Trying out a New Look for Poser DAZ Freebies Site

DollyGirlDollyGirl Posts: 2,657

We now have sufficient data logged at the site that we can start to see what can be done to help our fellow freebie users. One of the ways is to allow a different way to see what resources are available via images. Currently you go to pages and there are big long lists for you to browse through. The new look is about galleries. This is just a tinie tiny step to something that might make finding that lost or exciting new freebie fun. Currently only one page is done cause it is so new like hours new not days or weeks or months or years.

Here is the link:

So the function of the page is for you to see lots of pictures and bam! one of those models just makes you melt and you gota see the details. Just click on the image and you will be sent off to the wonderful page of that particular freebie. When you get there you will find out all sorts of things, like licensing, download link, is it still available, and many other interesting stuff.

My purpose for making this announcement is to try and determine if this is a look that would be helpful. Feedback is always appreciated. Thanks in advance for your help in making the freebie site a better place to visit.


  • frankrblowfrankrblow Posts: 2,052

    The page you have linked to looks great. Easy to see what's available, and the links I tried took me to the correct pages, and that's about as good as it gets. Great work by you and your team yes

  • 3dcheapskate3dcheapskate Posts: 2,720
    edited May 2019

    yesyes A picture speaks a thousand words.

    Bravo !

    Edit: One (minor-ish) problem perhaps - a text search on the page doesn't find anything - e.g. I want to see if there's a penguin so in Firefox I do Edit > Find in this page and type 'penguin'. Since the word 'penguin 'is only in the image...

    Post edited by 3dcheapskate on
  • SimonJMSimonJM Posts: 5,999

    Loosk good, and loved the irony of the text ... "This is a landing page for Animals-Birds cheeky

  • DollyGirlDollyGirl Posts: 2,657

    Thank you everyone. Ah Sir 3dcheapskate, there's the rub, at least for this poor noggin. I tried to get my script to output text under the image and change the the default link from the image page to the main page of the freebie. No joy for me. Could not make it work, at this time. Not sure I want to see text on the page either but if that is the desire of the user, I will do it. If you know how to write DPL scripts I am all ears. I am not coming from a software writing background. All I was taught was Fortran, so not the brightest light bulb in the room but I can read and I know where the manuals are. I will go and do a search for a filter box that will allow the user to filter what is currently on the page so that if you just want to see the penguin images and the related links to those penguins then you will. Might take me some time. Took a year to get 3dOutlaw's idea on the page. I do believe that the wiki needs to be more search friendly. Have been wanting to set up a page using the categories, where the user picks the categories they want to search and then initiates the search. I think that is a long way down the road unless we get someone who is a whiz with Wiki speak. But thank you ever so much for the feedback.

    @SimonJM, it was only serendipitous. laugh I had to come up with a category name for these types of pages. But you are right it is a bit ironic.

  • michaeltoomichaeltoo Posts: 219

    Great work DollyGirl, I love that you quickly see what you need and boom, done! I rarely look at the other pages of freebies when I need anything (even though I greatly appreciate the hard work, others have done to make them available), just takes to long to read thru all the descriptions. I would certainly use your site as my first stop, when I needed to look for something. Well done smiley

  • mininessiemininessie Posts: 324 useful!

    thanks for the hard work!

  • 3dcheapskate3dcheapskate Posts: 2,720
    DollyGirl said:

    Thank you everyone. Ah Sir 3dcheapskate, there's the rub, at least for this poor noggin. I tried to get my script to output text under the image and change the the default link from the image page to the main page of the freebie. No joy for me. Could not make it work, at this time. Not sure I want to see text on the page either but if that is the desire of the user, I will do it....

    'Twas merely an observation, not a recommendation. I personally like it as it is! laugh


  • DollyGirlDollyGirl Posts: 2,657

    thank you mininessie and your welcome. @3dcheapskate, understood and oh goody I can procrastinate like I did with 3dOutlaw.

  • 3dOutlaw3dOutlaw Posts: 2,481

    OK, don't drag me into this  cheeky  I've gotten sidetracked like 100 times since I was working on the  I applaud your progress!  yes

  • DollyGirlDollyGirl Posts: 2,657

    Thank you but it is still baby steps and truth be told I am suppose to be working on my friend's album cover for his next record release. So understand when other things come along and they get the attention.

  • MilosGulanMilosGulan Posts: 1,966

    I like it as it is very good to see visiualy what there is. Also that site is really great, very useful and thank You for making it even better :)

  • DollyGirlDollyGirl Posts: 2,657

    Your welcome MilosGulan. It is not just me though that works on the site. Kerya, Robkelk, Eustace, Glaseye, 3dOutlaw and more all add to the workings. I am just an engineer and you know, engineers want to fix everything.

  • srieschsriesch Posts: 4,241

    That would indeed be quite helpful.

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