My First Hair model, looking for some critiques
Hey everyone, this is my first hair model. I've basically just been learning by trial and error since there don't seem to be many detailed hair tutorials.
Anyhoo, if you could share with me some tricks, texturing techniques, etc that would make my hair modeling skills improve I'd really appreciate it.
BTW I havent finished the whole model yet, I wanted to see if this is even worth finishingg, like if it were finished is it something you'd use in your renders?
1000 x 800 - 377K
1000 x 800 - 368K
1000 x 800 - 671K
1000 x 800 - 800K
keep it up - its a good start
Nice hair. The top front part is a tad high above the head. Maybe you can move it down a bit so that the hair is flush against the head? Or is the bang supposed to be high like that?
That looks good for being a beginner. You even did the trans maps great.
Looking good so far, though I'd like to see it from the other side too.
Hey everyone thanks for the feedback! I'm glad you think it looks good I'm working on finishing it as we speak. I put WAY too much unnecessary effort into this model, I used probably at least a hundred individually shaped hair strips, where probably if I had been more knowledgeable about how many were actually needed I could have cut it down to 20-30 and saved myself ALOT of work. I didn't realize that alot of the modelling I did in the beginning was unncecesarry because it would be hidden by the outer layers anyways.
As far as the hair being high on the head, the other side wasn't finished when I posted this picture. I had put so much effort into this model, that I wanted to get some opinions on it before going to the trouble of finishing the other side, if it looked like crap I was going to scrap it and start over.
Again, thanks for the encouragement, once I've completed it, I'll post more pictures here, and also upload the model as a freebie for people to use if they'd like :D
Okay, here's an update, I think I've done all I'm going to do, as this hair has a few flaws that are going to be a real pain to fix, least I can say I finished it lol.
The front view is when you can really see the problems, the polygons on the left side got kind of mangled.