Formula Objects that Can be Adjusted and Animated - Carrara format

DiomedeDiomede Posts: 15,225

Find a free zip of formula objects at the following thread post.

Based on formalae found at that great French language formula site.  The parameter dials for p1 and p2 can be animated.

A few other free objects in Carrara format can be found in the same thread.


Formula French Adjusted AA JPG.jpg
640 x 480 - 11K
Formula French Adjusted BB JPG.jpg
640 x 480 - 19K
Formula French Adjusted CC JPG.jpg
640 x 480 - 18K
Formula French Adjusted DD JPG.jpg
640 x 480 - 16K
Formula French Adjusted EE JPG.jpg
640 x 480 - 16K
Formula French Adjusted FF JPG.jpg
640 x 480 - 9K


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