Question about e-mail links
I am frequently intrigued by the pictures at the bottom of the e-mails from DAZ (PC Render Contest), but clicking on the picture, the " PC Inspirations Contest Thread", or the "Monthly Render Challenge" links only lead to the forum home page. How does one find the actual picture so that it may be seen in a larger format? I was specifically looking for "John Carter of Mars" by aemccullough. Great picture!
Try logging in, assuming you aren't when you go to the site initially, and then click the links again - the images are in threads in the Members Only forum, to which you should have access.
You are a member of the Platinum Club, so the link should take you to the image. You will need to make sure that you are logged in, as non-PC members cannot see the Members forum, and if you are not logged in, you are treated as a non-PC member.
I just tried this myself, and it takes me to the Forums home page as well, something wrong with the links I think. Anything like this, you would be better to post in the Members forum, moderators can then see it, and hopefully get it fixed.
OK, that doesn't work - I'll report this as an issue. In the meantime, the John Carter image should be in this thread
Richard Haseltine wrote
I am always logged into the forum. I logged into the home website as well, but still no joy. I did find aemccullough's "John Carter of Mars" on page 13 of the thread you linked. I did see some excellent renders along the way, but I never would have found this image if I did not even know what thread it was on.
This is not the first time I have been frustrated by images in DAZ e-mails. Seems to me that if DAZ wants to use members' images in their advertisements, the least they can do is link to that image.
As I said above, I have reported this so with luck it will be addressed in future newsletters.