Don't mess with her!
When the apocalypse comes, when you're zombified… don't mess with her.
I copied the image into a new layer, added a slight Gaussian Blur, and masked this new layer over the girl. I think this helps bring her out; the DoF alone didn't make her "pop" just as much.
What do you think?
960 x 1280 - 505K
looks way cool :)
Very nice, I like the idea of girls kicking ass :) Buffy, Hit Girl, Cassie Hack just to name a few. With them at least you wouldn't have to worry as a father when they start dating :)
Did you make the blood on the Katana (it is a Katana, right?) post work or was it a texture that came with the prop?
Thanks! The blood spatter is post work. I find it easier to position the blood in Photoshop just so (even though I think it would be prudent to clean the blade after use, but I'm not going to tell her).
The katana prop is somewhat basic, I improved upon it in the last New User Contest :)