. try Firefox or Chrome.
This happened to me on Thursday so I filed a Support Ticket to the Sales Dept. IMHO I don't think it has anything to do with what Browser you use. :P
Sometimes it helps.
Also something that can kickstart "pending" downloads is resetting the item from your Itemised Order History
It does depend exactly what error is holding things back. There are a couple or three different ones.
Ok thx Cho for the added info. Still catching up with things around here and it is talking some time. :)