Ivy's Freebies (updated 6/10/2019 )

IvyIvy Posts: 7,165
edited October 2020 in Freebies

Hi Folks,

I thought I would start a thread and get all my poses in one thread to make it easier to find them for people

please browse through and download the poses as you like.  most all my downloads are hosted on Sharecg.com, so if you don't have account there yet you may want to create one to get access to these freebies

Thanks for looking

Freebie Usage rights:
You may use these freebies &  pose presets for commercial and non commercial renders,
please do not redistribute, sell or add to other pose sets for sale or distribution.


Post edited by Ivy on


  • IvyIvy Posts: 7,165


  • IvyIvy Posts: 7,165

    Ivy's Gymnastics & Dance poses for Genesis 2 female
     Gymnastics & Dance pose set by Ivy Summers
    This first set contains 16 Custom assorted Gymnastics & Dance poses & 1 reset to zero pose I did by hand myself.
    Free to use for Non- commercial & commercial renders.

    Please Note:   Some poses may need tweaking after applying the preset, they were orginally created to use in my animations.
    &  are made for G2F. But should work okay  for G2M and Genesis characters with some minor adjustments of the hands and feet.

    I'll be releasing more pose sets & ani-blocks that i have created for my animations over the last couple of years . just my way of giving back to the community and saying thanks

    Download  @ sharecg.com

  • IvyIvy Posts: 7,165

    Hard to find everyday poses for genesis 2 female.  Available at [email protected]

    This set contains 16 hard to find poses for genesis 2 female that I believe you will use regularly. And 1 reset to zero pose.   No props  included with this pose set.

    Important notice: Some poses may require that the limits be shut off when applying the pose preset.

    All poses were custom done by hand and were created for genesis 2 female
    to use in my animation storyboards, and are free to use in commercial and non commercial renders

    Though these poses were created for genesis 2 female they will work for genesis and genesis 2 male figures with some minor adjustments  for the hands and feet.
    Any questions please feel free to contact me, click here to download

    Please enjoy them .
    Ivy Summers

  • IvyIvy Posts: 7,165

    Vehicles pose set for genesis 2 female

    Thank you for downloading my poses
    This set contains 6 Assorted Vehicles poses and 1 reset to zero pose. No props included
    with this pose set.
    Important notice: Some poses may require that the limits be shut off when applying the pose
    All poses were custom done by hand and were created for genesis 2 female
    to use in my animation storyboards, and are free to use in commercial and non commercial
    Please do not redistribute, reshare or sell these poses. without my written permission
    Though these poses were created for genesis 2 female they will work for genesis and genesis 2
    male figures with some minor adjustments for the hands and feet.
    Any questions please feel free to contact me, Please enjoy them .
    Ivy Summers

    Download link  http://www.sharecg.com/v/84805/browse/21/DAZ-Studio/Vehicles-pose-set-for-genesis-2-female

  • IvyIvy Posts: 7,165

    I was goig to sell this product But thought  be a great season gift  for everyone . So thank you for your purchase of my Magic Pane background prop. cheeky

    Download hosted on Sharecg.com https://sharecg.com/v/92902/view/21/DAZ-Studio/Ivys-Magic-Pane-prop

    This image has been resized to fit in the page. Click to enlarge.


    You will find this product in the Daz Prop file under Ivy / Background panes
    I use these panes for animation with iray it saves on computer resources, and allows me to create huge pre-rendered scenes as back grounds without killing my computer resouces so I can add people and other things.

    You can add any background image you like to these pane. I included some samples images to get you started..

    Add as many panes to a scene as you like to make different, light-effects,godrays,ground-fog & lightening effects.

    Daz Studio 4.10 required to use this set.

    Set come with both 3delight and iRAY mat presets.
    the background image presets work for both iray and 3delight
    The pane can be scaled any direction to fit any render size and can be moved freely.
    default camera setting included to get you started,.

    Note: There is no light presets included with this set. But the iray defualt setting should work great.  you will find instructions for using emissive panes


    happy rendering

  • IvyIvy Posts: 7,165

    This image has been resized to fit in the page. Click to enlarge.

    8 Assorted fantasy back ground. Volume 1 Download hosted on sharecg.com  https://sharecg.com/v/92538/browse/15/2D-Resources/Enchanted-forest-back-ground#
    These back ground are inspired by the enchanted forest theme.


    I created and Render them in Daz Studio in sizes large than 2000 x 2000 pixels
    You may use these backgrounds in commercial renders.

    Please do not re sell or redistribute these back grounds or
    include them with other sets to be shared or sold.,

    Happy Rendering ,  Ivy

  • IvyIvy Posts: 7,165

    Assorted road back grounds 

    Download hosted on Sharecg.com  https://sharecg.com/v/92661/browse/15/2D-Resources/Assorted-road-back-grounds

    These back ground were inspired by traveling across country.

    I created and rendered these in Daz Studio in size 2800 x 2100   300dpi

    This image has been resized to fit in the page. Click to enlarge.


    Happy Rendering

  • IvyIvy Posts: 7,165

    5 Free Genesis 8 couples pose presets.

    Click here  - Download hosted at sharecg.com

    These are made for genesis8 male and female characters only.

    Note: When applying pose presets keep limits off.

    This image has been resized to fit in the page. Click to enlarge.


    Please do not resell or distribute these pose set
    Or include them in any other pose sets to be given away or sold.

    Free to use in non-commercial & commercial renders.

    Created by hand at Ivy's studio

    Happy Rendering

  • IvyIvy Posts: 7,165

    8 poses for the great Kraken

    Download Link: poses for the great Kraken - https://sharecg.com/v/92065/browse/21/DAZ-Studio/8-Poses-for-The-Great-Kraken

    Requires  Valandar's Great Kraken found at  https://www.daz3d.com/the-great-kraken
    Keep limits turned off when applying poses.

    Free to use for Commercial & Personal Use  
    Please do not sell or add these poses to any other pose set.

  • IvyIvy Posts: 7,165

    Click to play


    These aniblocks and poses where made specially for the Bugsy 3du toon cockroach character,
    And made to work for Bugsy gang characters as well using just one preset.
    "Keep Limits Off" when applying poses.
    Aniblocks are drop & drag onto the animate2 timeline.
    the walk cycle can be looped.
    Added Squish morph built into the squish pose and Bug size scale added as a preset for easy scene set up.
    Note:Animate2 timeline is required for aniblocks. https://www.daz3d.com/animate2
    Usage Rights:
    This set is free to use in commercial and non-commercial renders & animations only.
    Do Not resell or redistribution. these poses or aniblocks,
    Do Not include them in other pose & aniblock sets to be given or sold as a bundle.
    Please do not use them in scripts for game engines without my consent.

    Happy Rendering

    Download hosted at sharecg.com  Link  https://sharecg.com/v/92372/browse/21/DAZ-Studio/Poses-and-AinBlocks-for-the-3DU-Toon-Cockroach

  • IvyIvy Posts: 7,165

    Ivy's Parrot Poses  & aniblocks for 3DU toon Parrot  Download link on Sharecg.com

    I created these poses and aniblocks for a animated film project.
    These are designed for animation use, but will work well for any still renders..
    The flying aniblocks are stackable and can be joined together,
    I have included a Animated pose folder,

    the aniblocks and poses are completely hand keyframe and saved and exported with AniMate2

    These poses & aniblocks are free to use for commercial and non-commercial use under creative common License.
    Please Do-Not redistubution or include these poses with any other pose packages for sale or free sharing.

  • IvyIvy Posts: 7,165
    edited June 2019

    Teen Josie 8 everyday pose set 1.

    This is set 1 of 3 in my teen Josie 8 everyday pose collection.
    This set contains 10 unique hand crafted everyday poses presets to fit most any Teen josie 8 character.
    The poses may work for other genesis 8 characters with minor adjustments.
     when creating and saving this pose set. I have kepts the tranform off so they can be used in pose to pose animation easily.

    Please Note: when prompted turn off or keep limits off when applying the pose preset.

    Download hosted on sharecg.com


    Post edited by Ivy on
  • IvyIvy Posts: 7,165
    edited June 2019

    more coming soon

    Post edited by Ivy on
  • magicweavermagicweaver Posts: 244

    thank you


  • Faeryl WomynFaeryl Womyn Posts: 3,665

    Thanks Ivy and cute animation

  • SaphirewildSaphirewild Posts: 6,672

    Thanks so much for the great poses and stuff @Ivy!!

  • IvyIvy Posts: 7,165

    You all are very welcome:)

  • Rieke77Rieke77 Posts: 619

    Thank you very much, Ivy! 

  • Thanks! I have been looking for something like magic pane. I can never get my models placed quite where I want them with 2d backdrops. And the others look good as well.

  • IvyIvy Posts: 7,165

    Thank you guys I hope you enjoy them :)

  • IvyIvy Posts: 7,165

    Ivy's Hard to find poses for Josie 8 (set2)

    Download hosted on sharecg.com  https://sharecg.com/v/93966/view/21/DAZ-Studio/Ivys-Hard-to-find-poses-for-Josie-8-set-2#

    This is set is 2 of 3 in my teen Josie 8 pose collection.
    This set contains 11 unique hand crafted everyday poses presets to fit most any Teen josie 8 character.
    The poses should work for other genesis 8 characters with minor adjustments.
    when creating and saving this pose set. I have kepts the tranform off so they can be used in pose to pose animation easily.

    Please Note: when prompted turn off or keep limits off when applying the pose preset.

    Usage rights:
    You may use these pose presets for commercial and non commercial renders,
    please do not redistribute, sell or add to other pose sets for sale or distribution.

    Happy Rendering

  • IvyIvy Posts: 7,165

    Ivy's Beach fun poses for Teen Josie 8 (set3)

    Download hosted on sharecg.com https://sharecg.com/v/93973/view/21/DAZ-Studio/Ivys-Beach-fun-poses-for-Teen-Josie-8-set3

    Thank you for downloading a Ivy's Beach fun poses for Teen Josie 8 (set3)
     you'll find these poses in people/genesis 8 female/poses/Ivy's Poses

    This is set is 3 of 3 in my teen Josie 8 pose collection.
    This set contains 11 unique hand crafted beach pose presets to fit most any Teen josie 8 character.
    The poses should work for other genesis 8 characters with minor adjustments.
    when creating and saving this pose set. I have kepts the tranform off so they can be used in pose to pose animation easily.

    Please Note: when prompted turn off or keep limits off when applying the pose preset.

    Usage Rights:
    You may use these pose presets for commercial and non commercial renders,
    please do not redistribute, sell or add to other pose sets for sale or distribution.

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