How do I Clean up scattered files?

Super NewbSuper Newb Posts: 0
edited December 1969 in Daz Studio Discussion

So, I haven't been playing around for awhile, and I come back to do so, and find my file structure for my working files is a mess, and I can't find lots of stuff...

I have working files and renders and anims saved in and out of Studio's "categories", and in DS3 and DS4 and I would like to consolidate all of my files in to one "WorkInProgress" folder.

Simply moving the files in from one folder to another in Windows doesn't do it. I tried manually adding the new folders in to my categories, I tried refreshing the Studio Database, I tried "consolidating file references", but in Windows I still have a bunch of working files in MyLibrary/WIP that I do not see in the Studio's "categories/WIP".

I'm supposing the options are to "Search Hard drives for files" or "scan known directories for files", and then categorize, but I am afraid if I do so, I will cause a huge mess and double up on all my content items that have already been categorized. I know this is probably simple, but can someone help me out here? I'm having a brain freeze (again)....


  • adamr001adamr001 Posts: 1,322
    edited December 1969

    You can always right click on the My library/WIP area and select Create Category from > This Folder & Sub-Folders.

  • adamr001adamr001 Posts: 1,322
    edited December 1969

    Or if there are duplicates, simply right-click on the individual items that are not categorized and categorize them.

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