impossible to see in the render
Posts: 252
Hello! a strange thing: I use the millenium baby 3... I can see it in the assembly room, I can move the arms, legs, etcc..., but at the render, the screen is black, or with the light of the sky, the baby is a white silhouette... every part is checked 'seeble", it's impossible to understand!
anybody has an answer?
show your render settings and some other info
here are screen capture of the assembly and render room... pure mystery, imo!!!!
the assembly room!...
try this first turn ambient lite to 0 its under Scene- click the word scene over the camera you have highlighted
second turn on a BKgrd use bigradient under scene
rerender and see what happens
Also check which camera is being used in the render room settings. It should be camera 1
Check Realistic Sky->Horizon Altitude(etc.) as well.