Show Us Your Bryce Renders! Part 6



  • mermaid010mermaid010 Posts: 5,389
    edited December 1969

    'Rigging', is what it's called when you place bones and/or joints inside a model, and then parent these to the outer 'skin' and give greater or lesser influence to how much of the skin each joint has power over – this is called weighting – probably more than you needed to know. Basically it's what you need to do to a model to get it to bend at the joints, in order to walk or otherwise move. For posing for stills or for actual animation.
    And I really wish I could do it.

    I don't use either Daz or Poser and the models I used are normally freebies. I thought it had something to do with changing models in Bryce. Thanks for the explanation, appreciate it. ;)

    The new lantern renders are looking nice.

  • mermaid010mermaid010 Posts: 5,389
    edited December 1969

    Dave – each of your Peter renders are awesome and so cute. I love the “Valentine” and slide ones. The snow is so realistic too. How do you achieve such great snow?

    Thanks :)

    If you mean the snow that's falling, I use David's Volumetric Snow which you can find in the Pro Material under SFX. I usually reduce the frequency to make the flakes bigger.
    If you mean the snow on the ground, it's 'Melting Ice' from the Bryce Terrains materials under 'Snowy'. Each is then modified for the different lighting set up I use.

    Hope this helps.

    Thanks Dave. :)

  • mermaid010mermaid010 Posts: 5,389
    edited December 1969

    David – as usual great renders.

    Dangerlad – I love the effects you are getting especially for the ground plane.

    Fencepost- all your renders are very nicely done

    Trish – lovely entry - Best of Luck

  • Dave SavageDave Savage Posts: 2,433
    edited December 1969

    Anyone for candy?
    Model made simply in Bryce from 1x Cylinder, 1x Torus, 2x Spheres and a negative block.

    Material was only a bit tricky because the stripes had to follow the shape around, this meant using different mapping modes for the components.

    High gloss reflection on candy canes and Christmas tree light reflection effect on ground plane from Horo's West Room Day Techno HDRI.

    650 x 450 - 353K
  • David BrinnenDavid Brinnen Posts: 3,136
    edited December 1969

    Anyone for candy?
    Model made simply in Bryce from 1x Cylinder, 1x Torus, 2x Spheres and a negative block.

    Material was only a bit tricky because the stripes had to follow the shape around, this meant using different mapping modes for the components.

    High gloss reflection on candy canes and Christmas tree light reflection effect on ground plane from Horo's West Room Day Techno HDRI.

    I was convinced they were tree lights being reflected! Very imaginative use of backdrop.

    Here's a little tutorial for you all. Bryce "Nuts and Bolts" - Chrome material recipe - by David Brinnen

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  • Dave SavageDave Savage Posts: 2,433
    edited December 1969

    Thanks David :)

    Have tweaked the colours and lighting a bit and rendered it bigger this time. Render time just under 2 hours.

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  • TrishTrish Posts: 2,625
    edited December 1969

    Just wanted to say Happy Thanksgiving Everyone!!!!

  • franontheedgefranontheedge Posts: 342
    edited November 2013

    Right thanks Franontheedge, that makes advising you a lot easier. :)

    Then once you've got it close enough, you can play with the strength and range of your single radial light in order to get the perfect effect of your lantern on the walls and the rest of the room should be lit in accordance with that. If you get the lantern looking right but feel that the room needs a tad more light, re-enable IBL and tweak it up bit by bit (making sure it's TA Optimised).

    Play with? Well, I've got no IBL, no sun, and I've done everything else you said and frankly it's awful.

    Hardly any light shows at all - and that's with the radial light at it's very strongest.
    What's the point of TA if it reduces the amount of light radiating from the radial light to almost nothing at all?

    This is frustrating, makes TA seem like early energy saving light bulbs, turn it on and nothing happens.
    Here's the result:
    And turning IBL back on seems to have no effect whatsoever - increase the intensity, the HDR effect and /or the specularity and nothing changes at all. and yes, TA Optimisation is ON. Shrug. I'm stuck.
    The only thing that has any effect is turning the sun back on - and now that the ceiling, and walls no longer cast shadows - that looks terrible too, but in a different way... gah!
    Shrug. I'm stuck.

    P.S nice candy canes, Dave.
    Beautiful chrome, David.

    1120 x 865 - 1M
    Post edited by franontheedge on
  • franontheedgefranontheedge Posts: 342
    edited December 1969

    'Rigging', is what it's called when you place bones and/or joints inside a model, and then parent these to the outer 'skin' and give greater or lesser influence to how much of the skin each joint has power over – this is called weighting – probably more than you needed to know. Basically it's what you need to do to a model to get it to bend at the joints, in order to walk or otherwise move. For posing for stills or for actual animation.
    And I really wish I could do it.

    I don't use either Daz or Poser and the models I used are normally freebies. I thought it had something to do with changing models in Bryce. Thanks for the explanation, appreciate it. ;)

    The new lantern renders are looking nice.

    Thanks. If you could see the render that's developing now you wouldn't say that! Yuk!
    I don't use Daz or poser either, and actually there's a procedure that means Bryce will let you animate - some simple things, without the need for bones or joints. But they have to be really simply - like a door.

    Or a grate opening:
    Grate Opening

    or this:
    Airlock Door

    But I know about bones and stuff because they use those in Cinema4d - which I also have, but I've never been able to get my head around joints and weighting in there, 'cos it's massively complex, and nowadays the tuts are all about the latest version of Cinema, not mine and I can't afford to upgrade, I only got the C4D I have now because I could get a huge education discount when I was at Uni - no longer possible...
    I did hope that Daz would let me into animation, but I can't even get lights or materials to work in there, and now I can no longer find any models either, they update so often that I'm always lost.

  • mermaid010mermaid010 Posts: 5,389
    edited November 2013

    Thanks Fran for the links to your animations.

    I still need to look into animations in Bryce, for now I do simple things like falling snow etc in Photoshop actually the ImageReady Cs

    There is a tutorial animating a butterfly by Robin Woods but of course this will be too elementary for you.

    Oroboros also has some animation on his site, the link is in his signature.

    There never seems enough time to really learn Bryce. I'm have so much fun doing David's tuts and that's all the time I have for these days.

    A wonderful way to pass my golden years. ;)

    Post edited by mermaid010 on
  • mermaid010mermaid010 Posts: 5,389
    edited December 1969

    Dave -the candy sticks look delicious, you should pass them around.

    David - nice chrome effect Thanks once again for all the awesome videos.

  • HoroHoro Posts: 10,538
    edited December 1969

    @Dave - candy looks good, good use of this strange HDRI.

    @David - good examples of chrome, particularly the second.

  • franontheedgefranontheedge Posts: 342
    edited December 1969

    Thanks Fran for the links to your animations.

    I still need to look into animations in Bryce, for now I do simple things like falling snow etc in Photoshop actually the ImageReady Cs

    There is a tutorial animating a butterfly by Robin Woods but of course this will be too elementary for you.

    Oroboros also has some animation on his site, the link is in his signature.

    There never seems enough time to really learn Bryce. I'm have so much fun doing David's tuts and that's all the time I have for these days.

    A wonderful way to pass my golden years. ;)

    There's never enough time to learn anything - it goes so fast. And such programs are quite huge in their scope, even Bryce for all it looks so friendly. I mean, look at the trouble I'm having with TA right now! Lol!

    Yes I have seen Robin Wood's butterfly animation tut, did that a good long time ago, I wouldn't say it's too elementary, Robin Wood's stuff is all still relevant - and sometimes pretty complex! Well worth looking at although very occassionally I've found that things don't end up in quite the same result, I remember something about moss on a tree and working in the DTE - my end material wasn't the same as her's. Turned out that because I was using a later version of Bryce than the tut was written for - things worked a little differently. I still got a nice material out of it in the end though.

    I must have been influenced a little by her Butterfly animation too, as at Uni I did a moth animation - it's quite short so if you look at it, don't blink or you might miss it. Lol!

    Here it is: Moth Animation
    It's the animation at the bottom of the page.

    What are 'ImageReady Cs'? I have PhotoShop, but that too is quite an old version now, it's CS4. Again bought as a student - which is how I got most of my software actually.


    Okay here is the very grainy (as TheSavage64 aka Dave predicted) render of the 'Lantern in the Corner of the Room'.
    But sunlight is streaming in through the 'non shadow casting' walls and ceiling and it looks terrible, not the grainyness, the sunlight.
    But unless I unshadow cast the walls and ceiling it gets no light at all bar the weak and feeble dribble from the fully on radial at 999, the only saving grace (and it's not much of a one) is that you can now see that the sofa is actually pink and not a grubby looking gray...
    I must be doing something seriously wrong.

    1120 x 865 - 352K
  • franontheedgefranontheedge Posts: 342
    edited December 1969

    Anyone for candy?
    Model made simply in Bryce from 1x Cylinder, 1x Torus, 2x Spheres and a negative block.

    Material was only a bit tricky because the stripes had to follow the shape around, this meant using different mapping modes for the components.

    High gloss reflection on candy canes and Christmas tree light reflection effect on ground plane from Horo's West Room Day Techno HDRI.

    I was convinced they were tree lights being reflected! Very imaginative use of backdrop.

    Here's a little tutorial for you all. Bryce "Nuts and Bolts" - Chrome material recipe - by David Brinnen

    Hi David,
    I've had a look at this tut and I've got a question, why did you remove all the colour from the HDRI? I know you said that chrome is grey, but my chrome isn't - at least it doesn't look grey to me, it looks like a deeper toned mirror, so there is colour in it, reflected colour - so I'm a bit puzzled.
    And from the 2nd image you posted - the chrome dragon, that has some reflected colour in it.
    Er... puzzlement sufferer here.
    Obviously I can't try it myself as I don't have that HDRI - would it work with say... illhorn? I've got that one.

  • ChoholeChohole Posts: 33,604
    edited November 2013

    I am quite pleased with how this one came out. Obviously it is postworked to age it.

    However the really strange thing about this image is that I rendered it from the alternative view screen rather than the actual Bryce setup screen. In this case it was front view.

    Now I am going to play a bit more to see if I can get a similar effect using the proper camera screen

    I know I do keep plugging on my my normal sort of renders while everyone else is playing with all sorts of cool stuff, but that is just me.

    I love watching what you all are doing.

    725 x 950 - 408K
    Post edited by Chohole on
  • franontheedgefranontheedge Posts: 342
    edited November 2013

    chohole said:
    I am quite pleased with how this one came out. Obviously it is postworked to age it.

    However the really strange thing about this image is that I rendered it from the alternative view screen rather than the actual Bryce setup screen. In this case it was front view.

    Now I am going to play a bit more to see if I can get a similar effect using the proper camera screen

    I know I do keep plugging on my my normal sort of renders while everyone else is playing with all sorts of cool stuff, but that is just me.

    I love watching what you all are doing.

    That is stunningly beautiful, Pam. No render is 'normal', each one is as individual as each person is. Some people play with crabs, some with polar bears, some with light and metals, me I just persist in playing with my awful lanterns. We're all different, it's only natural that our art should be also.
    I wonder if this means that you are a beautiful person? I am certainly a decaying grotty sort of person... ROFL! And your art is very beautiful.
    Just, don't stop posting them!

    Post edited by franontheedge on
  • mermaid010mermaid010 Posts: 5,389
    edited December 1969

    I must have been influenced a little by her Butterfly animation too, as at Uni I did a moth animation - it's quite short so if you look at it, don't blink or you might miss it. Lol!

    Here it is: Moth Animation
    It's the animation at the bottom of the page.

    What are 'ImageReady Cs'? I have PhotoShop, but that too is quite an old version now, it's CS4. Again bought as a student - which is how I got most of my software actually.

    I meant Robin's tutorials will be elementary for you, as you are really rendering some awesome stuff.

    I keep going back to her tutorials, when I get a chance, I hop around like a bunny doing a bit from here and there. I did complete the temple tutorial though. I find David's tutorials more easy to follow although I don't understand the hows and the whys.

    I didn't get to see the moth ;) but the animation is cool. You have some awesome stuff there, thanks for sharing.

    ImageReady Cs is the 2nd half of Photoshop Cs, I have a very outdated photoshop version. I don't use it much these days since I sort of got attached to Bryce.

    Your lantern image is coming along nicely.

  • mermaid010mermaid010 Posts: 5,389
    edited December 1969

    Chohole - wow thats really a stunning render. All your work unique and beautiful.

  • HoroHoro Posts: 10,538
    edited December 1969

    @franontheedge - it may be the radial is too small for a TA render. Chrome video, you're right that chrome acts like a mirror. After all, I made my first light probes using a chrome ball from a ball bearing and there is colour. However, as I understood the video, David's goal was to make chrome appear monochrome as the example images on the webpage. And yes, every HDRI light probe can be made monochrome by turning saturation to zero - or use sepia tone white in HDRShop. Illhorn is as good as any and it has a nice sun in it.

    @Pam - awesome, no kidding.

  • STKyddSTKydd Posts: 59
    edited December 1969

    @ chohole Fantastic render, I love Your gallery to by the way.

  • ChoholeChohole Posts: 33,604
    edited November 2013

    @ chohole Fantastic render, I love Your gallery to by the way.


    And thanks to Fran, Mermaid and Horo as well for teh votes of confidence. :coolsmile:

    I cannot work out how to duplicate that field of view from the main camera view.

    Post edited by Chohole on
  • Dave SavageDave Savage Posts: 2,433
    edited December 1969

    Play with? Well, I've got no IBL, no sun, and I've done everything else you said and frankly it's awful.

    Hardly any light shows at all - and that's with the radial light at it's very strongest.
    What's the point of TA if it reduces the amount of light radiating from the radial light to almost nothing at all?

    It doesn't. :)
    It's now looking to me like when you set the ranged light, you left it at it's default range which is only 10.
    That's so far, the only way I've been able to reproduce your problem with my simple radial in a closed box set up.
    I'm just going to try and build a really quick framed glass box around the lamp to see what happens.

    Will report back in a bit.

    Glad you like the candy canes, thanks. :)

  • Dave SavageDave Savage Posts: 2,433
    edited December 1969

    OK done some more digging around and this render was set up in an entirely black environment (black sky, black ambient, black sky dome colour, no clouds etc.) inside a closed box (walls default grey material).

    A single radial light was placed inside the lamp and the light 'Falloff' set to 'Ranged' with the range set to 70 and the diffuse set to 12 (your scene may differ depending upon what scale you've built it). I did also set an IBL, but as my box is entirely closed, it will have had no effect on anything, I just did that because you had done it too. I still don't think you need it for a scene like this because if it has an effect, it is a render intensive one that can be easier achieved as outlined below for more render efficiency.

    Then I quickly placed a couple of shabby sofas against the wall and adjusted the height of my lamp so the shadows fell nicely enough.
    Finally I added another radial light in the center of my 'room' and set that to Linear Falloff with a diffuse value of only 2. This secondary light is just to add a hint of detail in some of the shadow areas while still allowing some black areas of the room.

    Premium render setting with True Ambience enabled at 64 Rays Per Pixel (max ray depth was set right down at 2 with no odd results), it rendered in 18 minutes at this size 650 x 500px.

    650 x 497 - 117K
  • Fencepost52Fencepost52 Posts: 509
    edited November 2013

    Haven't quite recovered from my food binge yesterday, so I decided the best way is to eat more today! *burp*

    @Horo: those Alien Artifact renders are wickedly cool! I like the 2nd and 4th best. #2 and #3 look quite similar as you've shown by your settings, but I like the darker contrast in the 2nd better. Thanks for the comments on my work. My very last post (closeup of wooden sphere with the metallic edges) was only for a reference on what I used to make the fire/neon outline image. :)

    @David: Your "amber" colored dragon experiments are awesome. To me it looks like candy that's been formed into the shapes and the iridescent reflections in the second are neat. Thank you for the chrome tutorial. No matter how many times I watch your videos, I always learn something new. So much fun to experiment with the techniques you (and Horo, as well) present.

    @Dangerlad: Your abstract shape experiments are awesome, but I'm drawn to that "liquid mercury" ground plane....that's absolutely cool-looking. Love it! I like the first abtract background render the best and the "water" planes turned out great too!

    @Mermaid: Nice rabbit renders! The last one is my favorite. Thank you for trying the tutorials out. If you still haven't come up with a use for them, here's an old Bryce tutorial you might find interesting: Creating fabric drapes in Bryce

    @Trish: very proud of you for your work on Albert and doing it all in Bryce. You should be proud of yourself too.

    @Dave: Your work is always amazing and really enjoy seeing your new posts. Peter looks great and the candy canes are fantastic. I know those must have taken awhile to put together and get the texture like you wanted.

    @Fran: Cool abstracts! Glad you got lines! I like the 2nd and 4th best. Your lamp is coming along nicely and can't wait to see how it turns out. Haven't had time to read the dialogue between you and Dave, but I will so I can get some tips!

    @Chohole: That is an AMAZING render! You keep doing your "normal" renders, as you call them. I certainly couldn't put together a render like that.

    @Guss: You're welcome on the link! More wood IS always good! LOL

    Did I leave anyone out?!?!?! :D

    Here's my experiments yesterday. Followed this tutorial of David's: AOLS Remix Combined Render Setup. To light/texture the cube, I used the Modset10 - V1 Abstract Wallpaper from Horo and David's Abstract Wallpaper Product.

    I had to do a little bit more postwork than I anticipated because the object mask didn't cover my objects exactly and I had to use the clone/erase tools to eliminate the "halos". I suspect the reason the mask didn't work right was due to the "glow" of object being larger than the object itself so it couldn't be captured. Hopefully, my postwork looks acceptable. In both renders, I used a the "Sandy" texture to provide the bump map. The first render used world mapping and the second used spherical mapping to achieve the "light sprays". The bump map "cleaned up" the noise generated by the first render and I left the noise in the second because I liked the way it looked and couldn't blur it away in postwork where it looked good to me.

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    Post edited by Fencepost52 on
  • franontheedgefranontheedge Posts: 342
    edited December 2013

    I must have been influenced a little by her Butterfly animation too, as at Uni I did a moth animation - it's quite short so if you look at it, don't blink or you might miss it. Lol!

    Here it is: Moth Animation
    It's the animation at the bottom of the page.

    What are 'ImageReady Cs'? I have PhotoShop, but that too is quite an old version now, it's CS4. Again bought as a student - which is how I got most of my software actually.

    I meant Robin's tutorials will be elementary for you, as you are really rendering some awesome stuff.

    I keep going back to her tutorials, when I get a chance, I hop around like a bunny doing a bit from here and there. I did complete the temple tutorial though. I find David's tutorials more easy to follow although I don't understand the hows and the whys.

    I didn't get to see the moth ;) but the animation is cool. You have some awesome stuff there, thanks for sharing.

    ImageReady Cs is the 2nd half of Photoshop Cs, I have a very outdated photoshop version. I don't use it much these days since I sort of got attached to Bryce.

    Your lantern image is coming along nicely.

    You didn't see it? well I just uploaded a version without the weird ending that I did for the 'AIR scheme' - this is just the Moth:
    Moth Alone
    I hope that you can see this one, it's pretty short.
    (AIR = Animator In Residence)

    What are Image Ready C's? I don't think I've heard of those before. Why don't you use PhotoShop? I use mine all the time - more so when I'm using Bryce a lot. I do a lot of textures for use in Bryce and that means PhotoShop. I don't really understand why you'd stop using PS, but perhaps you had been using a feature of PhotoShop that I've not come across before? Maybe that's whatever these C's are?

    By the way, how did you do that last pink rabbit? I was wondering about that. Is it glass? What did you do to the scene get it to look like a sunrise?

    Thanks about the lantern - I hope to get the whole pack BetaTested some day, there's a Police Lantern, a Spider Lantern, a Carriage Lantern and this Stained Glass Lantern I'm currently trying to render with TA.

    I still don't think Robin Wood's tuts are elementary for me - or anyone else - I for instance have a memory like a sieve, and I forget such a lot of stuff, it's never a bad idea to go back and redo a tut, or even just to take another look to refresh your memory.

    Me? Awesome renders? nah... Like fencepost says 'I should be put on trial for the number of errors I make'.

    You hop around like a bunny going from tut to tut? Gosh that sounds so like me.
    David's tutorials are very easy to follow aren't they? - I liked his 'intermission' too, that always makes me laugh. I don't always understand all he says either, but I've been looking at his 40 minute TA tut - (there may be more than 1) but a lot of that is making some sense, perhaps because of what Dave 'The Savage64' has been telling me too - it's all along the same lines.


    @franontheedge - it may be the radial is too small for a TA render. Chrome video, you’re right that chrome acts like a mirror. After all, I made my first light probes using a chrome ball from a ball bearing and there is colour. However, as I understood the video, David’s goal was to make chrome appear monochrome as the example images on the webpage. And yes, every HDRI light probe can be made monochrome by turning saturation to zero - or use sepia tone white in HDRShop. Illhorn is as good as any and it has a nice sun in it.

    Yes, I know that a monochrome Chrome vis-a-vis the sourced images from the net was David's stated intention, I just wasn't sure why - or even if that was necessary - I mean I wondered if you could make a decent chrome without desaturating the hdri? That was all.

    I did like the adding scratches touch, I've done a good deal of 'adding scratches' to textures and it can make a whale of a difference.

    I only mentioned Illhorn because it was the next one on the list that David chose his HDRI from - and of course I've used Illhorn a good deal.

    That and Gossiping.

    Post edited by franontheedge on
  • Fencepost52Fencepost52 Posts: 509
    edited December 1969

    Rendered this one last weekend and forgot to post. Learned quite a bit about controlling lighting, reflections and specularity. Won't remember what I did later, but I learned something anyway. When I originally rendered, I had a lot of white pixels (I call them "blow outs") and was able to get them under control. LOL

    800 x 800 - 559K
  • TrishTrish Posts: 2,625
    edited November 2013

    Thanks fencepost: At least I learned something new.....I love the purple favorite color
    Fran I should have put a comma after new clothes.....No I just created the ground and modeled the fence and then rendered in Bryce....Clothes were made with PS and chicken to try out gimp yet
    Thank you Horo
    Dave: The one of Peter with the blub on his head is cute, also sledding(with out a sled) I guess polar bears can do that, being furry
    OK David is it really you or Charlie sheen??????? If it is really you could be a stunt double for him and make mega bucks
    Mermaid: thank you...There is info about rigging under the help Doc. center...I read it and went .....OK.....way way over my head...If you can understand it please tell me how to do it....
    chohole: she is Beautiful looks like a photo!!!!

    Post edited by Trish on
  • HoroHoro Posts: 10,538
    edited December 1969

    Won't remember what I did later, but I learned something anyway.

    I know what you mean. Nice cubes.
  • JamahoneyJamahoney Posts: 1,791
    edited December 1969

    Love the first Orange cube-light, Fencepost, while the last Purple one looks like the Borg are in your sights ;)


  • David BrinnenDavid Brinnen Posts: 3,136
    edited November 2013

    You don't want to know how long this took to figure out. Just don't ask. Bryce 7.1 Pro Advanced - TA image projecting hyper gel light - by David Brinnen But pleasingly - it is possible - sort of... Back in a bit - got to do all the things now I should of been doing while I was doing this.

    Edit - not done with this yet Bryce 7.1 Pro Advanced - TA image projecting hyper gel light improved - by David Brinnen

    850 x 850 - 368K
    Post edited by David Brinnen on
This discussion has been closed.