Fast 3D Crowd Animation Tutorial

Sci Fi FunkSci Fi Funk Posts: 1,198
edited October 2013 in Carrara Discussion

PART 1 -
PART 2 -
PART 3 -

How to animate a crowd standing around doing nothing. Note people do not stand like statues, so we are building up a collection of minor shuffles etc.

The aim of this tutorial is to show you how you can reuse bits and pieces of your existing mocap collection to create this minor pieces of animation.

You could go to the carnegie mocap collection and get some animation source for free, but that would require some tiday up before use.

In this case then I am working from poser ready ani-blocks from the DAZ3d store.

The "work" involved is to extract out these standing mini animations. I show my own collection of 15, and how to perform the extraction.

In part 2 we get down to the business of applying these clips to the crowd (again as quick and easy as possible).

There is now a Part 3 which covers the trouble I had when the skeletons don't exactly match.

more at

Post edited by Sci Fi Funk on


  • PjotterPjotter Posts: 274
    edited December 1969

    Very nice tutorial again. Found some Carnegie files which are usable: 141_20 and 40_10 and 82_08

  • Sci Fi FunkSci Fi Funk Posts: 1,198
    edited December 1969

    Pjotter said:
    Very nice tutorial again. Found some Carnegie files which are usable: 141_20 and 40_10 and 82_08

    Cool. I'll check those out - thanks. Part 2 now uploaded

  • Sci Fi FunkSci Fi Funk Posts: 1,198
    edited December 1969

    Part 3 (final part)

    How to animate a crowd standing around doing nothing (Part 3). This video addresses ways of fixing animations copied from different skeletons.

    In part 3 I clarify that using Fenrics plugin to copy animation data between models using the same bone structure works fine.

    I then look at how to compensate for different skeleton structures. Specifically one which is a subset of the other.

    I also show one half of the completed animation. Note that all of these figures could be replicated so the scene can look a lot more crowded that it does now. My record for a mixture of copying and replicating is 132 figures in a scene (with lots of scenery around them).

    more at

  • PjotterPjotter Posts: 274
    edited December 1969

    Thanks for the tutorials. Very helpful to me.

  • Sci Fi FunkSci Fi Funk Posts: 1,198
    edited December 1969

    Good to know, If you are into BVH this mini series might help

  • Rich GellesRich Gelles Posts: 0
    edited December 1969

    hey Sci Fi Funk have to say----you are such a great resource for Carrara community . Thanks for all your postings and tutorials --always interesting insights in working with Carrara.


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