New to daz3d and game design need some advice please

Im new to game design and daz pro in general. I downloaded daz pro 4.5 and im wondering does anyone know what im allowed to do with this program or there programs in general. Im new to game development. Am i allowed to use these models my games and then sell my game with the models i make. Im just wondering i mean im learning its not like im gonna be able to sell anything for awhile but im just new to everything thats all. Im probably gonna make free to play games most likely.
Im learning level designing and programming. These programs look really good on this site compared to what ive been looking at on other sites. And im looking forward to answering questions and helping people out once i get more experience with the programs for those who need it.
You want the "THREE DIMENSIONAL WORKS" section.
Basically no, you cannot re-release any model or texture you buy here in a 3d format. Renders and rendered animations are okay.
Hi Nathan, Welcome to the hobby - I am sure you will find it rewarding. For sake of clarity and not to conflict with other answers I will parse your question and color-code the distinct area of topics.
What can I do with DAZ Studio and other 3d creative apps with respect to making games? Almost anything from rigging a 3d mesh into an animated figure to animating 3d figures and rendering out as 2D sprites..and almost everything in between., That is in terms of capability. DAZ Studio is not a mesh modeler though, for that Blender (free and complex), 3DCoat, Wings (Free), ZBrush (great), Sculprtris (free) are good modeling and 3d texture/UV apps. Its the LICENSE to use of the CONTENT / FIGURE BASE MESH (ie Genesis) that needs to be adhered. Consider the GENESIS base a DAZ figure, so anythinbg derrived adheres to that license. However in essence if you make ALL of it (3d model/figure/texture) you can do anything with it - but if you incorporate third party (bought/freebie) content you need to refer to the license of purchased content. Look for the README files. Most items in the DAZ store are approved for 2d renders in commercial use, but not for publishing or distributing the 3d mesh and textures unless specific "game/3d publishing" licenses are also procured. GAME LICENSES are available in the DAZ store for certain PA's such as RAWART and DAZ Original (DAZ Original branded- ONLY).
If you plan on a 3d game, your game engine will probably prefer low poly models. If you are converting DAZ purchased content for games, you will want to reduce polys while retaining detail using the DAZ Studio Decimator and then merge textures using the Texture Atlas.
An alternative is to use the RealLusion 3DExchange Pipeline a convenient and easy way to prepare game ready content with game style animations.
Which type of platform will you publish to and what/if any game engine are you thinking about?
Well i plan to try and work with good companies that make top end games you find at gamestop for xbox360 and pc. But seeing how im just starting out in the game development field i will tell you pc is where i am look at right now!
And i am using Unity3d atm but i just bought leadwerk this week to play around with that. But i am most likely going to stay with unity.
Wasting your time, the game license is written in such a way that the mesh must be secured from 3rd party extraction ( ie game modders like myself), but atm there isn't a game engine that "we" can't "rip" a mesh from, as a result the only games you can safely make with the products in this community are sprite based games.
That's another reason for decimation, so that the original mesh is not distributed.
However, DAZ did update the EULA to provide more flexibility in this respect. The following was extracted from the current DAZ Eula, section 3.:
3.0 DAZ Commercial Real-time Addendum
The terms of this addendum 3.0 are in force only when User has purchased one of the following products from the online DAZ store:
Indie Game Developer License (sku: 12113)
Commercial Game Developer License (sku: 12479)
RawArt Commercial Game Developer License (sku: 12618)
The terms of this addendum 3.0 apply to all products the User has purchased via his/her online DAZ store account that can be identified in the online DAZ store using the following criteria:
In the description field for the product, the DAZ icon appears: DAZ Icon
When the User moves the mouse pointer over the icon, a text box appear with the words “DAZ Original”
And if User has purchased RawArt Commercial Game Developer License (sku: 12618)
View the product page in the online DAZ store, under the title of the product a field appears labeled “Shop more by:” and the field must be populated with the term “RawArt” and only the term “RawArt”
All Content that can be identified according to the above criteria shall hereinafter be referred to as “CRT Content”. The terms of this addendum 3.0 do not apply to any other Content.
MODIFIED TERMS OF USE. This section replaces Section 1.0 Paragraph E “TERMS OF USE” for CRT Content ONLY.
TWO DIMENSIONAL WORKS. Subject to the terms and conditions of this Agreement, User may (i) incorporate, copy and modify the CRT Content in the creation and presentation of two-dimensional animations and renderings which may require access to the CRT Content by the User’s customer during electronic execution of the User’s application, and (ii) incorporate two dimensional images (including two dimensional images that simulate motion of three dimensional objects) derived by User from the CRT Content in User’s other two-dimensional works, and (iii) publish, market, distribute, transfer, sell or sublicense such two-dimensional animations, renderings and other works; provided that User may not in any case: publish, market, distribute, transfer, sell or sublicense any renderings, animations, software applications, data or any other product from which any CRT Content, or any part thereof, or any substantially similar version of the CRT Content can be separately exported, extracted, or de-compiled into any re-distributable form or format. All other rights with respect to the CRT Content and its use are reserved by DAZ and its licensors. User warrants and is responsible to ensure that the CRT Content used in User’s applications are not available to end users in their native formats and that every effort is made to protect the CRT Content from theft or copyright infringement by employing technology, asset protection, encryption or any other resources at User’s disposal.
THREE DIMENSIONAL WORKS. DAZ wishes to encourage the expansion of the catalog of Content available to its users. Accordingly, User may access, use, copy, and modify the Content to create one or more derived or additional three-dimensional works provided that:
any such derived or additional three-dimensional works are designed to require or encourage the use of CRT Content available through the online DAZ store either by (i) requiring the use of such CRT Content to function, or (ii) allowing only limited function when not used in conjunction with CRT Content from the online DAZ store; and
upon receipt of a written request from DAZ, User immediately ceases any and all distribution of the art that User has created from the CRT Content, if DAZ has determined, in its sole discretion, that (i) such art is substantially similar to or is a clone of existing Content; or (ii) such derived or additional work fails to require the use of Content available through the online DAZ store.
The creation of three-dimensional physical images (3D-print, molded copy, CNC-routed copy, and the like) of Content or any three-dimensional art derived from the Content is permitted only by User’s purchase from DAZ, via the User’s online DAZ store account, of permission to deliver User’s derived works (art), including necessary Content, to an entity that creates three-dimensional images in a physical medium. User may then deliver User’s art in file format to the third-party to have physical images printed or created, up to the limitations set forth in the online DAZ Store delineated on the purchase page associated with the permission purchased. These limitations govern (i) personal and/or commercial use of the three-dimensional physical or printed images; and (ii) the quantity of three-dimensional printed images allowed.
That's another reason for decimation, so that the original mesh is not distributed.
Decimating the mesh does not stop it being a derivative of the original mesh, so redistribution is still not allowed under the EULA
Dream Cutter, that is from the standard license not the Gamer's license and addresses things like making a geograft add-on and the use of certain modelling techniques that can conform one mesh to the topology of another. I really don't see any benefit to 3D game makers to use DAZ content, it is not optimized for games and is probably more work to optimize it than modelling it themselves. Added benefit of modelling it themselves is complete ownership of models and being able to create a uniform look for their games.
Decimating the mesh does not stop it being a derivative of the original mesh, so redistribution is still not allowed under the EULA
Yes, decimatiuon is a derivative of the original however in this situation, the application of the EULA was being referenced when GAMING LICENSE is applied, and therefore complying with section 3. It appears the mesh can be distributed EMBEDDED in the users creative work (application/game) and ther decimation is to prevent unauthorized extraction & distribution of the ORIGINAL quality mesh.
That's the bottom line point of the game license add-on is it not?
Please advise if this is mis-understood. My understanding also is arrived from reading the DAZ 3D Game Developer
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ):
Q. Doesn’t the DAZ 3D End User License Agreement (Eula) prohibit the use of DAZ 3D models in games?
A. DAZ 3D has introduced a new Developer EULA that is available for all of the models and content at DAZ 3D has introduced a new licensing for DAZ Originals and some brokered products (Game Developer Licensing) which includes distribution rights within projects like games and simulations.
Q. What if I am using 2D renders or “sprites” in my game?
A. All of the content available at the DAZ 3D Store is covered by the standard EULA which allows 2D renders including sprites as well as rendered animations or movies.
Q. If I have already purchased DAZ 3D models under the standard license can I upgrade the license to a developer license?
A. Yes. See the current offering of developer licensing:
Q. Which developer license should I buy?
A. Developer licenses are available as “Indie” and “Commercial”.
Indie Developer License
Commercial Developer License
Q. Can I sell my game?
A. Yes.
Q. Do I have to pay royalties to use DAZ 3D models in my games?
A. No. The EULA grants a royalty-free license.
Q. If my game is free do I still need a developer license?
A. Yes. You still need to have the appropriate Indie or Commercial license. The standard EULA does NOT grant those rights.
Q. Aren’t DAZ 3D textures too big and high resolution to be used in games?
A. Some models contain too many textures or textures that are too large to be used efficiently in game engines. The Texture Atlas for DAZ Studio allows users to combine textures into a single texture atlas image and scale the image down to a size that can be easily incorporated into popular game engines.
Q. Can I take DAZ 3D models into other 3D applications and modify them further?
A. Yes. DAZ Studio supports a number of export options including .bvh, .obj and .daz (COLLADA). FBX export is supported through the FBX Plug-in for DAZ Studio.
Q. Can I modify the models and use them in my game?
A. Yes. DAZ 3D models can be modified and customized to fit the user’s requirements.
Q. Can I resell the modified models?
A. No. The DAZ 3D EULA expressly prohibits the resale of DAZ 3D models without the express written consent of DAZ 3D.
Q. Can I sell the models or pieces of the models as virtual goods within the game?
A. No. The DAZ 3D EULA expressly prohibits the resale of DAZ 3D models without the express written consent of DAZ 3D.
The decimated mesh is still a derivative and is still governed by the same EULA. The issue of not being able to completely block all methods of extracting a mesh has been raised before and was answered here
Yep,I think we have the same read on this, and understand that you are point this out to ensure that decimation in itself is an insufficient level of obfuscation. Per the BHowell post: " the developer is responsible for not making the assets directly available to the end users. Having the assets encrypted or compiled into the app or game would meet this requirement of the eula in most cases."
Thanks-- New changes have happened again, I suppose it's better to keep asking every liscence update.
"Wasting your time, the game license is written in such a way that the mesh must be secured from 3rd party extraction ( ie game modders like myself), but atm there isn't a game engine that "we" can't "rip" a mesh from, as a result the only games you can safely make with the products in this community are sprite based games."
@nathanmattera02202003, you can always make a 1990's shooter ;)
Make your best effort to secure the emsh - don't use an engine with a known hole, don't use unencrypted data, don't provide an export option (without turning it of for the DAZ content). No one is asking you to code a digital Fort Knox, just that you do as much as you can with the available tools.
You might want to keep in mind as it starts to get up and running with content.
Interesting - so it seems like DAZ is spinning up a Game Asset store with . Kind of wonder why they feel the need to reinvent the wheel with this new "Darwin" content development platform. Its moniker invokes images that it will evolve derrivations easier of existing figiures. I wonder how the other licensing DRM concerns are being addressed - seems like Unity is the target platform of choice.
WRT to Game Asset availability - this past year has seen a lot of improvement to content store EULAS - and many now are very accomidating to licencing to game developers. (free),, Content Paradise, Renderosity and are sites in particular have a lot of content that is very friendly to 3d game publishing and do not restrict the number of projects or venues you can publish to.