I am so sick and tired of trying to sign in and can't

GrandmaPaulaGrandmaPaula Posts: 72
edited December 1969 in The Commons

At this very moment, in the upper right hand corner, is says (Log Out) so that must mean I am signed in. I ALWAYS have to enter my email addy and password every single time I come in, whether it be in the forums or the store or my wishlist, etc.

I logged in to view the store, as usual. I do it a few times at night. Well, I wanted to use what may be my last $6.00 voucher/coupon/whatever, so I tried to see my wishlist. It tells me to sign in yet again. I try and nothing. It won't let me sign in. I now cannot even sign in to the store area now. I try several times. It has been like this since the change. Signing in is hit and miss each and every darned time I try.

Don't tell me to put in a support ticket. I can't. Why? Because I have to freaking sign in to do it!

I think the better idea will be for me to just cancel my paid membership. I am so done. Not only am I wasting my money every month by paying for my monthly membership then having nothing good to buy for use in POSER. I can't even sign in most of the time to try and buy something, anyway. Sure after getting a $6.00 coupon each much, I am really only paying $1.95 for my monthly membership, but really, what good is the very limited coupon, if I can't get signed in to use it?

I'd rather take my money elsewhere. I tried, Daz. I really did. I have waited and waited to see if the issues would be fixed, including having available new products that I can use in POSER. I don't care that Daz 4 Pro is free right now. And yes I downloaded it, but I have no plans on using it. I am a Poser user and that is what I intend on using. I also don't care that there is now a tut telling us Poser users how to import genesis into our Poser programs. I don't need another difficult tut. I want Genesis to install and use in my Poser program like V4, A4, G4, SP4, M4, H4, Freak 4 and another other figure I have does. I don't want to have two programs installed to get to use the darn thing. Besides, that would also mean I have to buy more stuff for the new genesis figure including V4, M4, morphs, etc and V4, M5 blah blah blah.

As a Poser only user, I feel used then dumped. And if you check my records, I, like many many others, have paid a fortune in your store, plus for my membership. I make no money from my expensive 3D hobby. I'd love to, mind you. But so far, I have this 3D hobby as a sort of therapy. I am disabled and with being in constant pain, I use this hobby to try and deflect some of my symptoms to get some kind of relief. I literally spend hours doing it.

Yes, DS is a fine program, but it is not for me. Sorry. I have many 3D friends that use either program or both. Ome like it and some don't. I am fine with that. I am not a Poser freak who is against everything DS. Really, I am not. I just mean that before the genesis and the changes, you geared your products towards ALL people, Poser users and DS users alike. And of course you have that right.But don't expect to continue raking in the dough as mush as you used to. I am sure you have lost alot of customers over this. But there are plenty of other stores out there, so we'll be okay.

Readers, please don't dump on me and just down my throat. I held my tongue (or fingers) as long as i could and I am just frustrated and had to vent somewhere. Had I been able to sign in to make a support ticket, I never would have posted this thread in the first place. I am usually quiet in these matters.. Usually....

Sorry for letting me get to this point. I am not even looking for replies. I just wanted Daz to know my frustrations and maybe offer some help in fixing my sign in issues, at least.

Sorry for the typos. I am sure there are plenty but I am just too tired to go back and fix the errors.

Grandma Paula


  • RoguePilotRoguePilot Posts: 239
    edited December 1969


    I have had the logging in issue. It seems to be a minor asynchronisation between the store and the forums.

    Could you try pressing the 'log out' button to basically resynch everything and then log back in. That worked for me and it hasn't caused problems again for a while..yet.

  • chrbou2001chrbou2001 Posts: 117
    edited December 1969

    There seems a bigger problem in the new site which is a real mess. Sometimes i cannot login, then i login but a different user shows up, then i am logged in but cannot buy (nothing shows in my cart). Some hours later my cart is full (because of the content i wanted to buy but it didn´t show up in the cart). Sometimes i can buy but not post.
    And till today DAZ wasn´t able to include a function that warn´s us when buying content we already own (at most other sites like Renderosity or RDNA this is no problem as it was before DAZ made this new site)!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  • SzarkSzark Posts: 10,634
    edited December 1969

    Well it seems like a hit and miss problem as I using IE9 and don't have any of these issues. The forum stays logged in like the old forums did but the store is another matter. I have to log in there each day, but as soon as I do I am logged in for the rest of the session. Which is a good thing IMHO, security wise.

    Have you all tried clearing out your Browser cache, history and cookies?

  • CypherFOXCypherFOX Posts: 3,401
    edited December 1969

    Typically the log out/log in problem can be mitigated by going to the store and logging out, and going to the forum, and logging out. Once both sites are in agreement that you are logged out, you can typically click log in at either one, enter your info, and be logged in to both.

    I believe that DAZ occasionally has to run tasks to aggregate the days orders, or something similar, because occasionally late at night (my time, which is a zone or so off from their time) the shopping cart gets 'stuck'. This means that it appears to do nothing, but once it 'unsticks' ALL the actions you did flood into it, and they bypass the typical digital goods 'you can only buy it something once in one order' checks, so you have to go through and prune unintended copies of stuff you tried to buy from it.

    The old store didn't start with 'you've already bought this' detection either, fwiw. That was added later, and it will be here also. But software development takes time, I'm afraid.

    This certainly hasn't been the best of transitions, but the last 30 days have probably been the most I've spent in a month since March Madness. I've been snapping up cheap Gen4 stuff this sale because the Transfer Utility works SO well for Genesis (and AutoFit in 4.5 makes it easier!), and the PC sale was heaven for filling out sets and scenes. Plus I have GenX so I can grab character INJ's and use them. It's great that there's this HUGE library of stuff that Just Works on the Genesis models, without the PA's having to consciously support every possible tweaked morph, and thus my wallet screams for mercy. :)

    I am looking forward to them reimplementing the 'You already bought this...' warning.

    -- Morgan

  • chrbou2001chrbou2001 Posts: 117
    edited December 1969

    I am really looking forward to this because DAZ has such great content and now with the GenX you can also use the "old" stuff. But it is very hard to say (esp. when there is the sale) when you where buying here the last 11 years what you already got and what not.

  • DWGDWG Posts: 770
    edited December 1969

    At this very moment, in the upper right hand corner, is says (Log Out) so that must mean I am signed in.

    I'm afraid it doesn't, it just means that at some point the bit of software that sets that flag thought you were logged in, but in the meantime your session may have timed out. If you haven't refreshed the page then it won't have updated to show this, I'm also not certain sessions timing out is properly clearing the statuses, so logging out as a first step after not doing anything, or finding yourself locked out is always wise.

    I ALWAYS have to enter my email addy and password every single time I come in, whether it be in the forums or the store or my wishlist, etc.

    The software seems to be setting sessions as timed out after a set period since login, rather than since the last time you did anything, so you'll find yourself logged out more often than previously (this is something that needs fixing, hopefully they'll get around to it soon).

    t tells me to sign in yet again. I try and nothing. It won't let me sign in

    Whenever you have issues, always logout, and ideally logout, login, logout again, no matter whether you think you are logged in or out. This may seem stupid, but you need to ensure your logged in or out status is properly reset, and this should do it.

  • DWGDWG Posts: 770
    edited December 1969

    Sometimes i cannot login, then i login but a different user shows up

    DAZ reported that one as being solved by clearing your DAZ cookies from your browser several weeks ago.

  • kmw_5213kmw_5213 Posts: 74
    edited December 1969

    Genesis is the future of DAZ. Being frustrated about it just doesn't make any damned sense. Look at my post count. I'm not finding much reason to explore the world of DAZ these days, though I haven't dismissed them completely. That new castle thing is amazing and if the opportunity comes through, I will buy it, and hopefully in time to take advantage of the available Gen4 freebie that would come with it.

    But Genesis is now the focus. But then, once upon a time, so was Gen4, and people complained about DAZ forgetting Gen3. And the same happened with the transition from Gen2 to Gen3. The only difference now is Poser users resent the impression of being left behind. Big deal. There's plenty of Gen4 support out there. Take advantage of it. Stop thinking DAZ has to be your one stop 3D shop. I've never understood that mentality in the first place. As much as I want to renew my PC status, I can't justify I'd even spend the amount of the membership so that's been keeping me away...

    From this point forward, DAZ is going to concentrate on strengthening Genesis and promoting its software. No, that doesn't bode well for Poser users. Again, big deal. Accept it could very well be time to move on.

    As for all the problems with the site, it's still new. It's rare for a roll out to go perfect. Though I will admit of all the site changes I've sat through, this is definitely one of the most ham fisted. As a writer, it bugs me I can't even get a decent formatting in the forums. Everything's tripping over everything else. But DAZ will get the issues taken care of. Eventually. Be patient or stay away until they do. The idea that a frigging website could drive you this crazy? Time to take a break maybe.

    Either way, I understand your frustration. I hope you work through it. You are already in ill health. Don't let something as silly as a website make it worse, okay?


  • Wallace3DWallace3D Posts: 166
    edited December 1969

    Give it time folks. The Moto is: The best way to test something is to release it to the public.

  • GrandmaPaulaGrandmaPaula Posts: 72
    edited December 1969

    I am not mad that Daz has and is promoting Genesis. I think Genesis is probably the best figure they have ever came out with. I just would like to have it fully compaitible with poser, like V4 and all the other figures that work in both programs..... I get that Daz is concentrating on Genesis. I have no problem with that.

    My main "issue" is the problems that are still going on within the Daz store/forums/etc. And I HAVE given them alot of "time" to make the corrections. And to wait it out while they get things fixed is fine except for the fact that while they are still working things out, they are taking my money each month via the paid membership while I am not getting anything for that money. Meaning, they aren't offering me anything to buy (except genesis stuff), lately. (And since most of the time I cannot sign in, then I can't make a purchase if I wanted to) Or at least since just before the site changes. So from the time genesis came out and the new site changes, etc, I have been patient. How much time should go by before anyone finally gets mad enough to complain? A month? Or 2? Or 6, or a year?

    And yes, I am ill health but....I would never let myself get so upset that it affects my health. And I DO shop at other stores, so Daz isn't the only one I visit. But I figured since I am paying to have the perks of saving lots of money, I should be able to do so. If I hadn't been a paid member, this post never would have included anything about genesis. It would have remained only about the site issues.

    Blessing to everyoone.
    Grandma Paula

  • grangegrange Posts: 7
    edited December 1969

    KMW that's a very wide brush you are painting with there. Poser users in general don't feel they are being left behind, as Paula says there are quite a number who have both poser and Daz, in my case I like genesis, but I very rarely venture into Daz as I find poser for me is easier to create with. I just can't get my head around Daz half the time as I used to be able to find the bits I wanted a lot easier in Daz than I do now, basically because Daz has never properly listed my runtimes since Daz 3, no matter what I do to rectify the situation. I find I can get logged into the daz site most of the time, so can't complain about that, I just find downloading stuff hit and miss.

  • fixmypcmikefixmypcmike Posts: 19,583
    edited December 1969

    Grange said:
    KMW that's a very wide brush you are painting with there. Poser users in general don't feel they are being left behind, as Paula says there are quite a number who have both poser and Daz, in my case I like genesis, but I very rarely venture into Daz as I find poser for me is easier to create with. I just can't get my head around Daz half the time as I used to be able to find the bits I wanted a lot easier in Daz than I do now, basically because Daz has never properly listed my runtimes since Daz 3, no matter what I do to rectify the situation. I find I can get logged into the daz site most of the time, so can't complain about that, I just find downloading stuff hit and miss.

    Not listing them in the order you'd like, or not listing them? Do you mean DS3 listed them and DS4 didn't, or DS2 listed them and DS3 doesn't?

  • grangegrange Posts: 7
    edited December 1969

    DS2 listed them no problem, ds3 listed them for a time, then wouldn't, despite it finding every runtime, showing them as being added, then they vanished again after 10 minutes. Ds4 shows they are there, but the folders are missing most of the stuff that is in them. I haven't tried working on that yet, I just use the genesis stuff to try and get used to it. I actually started off with daz 2 and used it all the time and was happy enough with daz 3 until it started playing funny buggers, after which I just used poser as it was easier to get my images done as the folders didn't vanish.

  • kmw_5213kmw_5213 Posts: 74
    edited December 1969

    Grange said:
    KMW that's a very wide brush you are painting with there. Poser users in general don't feel they are being left behind, as Paula says there are quite a number who have both poser and Daz, in my case I like genesis, but I very rarely venture into Daz as I find poser for me is easier to create with. I just can't get my head around Daz half the time as I used to be able to find the bits I wanted a lot easier in Daz than I do now, basically because Daz has never properly listed my runtimes since Daz 3, no matter what I do to rectify the situation. I find I can get logged into the daz site most of the time, so can't complain about that, I just find downloading stuff hit and miss.

    Well, no offense, Grange, but have you been around for the heated debates? The resentments? The concerns that DAZ is turning into a Genesis-centric environment? I've personally been on the other end of taunts that Studio users are winning the imagined war against Poser because they have Genesis.

    No, I do not believe Poser users in general feel left behind. But then I didn't say that either. Matter of fact, if you read my post carefully, I'm NOT of those users who feels slighted. I could care less. And like most people, I have DAZ Studio. But like the OP, I don't have any intention of using it. And I have no desire to figure out how to use Genesis in Poser. When it works in Poser, I'll use it.

    But thanks for tempering my statements with a little advocacy.


  • fixmypcmikefixmypcmike Posts: 19,583
    edited December 1969

    Please keep it civil. There's no need for getting into an app war.

  • GrandmaPaulaGrandmaPaula Posts: 72
    edited December 1969

    Yay! I was able to sign in ONCE, and saw a new V4 character for Poser AND Daz. Ksenia By Thorne. And I used my monthly coupon on her. That is all I ask. Let me sign in and throw me a bone here and there so that my monthly paid membership will be worth while to me. Something so simple makes this ol gal happy. See, now that wasn't so hard was it? LOL.

    Hugs, Grandma Paula

  • kmw_5213kmw_5213 Posts: 74
    edited December 1969

    Fortuitous, eh?

    Glad you were able to find a little peace of mind in the madness.

    Of course, I had to log in to post this...


  • grangegrange Posts: 7
    edited December 1969

    kmw no problem

    Fixmypc no arguement, kmw makes valid statements, I don't wander round forums, and he has the experience that he states I fuly believe, so has my admiration that he can still come into forums and post after that. I know a lot of people who get put off by the experience of it and never post anywhere.

    I used to pop into daz regularlly, but like Paula says it's currently a trial doing that succesfully.

  • SpitSpit Posts: 2,342
    edited December 1969

    Yay! I was able to sign in ONCE, and saw a new V4 character for Poser AND Daz. Ksenia By Thorne. And I used my monthly coupon on her. That is all I ask. Let me sign in and throw me a bone here and there so that my monthly paid membership will be worth while to me. Something so simple makes this ol gal happy. See, now that wasn't so hard was it? LOL.

    Hugs, Grandma Paula

    Great---so glad you were able to sign in and get something you wanted with the coupon! I had trouble with the login/logout tonite as well and nothing would go in my cart. But it all finally sorted out and I bought the same thing you did with the coiupon. :)

    I'm sick of the store and forum mess myself. I've always been one to defend and support DAZ so my anger and frustration directed at DAZ feels strange. But that's life.

  • GhostpantherGhostpanther Posts: 139
    edited December 1969

    I have since maybe a week nearly the same problem.
    Whenever I'm getting at first into the forums I'm already logged in, which means I'm recognized by the software, but in the very same moment, I won't be recognized at all, whenever I want to switch into my account or into the shop - and I don't speak of hours or several minutes, but of several seconds up to a minute.
    It happens with IE8, IE9 and with Opera, although I'm clearing my browser cache after each (!) session !
    I'm not using Firefox and will never do, because it destroyed some time ago several important text files, which nearly couldn't be recovered (and no, I don't have any screenshot of it and the support forum of FF was so offensive, because nobody believed me, that I never ever intend to use it again).
    It happens as well, whenever I'm starting with the homepage or if I want to go over a link in a mail or in the really very strange looking newsletters (a title, one or two pictures in the wiiiiiide emptiness and at the right side some letters, which seem to belong to a text - I'm really glad, that the pictures are always linked as well) - I always have to try to login several times, before my mail and my password will be accepted ... and it slowly begins to make me somehow mad together with all the other "bugs" of this whole new shop-forum-site-software - and that I can't reach the support naturally as well !

    Under these circumstances it's really good, that the shop has at the moment nothing, which interests me really. And I can only hope, that the new product of Fisty and Marieah (Gemologica) will be published after all these problems are solved ! Because that's the only thing, which I really want to have !

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