34th Daz3D Bryce Render challenge ■■ Robots and Robotics ■■

ChoholeChohole Posts: 33,604
edited February 2019 in Bryce Discussion

                            34th Daz3D Bryce Render challenge                       


                                                    Now Sponsored by Daz 3D                                                     


              Theme for this challenge is   ■■■ Robots & Robotics ■■■            

                                                  What are Robots?

Robot comes from the Czech word “robota” which means “forced work or labor.” We use the word "Robot" today to mean any man-made machine that can perform work or other actions normally performed by humans, either automatically or by remote control. Robotics is the science and study of robots.

Robots seem like a modern day invention, but in reality evidence suggests that automations were created for everything from toys to parts for religious ceremonies in ancient Greece and Rome. Leonardo da Vinci sketched plans for a humanoid robot in the late 1400s. Jacques de Vaucanson was famous in the 18th century for his automated human figure that played the flute and for a duck that could flap its wings.

                                                                                       So  off you go,  what are your robots going to be or do

                                                                                              Your imagination is the only limit





This thread is the WIP thread, so you can post here to show us how things are coming along before the render is transferred to the actual Contest thread for judging. You don't have to do that.we collect up all the finished ones and make the thread, with each render given a number and title, but no artist name shown, so it's a blind judging thread for the judging panel.



    All renders must be new renders.
    You can enter up to 3 renders.
    You must abide by the DAZ 3D forum TOS
    Imported content is allowed, but the render must be obviously a Bryce render.
    Post Work permitted, but please keep it to a minimum.
    Rules may be changed for subsequent Challenges, depending on the theme and the person who has selected it.

Please don't post your entry renders anywhere else until after the Challenge is judged, as judging is done in a blind judging thread, so the Judges don't know who has done which image.

Challenge ends March 31st 2019:- Midnight DAZ 3D time

DAZ 3D Sponsorship, in the form of Store credit

Ist place $30     2nd place $20     3rd place $15

In addition DAZ 3D Store Credit will be given to the people whose renders are selected as the Honourable mentions,
$10 for each of 3 honorable mentions

We will also be offering a special prize for the render judged the best from a Bryce New User. DAZ 3D will add $10.

Judged by a poll which will be set up at closure of the challenge.

By entering this contest, you agree to allow DAZ3D to use any artwork you submit in any promotional materials they may choose.

Post edited by Chohole on


  • StuartBStuartB Posts: 596

    Please don't post your entry renders anywhere else until after the Challenge is judged, as judging is done in a blind judging thread, so the Judges don't know who has done which image.

    I don't understand this bit.

    Everyone that enters see's everyone else's entries.

    So we all know who did what.

    Then everyone votes, including entrants.

    If it was a blind judging affair then surely the entrants would'nt be allowed to vote.

    Or don't the entrants votes count in the final judging.



  • StuartBStuartB Posts: 596

    @Chohole. Did you see this one. 240 years old and still working. Amazing machine.


  • srieschsriesch Posts: 4,241
    StuartB said:

    Please don't post your entry renders anywhere else until after the Challenge is judged, as judging is done in a blind judging thread, so the Judges don't know who has done which image.

    I don't understand this bit.

    Everyone that enters see's everyone else's entries.

    So we all know who did what.

    Then everyone votes, including entrants.

    If it was a blind judging affair then surely the entrants would'nt be allowed to vote.

    Or don't the entrants votes count in the final judging.



    That text got left over from the way the judging worked in the past, it has since changed.

  • mermaid010mermaid010 Posts: 5,387

    StuartB - truly amazing video, thanks for sharing.

  • StuartBStuartB Posts: 596
    edited February 2019

    That text got left over from the way the judging worked in the past, it has since changed.

    How has it changed, entrants are still allowed to vote, even for their own work if they want.

    As you can clearly see from this post.


    and this one.



    Post edited by StuartB on
  • ChoholeChohole Posts: 33,604

    What happened was That there was a hiatus when I wasn't coping with running the challenge on my own for a while,  due to being a bit depressed, having lost first my younger brother (an expected loss, but still painful) and and then being widowed, (a very sudden loss)  all within the space of a few weeks..  

    The hardest part of the challenge was making the judging threads for the blind voting, and then chasing around getting judges to vote etc etc. So Apoc volunteered to help and we completely changed the way the voting was done, allowing a somewhat more open voting system.   We do trust the those taking part will vote for other members and not for their own images.

    The change came at around challenge 26 I think, sometime in 2017 anyway, when the challenge was revamped and came alive again.

  • HoroHoro Posts: 10,536

    In the challenges were many entries with zero votes which demonstrates that the entrants that voted are decent folk. I agree that an entry must not be published before the challenge has ended and voted for, otherwise I can take a previous render and my entry is not made exclusively for this challenge.

  • StuartBStuartB Posts: 596

    Ok, thanks.

  • ed3Ded3D Posts: 2,139
    edited February 2019


    _so, No -One takes this for an entry

    Post edited by ed3D on
  • ApocApoc Posts: 407
    StuartB said:

    Please don't post your entry renders anywhere else until after the Challenge is judged, as judging is done in a blind judging thread, so the Judges don't know who has done which image.

    I don't understand this bit.

    Everyone that enters see's everyone else's entries.

    So we all know who did what.

    Then everyone votes, including entrants.

    If it was a blind judging affair then surely the entrants would'nt be allowed to vote.

    Or don't the entrants votes count in the final judging.



    LMAO, If it was easy, I wouldnt struggle to post the winners after each poll.

    It is actually quite hard to find out who did what, if your not actively searching for it. So unless outsiders come into the post and manually go through the other topics to find peoples work, I would say it is not as easy as it sounds.

    Just my 2 cents on that matter

  • HansmarHansmar Posts: 2,895

    OK, robots it is! I'll give it a spin.

    Ed3D: looks nice.

  • ApocApoc Posts: 407
    edited February 2019


    The hardest part of the challenge was making the judging threads for the blind voting, and then chasing around getting judges to vote etc etc. So Apoc volunteered to help and we completely changed the way the voting was done, allowing a somewhat more open voting system.   We do trust the those taking part will vote for other members and not for their own images.

    The change came at around challenge 26 I think, sometime in 2017 anyway, when the challenge was revamped and came alive again.

    Also I would like to add to this as well. I do realize I kinda hijacked things (sorry about that) but to help explain my reasoning for why I made the challenge this way, I would like to say this.

    I do realize that while it seems like a simple effort, setting up this contest is quite a hassle if your not consantly avialable. It actually takes quite a few hours out of your day. As I mentioned in my previous post above. Tracking down every image, scouring through the thread and putting them into random order to ensure somewhat fairness, is actually alot more daunting than I imagined. As a result, even I make mistakes when setting up the post from time to time (I am getting better I promise.)

    So to help aleviate some of the stress, I figured this method of just a simple bllind post on the main thread was best. I do trust our community of being honest, but even if they were not, it wouldnt be any easier to vote for there best friends.

    Again, the 4 required minimum votes , was to ensure that voting for yourself wouldnt be an issue. You can only post a max of 3 images, so even if you voted for all your own works, you have to vote for someone else by default.
    So far, I havent seen any huge issues with this method, but if anyone is skeptical, I always open to more suggestions.

    I dont think you can have a 100% blind voting thread. So the rule in my opinion, works for just keeping people blind as possible.

    Post edited by Apoc on
  • ApocApoc Posts: 407
    edited February 2019

    Also final thought. @stuartB
    it would be better if we returned to choholes style of posting the thread in a random place, and having a differnt community vote for there favorites. But the advantage of this has over the other, would be the voter turnout. If people dont mind, I can post the thread anonymously if that is what we want?

    But for my own bias, I kinda like seeing all the votes we get. but this decisions I think falls into chohole's hands.

    Post edited by Apoc on
  • StuartBStuartB Posts: 596


    No problem, I can imagine it's a lot of work. Obviously the easier it is for you the better.

    I do appreciate the work you do on it.

    I just thought it strange that it was classed as a blind voting system but that the entrants were allowed to vote.




  • StuartBStuartB Posts: 596
    edited February 2019

    Here goes. My first.

    Title: Mars again!!....really?




    785 x 790 - 596K
    Post edited by StuartB on
  • ed3Ded3D Posts: 2,139
    edited February 2019


    Hansmar said:

    OK, robots it is! I'll give it a spin.

    Ed3D: looks nice.

    _Thanks very much -

    StuartB:  pretty cool

    Post edited by ed3D on
  • StuartBStuartB Posts: 596

    Thanks very much ed3d.


  • HenryhorHenryhor Posts: 258

    @ StuartB: looks like a long way to home. Nicely done.

  • HoroHoro Posts: 10,536

    Stuart - that looks great.

  • Robots? What a cool topic!

    @ StuartB: That's a fantastic idea and well done.

      Here is my first entry:
    Hall of victory


    Hall of Victory.jpg
    2048 x 1536 - 2M
  • StuartBStuartB Posts: 596
    edited February 2019

    My second.

    Title: Ooh!!... my head.





    Ohhhhh My Head.jpg
    1100 x 763 - 1M
    Post edited by StuartB on
  • @StuartB: That's really cool and funny. Fantastic render. I love these sheets.

  • HoroHoro Posts: 10,536

    drachenlords - fascinating exhibition superbly done.

    StuartB - great, a bit of sleep often helps. Great idea and very well done.

  • DiomedeDiomede Posts: 15,132

    OK - Perfect Timing.  I had promised myself to enter the next Bryce challenge (which is now this one).  I have used Carrara to render a tribute to Metropolis and the Wizard of Oz.  I have used Daz Studio to render a tribute to Metropolis and the Wizard of Oz.  This month, I will use Bryce to render a tribute to Metropolis and the Wizard of Oz (assuming I can get my file issues sorted out).  Just check my avatar (although I change my avatar often).  I have never posted a Bryce render, so I hope it is OK to ask lots of questions.


    I encourage everyone to render a tribute to Metropolis and the Wizard of Oz!  Everyday.  Using every program.  Posting in every forum.  smiley

  • ed3Ded3D Posts: 2,139
    edited February 2019
    StuartB said:

    Thanks very much ed3d.


    You're quite welcome

    drachenlords: Very well done  _At first Took it, was Two Robots in Middle display  :shrug:

    StuartB: motor-oil _haha_ Very good

    Post edited by ed3D on
  • DiomedeDiomede Posts: 15,132
    edited February 2019

    OK - Perfect Timing.  I had promised myself to enter the next Bryce challenge (which is now this one).  I have used Carrara to render a tribute to Metropolis and the Wizard of Oz.  I have used Daz Studio to render a tribute to Metropolis and the Wizard of Oz.  This month, I will use Bryce to render a tribute to Metropolis and the Wizard of Oz (assuming I can get my file issues sorted out).  Just check my avatar (although I change my avatar often).  I have never posted a Bryce render, so I hope it is OK to ask lots of questions.


    I encourage everyone to render a tribute to Metropolis and the Wizard of Oz!  Everyday.  Using every program.  Posting in every forum.  smiley


    Not an Entry

    Woohoo!  I was able to get my bridge working and port my tin man morph to Bryce.  I promise to try to come up with something more original, rather than just repeat my avatar.

    I see links to tutorials, and I have an old Bryce 5 handbook.  Hopefully, that is enough to get me started with the basics such as surface materials and lighting.  Any other suggestions to ease the learning curve welcome.

    EDIT - Substituting NAE pic - updated because of solution of next post.



    bryce NAE edit update.JPG
    1028 x 867 - 125K
    Post edited by Diomede on
  • DiomedeDiomede Posts: 15,132
    edited February 2019

    SOLVED - never mind

    Question - the conforming tin man suit did not port with the tin man morph.  Is that normal?  (EDIT - solved by sending through separately, pic above substituted)

    bryce tin man suit did not transfer.JPG
    1623 x 872 - 181K
    Post edited by Diomede on
  • HenryhorHenryhor Posts: 258

    @ StuartB: funny! And very well done.Cool pictures too.

    @ drachenlords: interesting exhibition. Wonder what will come next, after the robots.

    @ Diomede_Carrara: nice idea. Even if I prefer Brigitte Helm to the Tin Man smiley

  • mermaid010mermaid010 Posts: 5,387

    StuartB - both your entries are superb.

    Drachenlords - great exhibition, cool idea.

    Diomede_Carrara - looking forward to your Bryce renders.


  • ChoholeChohole Posts: 33,604

    Diomede It will be nice to see you in the Bryce challenge.   DO you realise you could even win the NU section,  we haven't had a NU for a while.  Need to remind Daz that There are still people picking up Bryce (and Carrara of course) for the first time.


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