Determining G3/G8 Bend/Twist bone relationship.

Roland1234Roland1234 Posts: 31

How can I determine in code whether 2 bones have the kind of relationship that the bend/twist bones have in figures like Genesis 3 and 8? I'm developing a plug-in that needs to account for the possibility of these sort of bones, but I've not found any specifics on exactly what kind of relationship these bones have.

I thought perhaps one would be a follow bone of the other, but that doesn't seem to be the case - at least, comparing references between a DzBone and getFollowBone() doesn't result in what I was expecting. Anybody out there that might know better?


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  • rbtwhizrbtwhiz Posts: 2,238

    If a (rotationDzFloatProperty with a DzNumericProperty::XYZInterest on node A is hidden, and locked, and has an alias on node B (which must be a direct child of node A), with the same property group path as said (rotation) property, and the same DzNumericProperty::XYZInterest as said (rotation) property... then you have identified 2 bones with the relationship you seek.


  • Hahaha - that's some set of conditions! Thank you @rbtwhiz, I really appreciate it.


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