CR2 file diff tool as an alternative to PMD?


I am creating large morph packs with morphs which number by far exceeds the range of the DAZ figure channels (e.g. 182 morphs for V4).
In a PZ2 file, it is not possible to add channels, but only change existing ones, and there are only 50 of them in V4.


There is a binary format "PMD", which can add channels. So I used this format for distribution.
DAZ studio can read this format out of the box.
Yes, it can, really.
But only in CR2 files, not in PZ2 files.


There was a good plugin to fix this by DeltaX15.
But DAZ broke it. Again.
DAZ again changed the SDK (now even in a minor version change), so the DeltaX15 plugin does not work anymore.


So people with DAZ studio > 4.5 can not use my morphs anymore.


I am really, really annoyed by all this :-(

So my idea is not to distribute these files as a binary morph anymore, but instead as a diff to the original CR2, where it is applied to.

I know there is already a tool, which does something comparable: RTEncoder.
But this has some major flaws in my opinion:
- It is not free. The encoder is commercial. You can not attach the decoder to your uploads.
- Though encrypted, it still contains the original copyrighted data.
- it is circumstancial to handle.
- You can not mix two modified packs for the same base figure.

My idea is to create two small programs:

- One program for content creators to create a poser file specific diff between the original figure and the figure with applied morphs.
The content creator would have to export his model with applied morphs as a CR2.
He then would have to save the differences between the original file and the morphed file as a diff file (e.g. *.CR2Diff )
- Another program for users to read this diff.
Once installed, the user would only have to double click the CR2Diff file. Since the original file name can be included in the Diff, a copy could be created automatically, if the poser content directory can be determined.
Also, it would be possible to manually select the figure to which the diff should be applied - this would it make possible to even mix two or more morph packs into one CR2.

I would make these programs completely free to use (LGPL or something).

How do you think about this?*

*if some DAZ official reads here: Of course, it would be DEFINITELY a better idea to EVENTUALLY create full support for PMD files.

Post edited by phoenix_5cdd55c6ee on


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