Show Us Your Bryce Renders! Part 6



  • franontheedgefranontheedge Posts: 342
    edited December 1969

    The skin looks pretty good to me, she looks English, pale enough to be from the north somewhere, Ireland, Scotland or Cumbria, less like a plastic model than we are used to seeing. The lighting is a little flat, I think Horo is right about gloss or spec.

    No, that's okay, 'charming' I can take, in fact I like it.

    It's probably just the overuse of the word 'cute' so that now to me, cute means sickly sweet, a bit naff (sometimes a lot naff!) cloying, twee, and often either faded, bright or fluourescent pink or else pale and faded 'baby' blue... yuk basically.
    Whereas charming means has the ability to charm, which is a rather magical quality - not easily acquired.

    So I thank you for that - and hope I can keep that quality in these characters when I get round to animating them.

    The thing is I can see their movements in my head, some of them stagger about rather clumsily, some dance (boy is that gonna be hard to animate! Phew!) some walk fairly normally, some strut about like the kraken or the skeletons in that old Jason and the Argonauts movie, with Harry Hamlin?
    I just hope I can do all those different styles of locomotion when the time comes...

    Anyway, I see I am waffling again, so here are all 6 Pealand characters so far, all together:

    And a sketch of a Pea-See and a Pea-Pod:

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  • HansmarHansmar Posts: 2,895
    edited December 1969

    GussNemo said:

    @hansmar: Your latest candle image does look better. One thing I do see is a red spot at the base of the red candle. Perhaps something is leaking through to the outside?

    Thanks, I agree. better. I think you may confuse the candle stand with the candle proper. At the bottom you see reflections from the candle on the candle stand and just a bit on the floor. Strange that the floor does not get light, but still reflects the candle!

    @Horo. The flame still needed improving. I think the candles look more or less what I want now. Of course, the floor needs some light and shadows.

    @David Brinner. Great pebble textures!

    @franontheedge. Don't think the candles are too contorted. Partly it is due to the lens, which contorts the whole view a bit. We have candles that melt like this on the top. I only made them slightly less linear for the remainder, because I think linear is boring.
    And your frozen/melting pea is very charming; the best yet!

    @electro-elvis: skin not very bad, but a little grey. Like she is a bit ill. Maybe indeed an issue with lack of specularity.

    Back to my candles. Usually I have an attention span of no more than two attempts for one work, so I have really shown perseverance here, I think.... I made a new candle stand. (Oh dear, there is an unwanted line, that I only noted in the final render But then, who cares.
    I modified the flames so that they are more closed up top, but maybe a little fluttery. I decreased the reflection from the floor, re-enabled the sperical light, but put it relatively high to give a short shadow. Enabled a bit of ambience in the floor to prevent black shadows.
    Render: Super (fine are antialiasing). There is just two lights in the flames and one spherical light, two candles, one candle stand, an infinite plane and two crossing reflecting cubes.
    Feedback is still very much appreciated, but I will not promise that I will (quickly) work further on these candles. Time for new projects!

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  • HoroHoro Posts: 10,538
    edited December 1969

    @franontheedge - now we have the family portrait. Looking good.

    @hansmar - you're really improving. Perseverance or simple stubbornness can be helpful. There are also times when a project gains when put aside for a while and taken up a bit later. Not that I would suggest you should do that now. Just my experience.

  • Electro-ElvisElectro-Elvis Posts: 870
    edited December 1969

    Thanks for all the comment to my pale lady. I think she is from the north and she is a couch potato, too.

    Okay here my at last try. I think, I can not do it any better. The hair looks sometimes not that realistic and the transmission between the neck and the face skin is noticeable. Maybe I took the wrong material.

    @hansmar: Your candles look good. Your scene has a nice depth effect, because of all this candles in the distance.

    @franontheedge: I am afraid, I could not follow the whole development of your characters. They look very well made, interesting but also a bit weird (in a positive meaning). Are they from a known book or tv series? Or entirely of your imagiantion?

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  • GussNemoGussNemo Posts: 1,855
    edited December 1969

    @fran: I sometimes use "cute" and "charming" interchangeably. Until you explained your reasons for disliking the word, I had never given those meanings any thought. Cute to me means fun loving, lovely, adorable, all at the same time, which I find your characters. When I use charming, I mean it's lovely, adorable, has a fine quality to it, again, all at the same time. Again, as your characters do. So I find your characters both cute and charming because of the individuality you've given each character. And if these are all from your imagination then I think what your produced is simply marvelous. And in the environment they're placed, really intriguing.

    @hansmar: You've really improved the look of the flames in your latest images, IMHO. And the new base looks real nice.

    @electro: Up close it's for sure she needs more sun. I wonder, would a mat skin material give a better skin quality? And perhaps less paleness? Still, I think she has a nice quality about her.

  • TrishTrish Posts: 2,625
    edited February 2014

    Fran: I really like you cast of characters somehow I missed the green one.....
    Horo: Thank you for you answer about printing I have copied it to try that out....have you tried to put the renders in PS and change the mode from RGB to CMYK??? I am asking because that was a suggestion also... I got... but only having PS2 and not knowing much about the program at all.... I don't know if it will work... let alone how to do it......This is such a big deal for me because A person I know wants to buy a print of one of my renders...That's why I am trying to do this maybe I could sell more ...which I had never even thought about till she asked me.....Thanks Trish p.s. I wonder how Michael F. does it maybe he will stop in again..I know he sells his renders...

    Post edited by Trish on
  • mermaid010mermaid010 Posts: 5,389
    edited December 1969

    Thanks Bruce, Guss, and Fran for the nice comments.

    Thanks David for the videos.

    Horo and David – awesome experiments. I like the pearly textures. I tried the SSS latest video but did not get the effect. I will try Horo’s method with a Wings 3D model. Horo thanks for the pdf. Downloading it now.

    Hansmar – Imho, the candles are looking nice.

    Trish – cute dragon, love the render.

    Orbital – stunning space scene.

    Dan- great clyator, I mean the model is awesome.

    Fran – great work with the characters so far, looking forward to seeing the rest.

    Electro- the skin is looking nice although a bit pale.

  • dana365dana365 Posts: 131
    edited December 1969

    I needed to take a break from water so here are some Ninja To and stand
    the texture controls and some aspects are still alluding me, I had textured on a "wave" line on the blade, and it was in object space front, but once I moved it around I lost it, or when the light hit it differently I lost it. not sure really why, I will see if I can find what I i did wrong. The yin yang symbols where also object front and turned out fine and follow the object as they should.

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  • HansmarHansmar Posts: 2,895
    edited December 1969

    @Horo, electro-elvis, GussNemo, Mermaid10: Thanks, appreciate your nice words!

    @electro-elvis. Sorry to say, but she does not look attractive to me. Still a bit greyish and the look in her eye also suggests she doesn't feel well. Her lips, however, look very good and the hair is as good as any in 3D ladies.

    @dana365. Wonderful items you made!

  • HoroHoro Posts: 10,538
    edited December 1969

    @Trish - forget CMYK, the printer gets RGB and it's its job to convert the colours so it can use them. What's more important is to render large enough. Forget the dpi (dots per inch) setting in the graphics program. Just calculate the document size that gives you the quality needed for the printed size. 150 pixels per inch gives nice quality. So if your print is going to be 10 inches wide, the document width should be set in Bryce to about 1500 pixels.

    @dana365 - great modeling here!

    Been also experimenting a bit with image textures.

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  • dana365dana365 Posts: 131
    edited February 2014

    thank you! I have pulled out half my hair working with water, and I think I am saving the other half for working with fire. I bet its tricky like water, the human eye is really hard to fool.

    Thanks! love the cabin,those tiles (on the walls) are the perfect size/scale before they repeat. looks like a lot of patients went into the grass lay out as well. perfect peppel/gravel material

    if you have a second could I get you to elaborate on your suggestions for the water wall lighting. here is some of your original text:

    Perhaps a light with specular output only, no shadow casting and only including the water sheet shining on it from a very narrow angle.
    I think you already have a light source on top of the wall.
    some quick questions:
    which light style to start with
    suggested fall of type

    when I tried just specular, and told it what to effect, there didnt seem to be any light:
    here is my current parallel light in the valence settings:

    shadows I had turned off as per you suggestion they are shown as on here

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    Post edited by dana365 on
  • GussNemoGussNemo Posts: 1,855
    edited December 1969

    @dana: Great looking models. Detail on the handle is splendid. If the blade is polished you might try increasing reflection a bit so more light reflects off the blade thus giving a polished look.

    @Horo: Your latest experiment really looks good. I especially like the look of the brick.

    Downloaded Arbaro, it's free by the way, and have played around with it a little bit. This program differs from others in that changes are made within the subsections under the five main sections. Enter a number, make a change, it's that simple. Understanding how those changes affect the overall look of that part of the object is a new learning experience. Below are three trees I made using Arbaro, three which I felt needed to be added to my object library. Material came from Bryce, and might not be the best choice. But it look good at the time--and I'm sticking to that story. Comments are more than welcomed.

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  • HoroHoro Posts: 10,538
    edited December 1969

    @dana365 - thank you. David and myself are working on a material set and I wanted to test some of them. The grass is from the Bryce library and multi-replicated. An easy job, in fact.

    Your question. Well, it was a suggestion. Your screenshot shows that you have shadows on for that light (Cast Shadows), switch it off but keep the Sun/Moon Shadows in the Sky Lab because that is a global control. I would start with a spot light. Resize it to set the beam width as appropriate. You can also try a parallel light but don't set it to Infinite Width. Make sure the water has a lot of Specularity, try to increase Specular Halo (making it whiter, e.g. R/G/B 250/250/250), perhaps up Bump a tad. The angle with which the light hits the water is important and needs experimentation. Since you've already pulled out half of your hair and need the second half for fire, get yourself a wig ...

    @GussNemo - thank you. Bricks, gravel and concrete are image based textures from a material set we're working on.

    Arbaro trees don't look too bad. The square stem of the first two looks a bit odd. I'd like to give you tips but it has been quite a while since I've experimented with Arbaro (Dryad came in between, another great vegetation modeler, but since it was a university project, it's now finished). Dave may be of help.

  • Dave SavageDave Savage Posts: 2,433
    edited December 1969

    Horo said:
    Arbaro trees don't look too bad. The square stem of the first two looks a bit odd. I'd like to give you tips but it has been quite a while since I've experimented with Arbaro (Dryad came in between, another great vegetation modeler, but since it was a university project, it's now finished). Dave may be of help.

    Not really Horo. It's all still a bit of a mystery to me.
    What I'm doing is finding the default tree that looks most like what I want and tweaking only bits of it, but I haven't had much time for the past few days as paid work has taken over once again... Not that I'm complaining about that, I really needed a financial boost. :)

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  • David BrinnenDavid Brinnen Posts: 3,136
    edited December 1969

    My contribution to the topic of gravel rendering.

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  • mermaid010mermaid010 Posts: 5,389
    edited December 1969

    Dana – lovely models

    Horo – the brick wall looks great, the grass is nice too.

    Guss – the trees are looking nice. I prefer to use the Bryce trees, more so after downloading a pdf from Horo’s site “Good looking Trees”

    Dave – another beautiful render.

    David – awesome textures

    I tried David’s SSS video again, referring to Horo's pdf – the last image I used the Indoor Hdri as specular convolved backdrop. I don’t think I got the SSS effect but I like the effects I got.

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  • David BrinnenDavid Brinnen Posts: 3,136
    edited December 1969

    Dana – lovely models

    Horo – the brick wall looks great, the grass is nice too.

    Guss – the trees are looking nice. I prefer to use the Bryce trees, more so after downloading a pdf from Horo’s site “Good looking Trees”

    Dave – another beautiful render.

    David – awesome textures

    I tried David’s SSS video again, referring to Horo's pdf – the last image I used the Indoor Hdri as specular convolved backdrop. I don’t think I got the SSS effect but I like the effects I got.

    If you are still struggling with the SSS you can always send me a stripped down .br7 and I will have a tinker with it for you.

    Oh... more textures...

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  • HoroHoro Posts: 10,538
    edited February 2014

    @Dave - I see what you mean. This last render is really great. I like the idea.

    @mermaid010 - thank you. I hope you've watched the video before you looked at the memo. The memo explains nothing, the video all. I've noticed that it depends on the mesh used. David abandoned the bunny in the video.

    I've been modeling a bit. If I had planned it before I started, I hadn't to start from scratch again. Ground texture chosen is not the best available. The outdoor is an IBL render with a bit support from the Bryce sun. The indoor is a TA render using a light sheet to light the hall, the Bryce sun shines through the windows in the back.

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    Post edited by Horo on
  • GussNemoGussNemo Posts: 1,855
    edited December 1969

    @Horo: Thanks. I noticed the squareness also, but as yet haven't figured out how to get a round tapper. Choices seem limited to only a few type branches. I'll have to experiment with in between settings to see if something better can be produced. Really like the results in your building image. Inside shot turned out well.

    @Dave: Shouldn't that be pheasant under glass instead? Beautiful scene you posted.

    @David: Gravel renders are great looking. As are the render schemes.

    @mermaid: Thanks. I like the look of those three images. I looked for the PDF you spoke of but couldn't find that specific one.

  • dana365dana365 Posts: 131
    edited December 1969

    franonthedge: love the characters, and really like the idea that of the tech they use, I want a PeaSea

    thank you, I think I lost some of the reflective qualities on the tapered edge when I added the wave line texture, I will need to revisit this guy , back to water for now.

    Thank you for expanding on your suggestion, all of those ideas make sense to me and I am going to implement them today, results soon, thanks again

    @ Bryce, and who ever made Lightning happen
    Rendering with Lightning kicks! what a great tool it has turned out to be!

  • mermaid010mermaid010 Posts: 5,389
    edited December 1969

    David -Thanks – no need. I really enjoy doing your tutorials without really understanding the hows and whys. The new textures with the different rendering schemes, are so cool.

    Horo – Yes I watched David’s video for two days before I saw your post about the pdf. I know he changed the bunny. The bunny is the best mesh object in my humble library. Your pdfs are a great complement to David’s video. A big thank you to both you and David for making Bryce enjoyable and fun to use.

    I like the indoor render, especially the lighting.

    Guss – thanks. The file I am referring to is under tutorials on Horo's site and the pdf file I downloaded is named “minitut20_en.pdf

  • weibinxweibinx Posts: 10
    edited December 1969

    IBL Test

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  • GussNemoGussNemo Posts: 1,855
    edited February 2014

    @mermaid: Thank you so much for the information, I never would have thought to look under Tutorials. I also saw other tutorials that interested me so I now have several of Horo's tutorials to work through.

    @weibinx: That's a pretty good test render. Did you use the Bryce sky as your HDRI?

    Here's another tree I made using Arbaro. It look terrible the first time rendered, so I changed a few settings and now it's much better. I did save it as an Arbaro file so I can go back and see if I can't get better leaf groupings. The ones on this tree are a bit strange looking.

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    Post edited by GussNemo on
  • HoroHoro Posts: 10,538
    edited December 1969

    dana365 said:

    @ Bryce, and who ever made Lightning happen
    Rendering with Lightning kicks! what a great tool it has turned out to be!

    There are not many here using Lightning. I've been a great fan of it since it came with Bryce 5.0. If you network-render stills, enable Tile Optimization, if you render animations, don't.

    @weibinx - the skin looks great in this size. Getting skin right in Bryce is not the easiest thing.

    @GussNemo - guess the leaves are just a bit on the big side. How they are arranged is a bit odd. For the stem: you can always use a 40% tapered funnel/cylinder over it.

  • mermaid010mermaid010 Posts: 5,389
    edited December 1969

    Weibinx-nice render

    Guss- glad you found the file. There is a lot of cool stuff on Horo’s site. That’s an unusual tree. If you sunk it into the ground, it may make a nice shrub.

  • Yellow PenYellow Pen Posts: 920
    edited December 1969

    beautiful artwork here :-)

    I've made a funny picture with the trains.... I called it "the race".

    So maybe some of you like it a little bit ;-)

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  • c-ramc-ram Posts: 376
    edited December 1969

    Fantastic renders everyone! Here is my new contribution : a frozen land with lots of trees. It's inspired of a work from Massimo Verona, a famous Vue artist.

    Hope you like it.

    Good weekend to all of you.

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  • HoroHoro Posts: 10,538
    edited December 1969

    Fantastic artwork, Marco. The atmosphere is just right.

  • c-ramc-ram Posts: 376
    edited December 1969

    Horo said:
    Fantastic artwork, Marco. The atmosphere is just right.

    Thank you Horo. I've employed danwhiteside foggy dome to create this atmosphere. The sun glow is provide by a picture on a 2d square right in front of the camera (additive in the dte). There's also an anisotropic effect on the water to make it look like perfect reflective ice.

    Trees came all from xfrog.

    Very nice work with the new 2d textures from you and David! I hope to see more like this, they look realistic.

  • Dan WhitesideDan Whiteside Posts: 500
    edited December 1969

    Excellent image Marco - interesting way to do the sun glow, really works well.

This discussion has been closed.