Poser Content in Carrara

Hello Everyone, I have a Carrara History Question. When did Carrara start using Poser Runtime folder content, which version. This single feature adds a great deal to Carraras unique tool set.


  • DiomedeDiomede Posts: 15,130
    edited May 2019

    Ringomonfort started a thread with some Carrara program history.  Some interesting tidbits.  According to this post by Dartanbeck, formal compatibility wih Poser content began with Carrara 5 Pro.  I'm sure there were some workarounds like OBJ export/import before that, but direct cr2/pp2/hr2 file compatibility appears to be a Carrara 5 Pro feature.


    Post edited by Diomede on
  • msolomonmsolomon Posts: 209

    Thanks Guys, you answered a nagging question.

  • Steve KSteve K Posts: 3,226
    msolomon said:

     This single feature adds a great deal to Carraras unique tool set.

    Agreed, it is the biggest reason I started using Carrara in the first place.  I'm not a modeler, so I rely on the great products available, generally in Poser format which loads seamlessly into Carrara, straight from the Carrara browser.  OTOH ... I've gotten back into Poser also recently due to some of the best purchased items having great features that require Poser.  In particular, ERC can be a great feature for animations.  Another is lighting, which is pretty spectacular in some Poser products, and I have trouble duplicating it in Carrara.


  • DartanbeckDartanbeck Posts: 21,328

    Yep, Carrara 5 Pro included a plugin called TransPoser, which allowed for the importing of Poser content. Daz3d bought Carrara for the release of Carrara 6. I'm not certain how much (if anything) Daz put into it before release, but it no longer required TransPoser in favor of the all new Content tab, which allowed for the addition of Poser runtime libraries, just like we did in Poser back then - except that the process was/is MUCH faster in Carrara than in Poser.

    I caught a little bit of an argument that some folks were upset that TransPoser was done away with. I think it was due to some options available via the plugin upon import? Not sure.

    All I know is that this function - having Poser content being 'native' within Carrara - that made Carrara a real game-changer for me, as it was/is Exactly what I was/am looking for. I wanted to have Poser, but with polygonal modeling. Back then Daz3d had an amazing set of promo pages to ponder in the store. I was amazed as I'd window shop all of Carrara's capabilities as I saved up for it. But when it all came down to it, Poser compatibility combined with the ability to use 3d modeling tools on the content, and even create new props and such is really what I wanted. The rest was a long list of Bonus features.

    I still cherish the Poser/DUF native compatibility as a major source of enjoyment. But Carrara is a LOT more than I had hoped for during that whole window shopping period. I was perfectly happy with the node system for materials in Poser. I felt like I had a good idea of how to create/edit good surfaces back then. I was also fairly happy with the rendering capabilities/settings of Poser. Both of those important tasks just blew me away in Carrara! Building shaders in Carrara is a real treat to me and the render room has more options than I've seen in any of the other rendering software I've used. And Carrara has everything set up in such an easy-to-use, worksheet form style that I just love.

    Like I was just talking about in my Heartfelt Thanks thread, being a part of this forum has expanded my interests into a much deeper understanding of so many more features and functions of this amazing software... it truly is my favorite reason to turn on a computer.

  • msolomonmsolomon Posts: 209

    Dartanbeck, you spoke my thoughts of Carrara. I haven't found any other title like it.

  • MistaraMistara Posts: 38,675

    posers newest weightmapping proprietary works only in poser. 
    figures poser8 and later, they called the new joints  joint capsules.  fortunately most poser sets dont include weightmapping.

    miki 3 wont work withoit some work. heard fenric made a utility for miki 3 to work in carrara

    poser offers collada export.
    i never tried the different skinning utilities, might be a painlrss solution in them  cillada loses the joint limits



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