export from cad models into Carrara
Anybody have any details on options or pathways to bring Cad models into Carrara 8.5
I'd like some for information on files types or even 3rd party software that would do the deal.
Thanks for any input - or work arounds.
I do this extensively. I've had the best luck with importing stp, 3ds and lwo formats. Dont forget to check the ''disable auto-scaling' on import, or Carrara seemingly picks a scaling that it thinks will look right based on your scene size and is almost guaranteed to not be correct. STP seems to be the best format for me from CAD, but your experience may be different.
As for conversion to one of these formats if you have something else, I've had to occasionally use Rhino5 which produces good conversions. I also have a very old version of Deep Exploration that I also use to convert.
I've had good luck with STP files from Solid Works.