rant: worst site upgrade ever

bjorn.lovollbjorn.lovoll Posts: 29
edited June 2012 in Bryce Discussion

This site went from the least reliable forum I actually liked to use (the old site) to much worse.

A few examples from just 1 hour of playing with this.

It messes with the formatting of what I write. White spaces are there for a reason. Having to use the undocumented double return to get a single blank line is just bad site design. Of course even this is buggy and unreliable, since sometimes it takes 1 extra line other times 2 or 3.

Navigation is obfuscated. It should be very obvious where you are and how to go up one level..

Who's bright idea was it to sort by the date the thread was created instead of the date of the last post to that thread?

Getting logged out while editing a message was fun. Thankfully I learned from the old site to not post directly in to the forum software here but to write it in notepad and paste it in. Oh and no I do not have this issue at other forum sites.

I tried for 20 minutes to the ever so complex task of adding an avatar and failed. No I am not particularly stupid, but this site made me feel like it. First it was where is the silly thing (the avatar)? Obviously is is in my profile or in my account. it is in neither place and there is no way to navigate between these various pages about you. Found it finally, and of course the size and pixel count is hidden in light gray on light gray. Eventually noticed that. Resized the image and of course the crypic and useless error message of

Edit Avatar
An error was encountered while attempting to assign your image
Very informative. That'll help lots with the trouble shooting.

Then of course the BIGGIE. And yes there is an issue bigger much of the site being broken, buggy, unreliable and counter-intuitive. This is now the slowest site I have ever tried to use "ever". Everything takes 2-3 times as long as the next slowest site. I am not exagerating. I am not anti-daz.

I can not recall a worse "upgrade". What is better? Nothing I care about. What is worse? Pretty much everything.

It is so ridiculously bad that I assumed you did not support my browser (chrome). So I tried several others (opera, IE9, ie9 64bit)

A few pointers on the basics of design:
Give us 1 page which is about us. Give us links within that 1 page to other relevant sub-pages. Give them relevant and clearly understood names.
Write things which are important in clearly readable text. Not hidden away in light gray on light gray.
Make it very obvious where we are in the site and how to get to any other place we might want to simply and easily.
Do not monkey with the formatting. Allow us to use relevant white space to write messages which are actually readable.
Default settings should be rational ones. For example, a sort order which makes sense.

If you can not bring this one up to the sorry state of the old one at least bring back the old dinosaur. It was dated, ugly and buggy. But it was far better than this.

Calling this one a mess is put it very mildly. If this actually went through any reasonable level of QA, someone needs a talking to. If it didn't get tested before going live, well then.... How can any rational person trust a business with money if this is their best professional effort, and in fact the only means we have to interact with this business?

Post edited by bjorn.lovoll on


  • ChoholeChohole Posts: 33,604
    edited December 1969

    The old site was custom coded. This new site is purchased software, sold as a package, so the store and forum had to be used as they were provided. The stroe is from Magento, the forum powered by expression engine.

    It was tested, but there was a some sort of hiccup occurred when the beta site was transferred over on to the new servers.

    Avatars, banners, and indeed any form of hot linking are not working at the moment. The forum software comes with them disabled by default, for some strange reason.

    Daz3d's main push at the moment is to get the store functioning in the manner which we have come to expect of Daz, and that takes priority. Once they can relax a bit with the store, then they will start doing things with the forums.

    I have got so used to using return space return to get a line break that I have started doing it when using other forums, or even when typing emails.

    Yes we all agree with you that this is not an ideal situation, but it is what we have at the moment, and we can only hope people will stay fairly calm and cosiderate while the poor stressed out Teccies and Daz Management work their butts off getting it all sorted out.

    We have done nothing but field criticism since the site went live, and it is becoming a bit old and tired now, honestly, and doesn't help the guys who are doing their darndest to get things right.

    Please try to work with what we have got until it gets sorted. Daz3D obviously is not happy with the way things are, but things are getting better all the time, although it may not be obvious in the forums.

  • tsaristtsarist Posts: 1,614
    edited December 1969

    chohole said:

    We have done nothing but field criticism since the site went live, and it is becoming a bit old and tired now, honestly, and doesn't help the guys who are doing their darndest to get things right.

    Please try to work with what we have got until it gets sorted. Daz3D obviously is not happy with the way things are, but things are getting better all the time, although it may not be obvious in the forums.

    I would sympathise with being tired of criticism if things were actually getting better.
    I don't see it.

    I used to come to the forums several times daily.
    Haven't been here in a couple days.

    Still can't find anything in the store or forum.
    The site is still slow as sin.
    What's old and tired is the site being so broken.

    I know Daz is working on it.
    I know it's stressful, but really not seeing improvements.

  • HoroHoro Posts: 10,536
    edited December 1969

    Bjorn, I'm neither very happy. DAZ folks are very much aware that it's not good. There are still worse things we have had to cope with for 1-1/2 months now. I have a very clear oppinion about all this. However, I think the best thing we can do at this stage is to put our frustration in a room, close the room and throw the key away; and try to have fun with what we have got. Things will improve - ahm, anon.

  • ChoholeChohole Posts: 33,604
    edited December 1969

    Tsarist I was addressing my remarks to Bjorn, who is a Brycer, posting in the Bryce forum, did you realise you were not in your normal forums.

  • tsaristtsarist Posts: 1,614
    edited December 1969

    chohole said:
    Tsarist I was addressing my remarks to Bjorn, who is a Brycer, posting in the Bryce forum, did you realise you were not in your normal forums.


    No, I guess I DID get lost.
    I was trying to get in the Carrara forum.

    Time to go home because I'm tired and the site is grinding to a haaaaalt.

  • OroborosOroboros Posts: 326
    edited December 1969

    I think it's an interesting business decision: instead of improving their software to a reliable level, DAZ are opting to make the site as unreliable as the software. That way, everything looks thematically-related.

    Bold stroke.

  • WendyLuvsCatzWendyLuvsCatz Posts: 38,060
    edited December 1969

    you mean Bryce discussion is not the NORMAL people's forum %-P?

  • ChoholeChohole Posts: 33,604
    edited December 1969

    Wendy, you full well that is not what I meant. It is just that the person in question does not normally post in the Bryce Forum, and had obviously wandered in by mistake, which he admits is true.

  • PhilWPhilW Posts: 5,144
    edited December 1969

    Does anyone know how to get to the Bug Reporting system? I used to link from the old site but there doesn't appear to be a link from the new site...

  • WendyLuvsCatzWendyLuvsCatz Posts: 38,060
    edited December 1969

    stirring %-P!

  • fixmypcmikefixmypcmike Posts: 19,583
    edited December 1969

    PhilW said:
    Does anyone know how to get to the Bug Reporting system? I used to link from the old site but there doesn't appear to be a link from the new site...


  • SockrateaseSockratease Posts: 813
    edited December 1969

    chohole said:
    Wendy, you full well that is not what I meant. It is just that the person in question does not normally post in the Bryce Forum, and had obviously wandered in by mistake, which he admits is true.


    I get it. He does not normally post in the Bryce Forum. He posts abnormally post in the Bryce Forum, and his normal post confused you.


    Wait a minute...


    WHERE AM I???

  • PhilWPhilW Posts: 5,144
    edited December 1969

    Thanks for the URL

  • ChoholeChohole Posts: 33,604
    edited December 1969

    chohole said:
    Wendy, you full well that is not what I meant. It is just that the person in question does not normally post in the Bryce Forum, and had obviously wandered in by mistake, which he admits is true.


    I get it. He does not normally post in the Bryce Forum. He posts abnormally post in the Bryce Forum, and his normal post confused you.


    Wait a minute...


    WHERE AM I???

    I don't know, but if you ever find out can you tell me, because I seem to be there as well. :roll:

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