Missing eyes

harryfelder615harryfelder615 Posts: 15
edited December 2013 in Bryce Discussion

Im trying to make a scene in Bryce and I have imported a posed Genesis 2 base female into the scene but when I do all every texture is present expect for the eyes, they are always completely white like the pupil and the iris are missing is there some special way to import it?

1200 x 559 - 299K
Post edited by harryfelder615 on


  • HoroHoro Posts: 10,538
    edited December 1969

    Welcome to the Bryce forums Harry. I have no immediate answer for you. I've heard about eye issues with Genesis but do not remember where and what can be done. Hopefully someone who knows will drop in soon. Meanwhile, you could try to export the model as OBJ and import into Bryce instead of using the bridge. Maybe the eyes come with it.

  • ChoholeChohole Posts: 33,604
    edited December 1969

    I seem to remember that G2F has an extra layer on the eyes, which you can use to simulate a glint or sprkle in the eye. It could well be that you need to edit this layer in the material room. When I am working with V4 or M4 they have a layer like this, which I tend to use a glass material on to get that effect. (Normally I use ''glass bubble'')

  • TrishTrish Posts: 2,625
    edited December 2013

    When you bring her into Bryce....ungroup her and click on the eye delete the first layer and her eye will show up...that is how I do it anyway...There will also be a white line where her bottom eyelashes are delete that also.......Trish

    Post edited by Trish on
  • ChoholeChohole Posts: 33,604
    edited December 2013

    but if you make it glass instead of deleting it, you get nice sparkly eyes, surely?

    I don't ungroup her, I just find the relevant layer and change it to glass. (that's with V4 of course, but I would think G2F is that much different once in Bryce)

    Post edited by Chohole on
  • TrishTrish Posts: 2,625
    edited December 2013

    yes you can change to glass I guess but you still are stuck with that...bottom layer under the eye. it is separate.I don't know how to deal with that part....I have just been delete-ing...This is G2 Diana... Then I just left click mouse draw a square around the figure and re-group...It is just the way I do it...???

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  • harryfelder615harryfelder615 Posts: 15
    edited December 2013

    Thank you all for trying to help me, I have tried all of your suggestions but none of them worked and I feel like its because im not executing any of the suggestions correctly, these are my results

    Horo: When I tried it did the same thing

    chohole when i tried to change the reflection layer in the material room her entire eye turned clear

    bullit35744: When I tried I un-grouped, selected the eyes and when I went into the material editor and when the material lab came up I did not know what to do after wards

    Sorry if I seem dumb Im new to daz products =^)

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  • ChoholeChohole Posts: 33,604
    edited December 2013

    Try this

    Edited to add, Trish I tend to use a similar glass mat on the ''tear'' which is the bit under the eyes.

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    Post edited by Chohole on
  • TrishTrish Posts: 2,625
    edited December 2013

    Click the checkmark button then hit delete on your computer.....the material editor is just showing you what material you chose...sorry cholole I was cross posting....edit...its a tear...I did not know that ...great now I will use your way which glass did you pick??

    hayrryfelder615: you are not dumb...there is a lot of stuff I don't know yet as you can see ...so ask and everyone here will help you....its a learning process and we all work together...Trish

    Post edited by Trish on
  • harryfelder615harryfelder615 Posts: 15
    edited December 1969

    I got it! Thank you guys for helping me figure this out!

  • GussNemoGussNemo Posts: 1,855
    edited December 1969

    @Harry: Let's see what you got, don't keep us in suspense. :-)

  • harryfelder615harryfelder615 Posts: 15
    edited December 1969

    This is how it turned out thanks guys for the help!

    1200 x 559 - 794K
  • useroperatoruseroperator Posts: 247
    edited December 2013

    I'd say the first layer should be set to a transparent glass material, rather than just deleting it.

    on a side note.....bryce is primarily a renderer, not a modeling app. it's counter productive to do any model related work within bryce unless it uses bryces own tools for creation. the UI just doesn't display enough information or give enough options to effectively work with models and their textures/UV maps.

    Post edited by useroperator on
  • IceScribeIceScribe Posts: 690
    edited December 2013

    You can go to the wireframe view, position your cursor about where you want on the form, and right-click to bring up a menu of what is available under the cursor. Sometimes you have to move it around, but what a time-saver from going up and down the group or mesh selection menu! I learned about this tip this year, and I have been using Bryce for several years! It's extremely helpful for those items that occasionally I've purchased or gotten as freebie which use the same name for every part of the object. If you hold down "shift" while holding the control, and clicking on the items you want, you can select several under the cursor menu to give the same material/texture.

    Learn how Bryce arranges the items, you will see they are imported in the same order for the body. There is an "eye surface" that makes the whole surface eye opaque. I select "eye surface" and make it transparent. I generally do the same for "tear". "Cornea" I do as chohole does, and use material 'glass' bubble, which is transparent but also has a tiny tint of color and that nice shininess.

    Try that right-click, it's amazing!

    p.s. you can also change the "iris" color this way too. No need to find special eyeballs to import.

    p.p. s sorry, I meant to say this but was momentarily distracted. It is not wise to "ungroup" your figure, unless you have it postioned EXACTLY where you want it, because re-grouping is a tedious and inexact task. You might forget the "tear", move your figure not completely regrouped, and go mad trying to find out what is that wart on the face or hanging out in the sky. I always send my figure to Bryce, go to it, "select all", and then delete the ground which gets picked up, and group my entire figures-hair pieces, buttons, pants which for some reason are not always included in the original grouping, and name it "mycharactername1". Then when you import a second figure-they will not get confused. (guess how I worked that out!)

    Post edited by IceScribe on
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