64 bit oddity with HF Jap Tea garden
(scene modified a fair bit for quick animation render)
this happened to me a while back ( well over a year ago) using C8.1 and I put it down to a corrupted save or my external drive which was found to be faulty
but now exactly the same thing, same Howie Farkes scene NEW download through DIM, different drive
when I add rustle and wind to all the trees bits of scene mesh disappear from frames in the animation.
the same behaviour only occurs in 64bit of C8.5 not 32bit
this was also the case in the past render.
I rendered the whole thing fine 1200 frames no mesh dropping without rustle or wind.
okay WTF?
and NOT RAM I can render it fine staggered frame ranges in 3 simultaneously running instances of 32 bit using 90% of my 8GB of RAM
an example without tree movement http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=V71MfeQqVn4
Okay, when you first started mentioning mesh disappearing and trees rustling in the same paragraph, I thought that I knew exactly what you were talking about. Nope. After seeing your video, I am stumped. It's almost as if part of the mesh is touching the camera, which can sometimes cause this sort of thing... but....
On a side note: Hi Wendy! Have I told you lately?
You Freaking R O C K ! ! !
Wow. Rustle sure adds a lot to the outcome. Well... when it's not killing your mesh.
The issue that I thought I was experiencing was this:
I had my trees in the wind with rustle. One of the main trees in view was blinking in and out in the render. I had to fix it in Dogwaffle.
I thought, for sure, that it was due to my using curves in the trunk. I noticed that certain amounts of curve will even get the trunk to disappear right in the plant editor. So I figured that is what was happening to me. With Howler's super-cool rotoscoping tools, I didn't need to render it over, so I never sought a solution - not that I think I could find one, short of removing the curves from the trunk.
Weird. But then again all your videos are weird! ;-)
Have you tried a trial and elimination? For instance, turn one thing off and render to see if the issue persists, if it does, then turn omething else off, etc.etc. until the issue stops?
the process of elimination is simply render the identical scene file in 32 bit instead of 64bit
what was added was wind and rustle to the trees
I can try adding to one tree at a time to find if there is either an offending one or threashold number
suspect it is indeed some sort of memory issue.
any of the mesh dropped frames will render fine as a single image file
it is as an image sequence it occurs
usually after about 20 frames