Cookie/Chip in Carrara

thoromyrthoromyr Posts: 452
edited December 2013 in Carrara Discussion

I'm curious if anyone has used Cookie or Chip in Carrara, and if so what you did about the eyes. I thought I'd come up with a fix for this before, but can't find it and haven't been able to come up with anything that works.

In short, there's something strange (to me) with the figure as the mesh has the eyes being large spheres, but if you switch animation mode (as if you were going to create morphs) then they are flattened into disks. That is rather like there was a morph being applied, but there does not appear to be any such morph. The issue is that they are not only flattened, but rotated at an angle so that they are not correctly placed any longer. I've attached screen shots to hopefully clarify what is going on. If it weren't for being rotated incorrectly the animation mode view would be correct for how the figure is supposed to appear.

Its really as if some sort of spatial transformation had been applied: if you rotate the eyes modeling mode and check it in animation mode the result is that the mesh has been rotated around the surface of the flattened disk -- the flattened disk of the eye is itself not rotated. If the disk is translated in space then the translation is as expected -- and as the issue is rotation this is of no help. Attempting to address this via a morph does not work as the eye body parts do not have any morphs and so a new morph cannot be added.

I'm sure there's a way to fix this, but I can't recall or discover what it is. Any help?

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