ManFriday's Render Queue (the old one from 2019) [Commercial]



  • Ghosty12Ghosty12 Posts: 2,015
    ManFriday said:

    It renders Iray only, not 3Delight.

    It uses the Render Settings saved in the scene file. For each scene, the resulting render should be the same as if you had opened the scene and pressed "Render" yourself and saved the image.

    It works fine with Windows 10.

    A shame it is a iRay only plugin, I use 3Delight and was waiting for something like this, guess will still be waiting.. :(

  • KaimetsuoKaimetsuo Posts: 48

    I seem to be having an issue with this... when it finishes a render, it shuts down as advertised, but then it does not restart the program. Any ideas why this might be happening and how I might fix it?

  • GoggerGogger Posts: 2,379
    ManFriday said:

    I'm sorry, no. I haven't found a way to suppress these yet.

    So, to be clear, what happens if it DOES encounter say, a duplicate formula error?  If scene 3 of 5 has such an error, does the script just skip over the error scene and go to the next in line, or hang and wait? 

  • LinwellyLinwelly Posts: 5,934
    edited April 2019

    I would be interested for experience with Windows 7 with this script

    Post edited by Linwelly on
  • GolaMGolaM Posts: 109

    The main reason i started using it was creating promo images for new products,

    but i now even use it for single renders of the currently opened scene as having it save the rendered image to a specified location is very convenient.

    Studios regular rendering directly to file has more clunky file selector dialog. Also the plugin shows the image while rendering so I can abort it when i think it's good enough and the queue still saves and continues with the next scene

  • ManFridayManFriday Posts: 560
    edited April 2019
    Gogger said:
    ManFriday said:

    I'm sorry, no. I haven't found a way to suppress these yet.

    So, to be clear, what happens if it DOES encounter say, a duplicate formula error?  If scene 3 of 5 has such an error, does the script just skip over the error scene and go to the next in line, or hang and wait? 

    The plugin cannot skip over the error. If an error message box pops up while a scene is being opened, the Render Queue will wait indefinitely until you dismiss the error message. There is no way for a Daz plugin to suppress these error messages when opening a scene file, unfortunately.

    So my only recommendation is, unfortunately, to make sure the scene files you add to the queue have no errors. You can open a scene file and then the Render Queue window and press the "add current scene" button in the Render Queue window to be sure.

    Post edited by ManFriday on
  • ManFridayManFriday Posts: 560
    edited April 2019
    Kaimetsuo said:

    I seem to be having an issue with this... when it finishes a render, it shuts down as advertised, but then it does not restart the program. Any ideas why this might be happening and how I might fix it?

    The plugin restarts Daz Studio as follows: It writes a batch file called "mfrq-restart.bat" into the system temporary directory (which, depending on your Windows version, should be something like C:\Users\<username>\AppData\Local\Temp), then launches that batch file and quits Daz Studio. That batch file sleeps for a few seconds to give Daz Studio time to shut down and should contain two lines like this:

    timeout /t 5start &quot;&quot; &quot;C:\Program Files\DAZ 3D\DAZStudio4\DAZStudio.exe&quot;

    The file should still be there after the restart, I am currently not bothering to remove it, it just gets rewritten at every restart. Can you check that the file is there? If so, can you try running it from the command line to check that it starts Daz correctly?

    If so, one thing I have learned yesterday is that there seem to be issues with that method of restarting Daz Studio if you are currently logged into the store from within Daz Studio ("Connect" method). If the five seconds are not enough time for DS to shut down, then there may be two concurrent login attempts to the store. But I think that would be a different issue because in that case I have been reported that Daz Studio shows an error box, which does block the Render Queue progress, but is probably unrelated to your problem.

    Post edited by ManFriday on
  • ManFridayManFriday Posts: 560

    I installed this product through the Daz Install Manager.  Ok dumb question, how do I launch the product?  I can't find it in My Products or Scripts.  Thanks, looking forward to trying it out.

    There should be a new menu item in your "Render" menu. If not, the readme.pdf has some hints how to make it appear there.

  • ManFridayManFriday Posts: 560
    Gazukull said:

    So... I am getting this thing where when it loads the new scene and then I have two instances of Daz running the same render.  I can cancel one and then it finished just one.  But it is definately loading two instances and trying to render both.

    Could you also have a look at the batch file that I mentioned two posts above? Thank you!

  • Jason GalterioJason Galterio Posts: 2,562
    edited April 2019

    I woke up to DAZ being open twice as well, with a fatal error.

    I checked the Error Log, but don't see anything that would explain what happened.

    Edited to add:

    Restarted DS, cancelled the Render script and brought up the queue. Removed the first scene, which had finished rendering. Removed the second scene, where the rendering hadn't completed. Started the queue. Got a Fatal Error just as it finished the first render:
    2019-04-09 03:47:00.395 Iray VERBOSE - module:category(IRAY:RENDER):   1.0   IRAY   rend progr: 95.71% of image converged
    2019-04-09 03:47:00.395 Iray INFO - module:category(IRAY:RENDER):   1.0   IRAY   rend info : Received update to 00504 iterations after 141.862s.
    2019-04-09 03:47:00.427 Iray INFO - module:category(IRAY:RENDER):   1.0   IRAY   rend info : Convergence threshold reached.
    2019-04-09 03:47:02.348 Saved image: D:\DAZ3D\Projects\19-04-08\Batch Renders\Gothic Doorway_Camera 1.png
    2019-04-09 03:47:02.520 *** Scene Cleared ***
    2019-04-09 03:47:02.536 Finished Rendering
    2019-04-09 03:47:12.676 WARNING: Object::disconnect: Unexpected null parameter
    2019-04-09 03:47:12.676 WARNING: QCoreApplication::postEvent: Unexpected null receiver
    2019-04-09 03:47:13.364 Iray INFO - module:category(IRT:RENDER):   1.19  IRT    rend info : Shutting down irt render plugin.

    It appears that the error occurs when the script finishes rendering all of the cameras from a scene and then attempts to move to the next scene.

    Post edited by Jason Galterio on
  • ManFridayManFriday Posts: 560

    To all those having issues with the restarts, what version of Windows are you running? And 32 bits vs. 64 bits please? Thank you!

  • ManFridayManFriday Posts: 560

    I woke up to DAZ being open twice as well, with a fatal error.

    I checked the Error Log, but don't see anything that would explain what happened.

    What's the "Fatal error"? If it's something like "could not establish a valid connection" and you're logged into the store from within Daz Studio, could you try the "Connect" => "Work offline" menu item and see if the error disappars? Thank you!

  • Jason GalterioJason Galterio Posts: 2,562
    ManFriday said:

    I woke up to DAZ being open twice as well, with a fatal error.

    I checked the Error Log, but don't see anything that would explain what happened.

    What's the "Fatal error"? If it's something like "could not establish a valid connection" and you're logged into the store from within Daz Studio, could you try the "Connect" => "Work offline" menu item and see if the error disappars? Thank you!

    I don't have a screen capture of the Fatal Error. I did save the information, but the files are huge. I do remember it was an "Access Violation." It appeared to be related to memory.

    I also think that it has something to do with Canvas' being active in the scenes. In observing the script operating, it appeared that it didn't know what to do with the Canvas files. Most likely trying to save them somewhere it should not.

  • Jason GalterioJason Galterio Posts: 2,562

    Another question, does this script resave the Scene files after each render pass?

    Is there the potential that the script could overwrite the existing file? Or does it have DS exit the scene without saving?

    I am noticing little differences in the Scene files that weren't there before.

  • ManFridayManFriday Posts: 560
    ManFriday said:

    I woke up to DAZ being open twice as well, with a fatal error.

    I checked the Error Log, but don't see anything that would explain what happened.

    What's the "Fatal error"? If it's something like "could not establish a valid connection" and you're logged into the store from within Daz Studio, could you try the "Connect" => "Work offline" menu item and see if the error disappars? Thank you!

    I don't have a screen capture of the Fatal Error. I did save the information, but the files are huge. I do remember it was an "Access Violation." It appeared to be related to memory.

    I also think that it has something to do with Canvas' being active in the scenes. In observing the script operating, it appeared that it didn't know what to do with the Canvas files. Most likely trying to save them somewhere it should not.

    From the log you posted above, it does seem that the plugin was trying to quit the app and Daz crashed while exiting. Since the sequence has to be 1) create the batch file to restart Daz Studio, 2) launch the batch file, 3) quit Daz Studio, this seems plausible. I have gotten one report from another user that the KeyMate plugin crashed while exiting, and disabling the plugin in "Help" => "About installed plugins" fixed the issue in that case.

    So one thing you could try if you have the patience is disabling other plugins to see if the problem goes away.

    For a future update I might try out several variants of how to exit Daz Studio and make some options configuratble so people can work around such issues hopefully. Right now the plugin is trying to be polite and exits Daz Studio the documented way, but I could add an option to just kill the process, which shouldn't do much harm at that point in time.

    Regarding the Canvas, I have tested that feature, and it worked here. My plugin does nothing special in that regard though, that is a feature of the render engine, and if it's enabled in the render settings, it gets used. There is no code about canvases in my plugin.

    In any case, thank you for the reports!

  • ManFridayManFriday Posts: 560
    edited April 2019

    Another question, does this script resave the Scene files after each render pass?

    Is there the potential that the script could overwrite the existing file? Or does it have DS exit the scene without saving?

    I am noticing little differences in the Scene files that weren't there before.

    The plugin does NOT save scene files.

    Post edited by ManFriday on
  • Jason GalterioJason Galterio Posts: 2,562


    Rebooted my system. Reopened DS. Cancelled the render queue. Cleared the queue.

    Reopened every scene that I had queued. Lowered the image resolution. Made sure canvases were turned off. Resaved each scene.

    Went into the Render Directory, deleted all of the previous renders.

    Closed DS. Reopened DS. Called up the Render Script. Added all of the scenes back into the queue. Changed the cameras to "Render All Visible." Started the queue.

    DAZStudio.exe caused ACCESS_VIOLATION in module "D:\DAZ3D\64\DAZ 3D\DAZStudio4\DzCore.dll" at 0033:00000000A6EE7526, DzScriptEngine::getEngine()+6 byte(s)

    This is the same Fatal Error I keep getting. It happens right after the first camera finishes rendering. Somewhere inbetween saving the image and closing the scene. It brings the script to a dead halt.

  • Jason GalterioJason Galterio Posts: 2,562

    Also, after the Fatal Error, DS opens again, begins rendering. Finishes. Has another Fatal Error.

    I found a second version of DS open, with the same Fatal Error.

  • Jason GalterioJason Galterio Posts: 2,562
    ManFriday said:
    ManFriday said:

    I woke up to DAZ being open twice as well, with a fatal error.

    I checked the Error Log, but don't see anything that would explain what happened.

    What's the "Fatal error"? If it's something like "could not establish a valid connection" and you're logged into the store from within Daz Studio, could you try the "Connect" => "Work offline" menu item and see if the error disappars? Thank you!

    I don't have a screen capture of the Fatal Error. I did save the information, but the files are huge. I do remember it was an "Access Violation." It appeared to be related to memory.

    I also think that it has something to do with Canvas' being active in the scenes. In observing the script operating, it appeared that it didn't know what to do with the Canvas files. Most likely trying to save them somewhere it should not.

    From the log you posted above, it does seem that the plugin was trying to quit the app and Daz crashed while exiting. Since the sequence has to be 1) create the batch file to restart Daz Studio, 2) launch the batch file, 3) quit Daz Studio, this seems plausible. I have gotten one report from another user that the KeyMate plugin crashed while exiting, and disabling the plugin in "Help" => "About installed plugins" fixed the issue in that case.

    So one thing you could try if you have the patience is disabling other plugins to see if the problem goes away.

    For a future update I might try out several variants of how to exit Daz Studio and make some options configuratble so people can work around such issues hopefully. Right now the plugin is trying to be polite and exits Daz Studio the documented way, but I could add an option to just kill the process, which shouldn't do much harm at that point in time.

    Regarding the Canvas, I have tested that feature, and it worked here. My plugin does nothing special in that regard though, that is a feature of the render engine, and if it's enabled in the render settings, it gets used. There is no code about canvases in my plugin.

    In any case, thank you for the reports!

    I don't have Keymate, but I have a lot of other plug ins. I am going to try doing this, but honestly at this point its probably not worth all of this effort to get it to work. Having to jump through these hoops kind of defeats the purpose.

  • ManFridayManFriday Posts: 560

    Also, after the Fatal Error, DS opens again, begins rendering. Finishes. Has another Fatal Error.

    I found a second version of DS open, with the same Fatal Error.

    I've sent you a private message with a debug build to narrow down this issue.

  • Jason GalterioJason Galterio Posts: 2,562
    ManFriday said:

    Another question, does this script resave the Scene files after each render pass?

    Is there the potential that the script could overwrite the existing file? Or does it have DS exit the scene without saving?

    I am noticing little differences in the Scene files that weren't there before.

    The plugin does NOT save scene files.

    Okay, then there might be another issue going on as the Render Settings changed from before and after running the queue.

  • GazukullGazukull Posts: 96
    edited April 2019
    ManFriday said:
    Gazukull said:

    So... I am getting this thing where when it loads the new scene and then I have two instances of Daz running the same render.  I can cancel one and then it finished just one.  But it is definately loading two instances and trying to render both.

    Could you also have a look at the batch file that I mentioned two posts above? Thank you!

    Seems to start DS normally, no second instance.  I am running another few files to see if the problem occurs again.

    EDIT: Windows 10 Pro / Version 1809 / OS Build 17763.379

    EDIT again:: Yeah same thing.  I get another instance of DS when using the plugin

    Post edited by Gazukull on
  • KaimetsuoKaimetsuo Posts: 48
    ManFriday said:
    Kaimetsuo said:

    I seem to be having an issue with this... when it finishes a render, it shuts down as advertised, but then it does not restart the program. Any ideas why this might be happening and how I might fix it?

    The plugin restarts Daz Studio as follows: It writes a batch file called "mfrq-restart.bat" into the system temporary directory (which, depending on your Windows version, should be something like C:\Users\<username>\AppData\Local\Temp), then launches that batch file and quits Daz Studio. That batch file sleeps for a few seconds to give Daz Studio time to shut down and should contain two lines like this:

    timeout /t 5start "" "C:\Program Files\DAZ 3D\DAZStudio4\DAZStudio.exe"

    The file should still be there after the restart, I am currently not bothering to remove it, it just gets rewritten at every restart. Can you check that the file is there? If so, can you try running it from the command line to check that it starts Daz correctly?

    If so, one thing I have learned yesterday is that there seem to be issues with that method of restarting Daz Studio if you are currently logged into the store from within Daz Studio ("Connect" method). If the five seconds are not enough time for DS to shut down, then there may be two concurrent login attempts to the store. But I think that would be a different issue because in that case I have been reported that Daz Studio shows an error box, which does block the Render Queue progress, but is probably unrelated to your problem.

    Hm. Yes, the file is there and, yes, launching that file directly starts DAZ correctly. I am not typically logged into the store through connect- I run the program in offline mode.

    I am using 64-bit Windows 10 Home / Version 1809 / OS Build 17763.379

  • DoctorJellybeanDoctorJellybean Posts: 8,378
    edited April 2019
    ManFriday said:
    timeout /t 5start "" "C:\Program Files\DAZ 3D\DAZStudio4\DAZStudio.exe"


    Perhaps the timeout value could be increased, e.g. 60? There may be large scenes, and DS could take a bit to shutdown. Especially on older machines.

    Post edited by DoctorJellybean on
  • GoggerGogger Posts: 2,379
    ManFriday said:
    Gogger said:
    ManFriday said:

    I'm sorry, no. I haven't found a way to suppress these yet.

    So, to be clear, what happens if it DOES encounter say, a duplicate formula error?  If scene 3 of 5 has such an error, does the script just skip over the error scene and go to the next in line, or hang and wait? 

    The plugin cannot skip over the error. If an error message box pops up while a scene is being opened, the Render Queue will wait indefinitely until you dismiss the error message. There is no way for a Daz plugin to suppress these error messages when opening a scene file, unfortunately.

    So my only recommendation is, unfortunately, to make sure the scene files you add to the queue have no errors. You can open a scene file and then the Render Queue window and press the "add current scene" button in the Render Queue window to be sure.

    That works for me still - even if RQ will only render 'error free' scenes that still helps tremendously with my workflow - I'll still get all those scenes rendered while I sleep, work, or socialize, and can render the ones with issues manually when I am home.

    I bought this last night and ran a handful of scenes through it as a test with no problems noted.  I have to ask though, and sorry, I am at work, away from my render machine, but is it my imagination or did the scene thumbnails all show as little square images?  I usually always render 1920x1200 and sometimes 3440x1440 and it seems like I could tell which was which just by the shape of the thumnbail.  Last night I rendered both formats and it *seems* like my thumbnails were all the same - square.  I was in a hurry this morning so could be completely wrong, but now I'll be wondering ALL DAY while at work.  :o)  

    Thanks for this product - it is one of those rare game changers that will actually positively affect how productive I can be!

  • ManFridayManFriday Posts: 560
    edited April 2019
    ManFriday said:
    timeout /t 5start "" "C:\Program Files\DAZ 3D\DAZStudio4\DAZStudio.exe"


    Perhaps the timeout value could be increased, e.g. 60? There may be large scenes, and DS could take a bit to shutdown. Especially on older machines.

    Yes, good idea. I'm working on an update that will default to 60 seconds, but make it configurable as well. Thanks for the feedback!

    On that note I should add that I've sent private builds to a couple of people who had trouble with Daz crashing on exit (causing the Render Queue to stall), and their problems were solved by the test build killing the dazstudio.exe process instead of exiting it politely, as the release version does.

    The update I'm working on will also make that configurable.

    Thirdly, I also found out that the restart may be blocked if Daz Connect is active and "Automatically log in" is checked. In that case there may be a situation where the old process hasn't logged out yet and the new process then shows a "could not establish a valid connection" error box, which also stalls the Render Queue.

    So in case anyone has gotten that message, disable the "automatically log on" box for now.

    Post edited by ManFriday on
  • ManFridayManFriday Posts: 560
    Gogger said:
    ManFriday said:
    Gogger said:
    ManFriday said:

    I'm sorry, no. I haven't found a way to suppress these yet.

    So, to be clear, what happens if it DOES encounter say, a duplicate formula error?  If scene 3 of 5 has such an error, does the script just skip over the error scene and go to the next in line, or hang and wait? 

    The plugin cannot skip over the error. If an error message box pops up while a scene is being opened, the Render Queue will wait indefinitely until you dismiss the error message. There is no way for a Daz plugin to suppress these error messages when opening a scene file, unfortunately.

    So my only recommendation is, unfortunately, to make sure the scene files you add to the queue have no errors. You can open a scene file and then the Render Queue window and press the "add current scene" button in the Render Queue window to be sure.

    That works for me still - even if RQ will only render 'error free' scenes that still helps tremendously with my workflow - I'll still get all those scenes rendered while I sleep, work, or socialize, and can render the ones with issues manually when I am home.

    I bought this last night and ran a handful of scenes through it as a test with no problems noted.  I have to ask though, and sorry, I am at work, away from my render machine, but is it my imagination or did the scene thumbnails all show as little square images?  I usually always render 1920x1200 and sometimes 3440x1440 and it seems like I could tell which was which just by the shape of the thumnbail.  Last night I rendered both formats and it *seems* like my thumbnails were all the same - square.  I was in a hurry this morning so could be completely wrong, but now I'll be wondering ALL DAY while at work.  :o)  

    Thanks for this product - it is one of those rare game changers that will actually positively affect how productive I can be!

    That is very kind of you to say, so thank you. I'm glad you like it.

    Regarding the thumbnails, I'm not sure what's going on there. My plugin doesn't generate any thumbnails deliberately. I have an output directory that I use exclusively for the Render Queue, and it never has any thumbnails in it. I THINK Daz Studio generates thumbnails for directories that are listed in the "Image paths" box in the Render Settings pane, but I think those are generated dynamically when Daz looks at that directory and not necessarily when the renders are made. I may be wrong about that though.

  • GoggerGogger Posts: 2,379
    edited April 2019
    ManFriday said:
    Gogger said:
    ManFriday said:
    Gogger said:
    ManFriday said:

    I'm sorry, no. I haven't found a way to suppress these yet.

    So, to be clear, what happens if it DOES encounter say, a duplicate formula error?  If scene 3 of 5 has such an error, does the script just skip over the error scene and go to the next in line, or hang and wait? 

    The plugin cannot skip over the error. If an error message box pops up while a scene is being opened, the Render Queue will wait indefinitely until you dismiss the error message. There is no way for a Daz plugin to suppress these error messages when opening a scene file, unfortunately.

    So my only recommendation is, unfortunately, to make sure the scene files you add to the queue have no errors. You can open a scene file and then the Render Queue window and press the "add current scene" button in the Render Queue window to be sure.

    That works for me still - even if RQ will only render 'error free' scenes that still helps tremendously with my workflow - I'll still get all those scenes rendered while I sleep, work, or socialize, and can render the ones with issues manually when I am home.

    I bought this last night and ran a handful of scenes through it as a test with no problems noted.  I have to ask though, and sorry, I am at work, away from my render machine, but is it my imagination or did the scene thumbnails all show as little square images?  I usually always render 1920x1200 and sometimes 3440x1440 and it seems like I could tell which was which just by the shape of the thumnbail.  Last night I rendered both formats and it *seems* like my thumbnails were all the same - square.  I was in a hurry this morning so could be completely wrong, but now I'll be wondering ALL DAY while at work.  :o)  

    Thanks for this product - it is one of those rare game changers that will actually positively affect how productive I can be!

    That is very kind of you to say, so thank you. I'm glad you like it.

    Regarding the thumbnails, I'm not sure what's going on there. My plugin doesn't generate any thumbnails deliberately. I have an output directory that I use exclusively for the Render Queue, and it never has any thumbnails in it. I THINK Daz Studio generates thumbnails for directories that are listed in the "Image paths" box in the Render Settings pane, but I think those are generated dynamically when Daz looks at that directory and not necessarily when the renders are made. I may be wrong about that though.

    Okay, thanks. It may just be that I am losing my mind. HA HA!   Plus I was in an awful hurry.  I'll check it out more thoroughly tonight. So far I am well pleased though!

    Post edited by Gogger on
  • MIH_BADMIH_BAD Posts: 30

    Hey Guys,

    for some reason when 1 render finishes, I 2x new DAZ3D windows. So, I am getting two DAZ3D applications open and then, of course a crash error.

    I get even 2 times the small CMD with the launch script. If I am fast and closing one manually all works, else it gets clogged. 

    Any help please?


  • MIH_BAD said:

    Hey Guys,

    for some reason when 1 render finishes, I 2x new DAZ3D windows. So, I am getting two DAZ3D applications open and then, of course a crash error.

    I get even 2 times the small CMD with the launch script. If I am fast and closing one manually all works, else it gets clogged. 

    Any help please?


    I think you'll may need to wait for the update, as the timeout may not be long enough.

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