Hexagon was working on Mac, but the window is gone or off screen, crashes with open command

TimothyBTimothyB Posts: 0
edited December 1969 in Hexagon Discussion

I recently switched to a MacBook and Hexagon was working fine, using Mountain Lion. I undock it daily from a dual monitor setup. One day, after undocking with Hexagon open, suddenly the application window was gone.

You might think it's just off screen, but that doesn't seem to be the case. While dual monitors are connected, I position the screens in all configurations hoping to find it floating somewhere, and other tricks. I've uninstalled it and reinstalled it several times. When it asks for the serial, that window always is stuck at its center at top left cover of the screen, so you only see a quarter of it. I lowered the resolution and was eventually able to move it, but afte entering the serial, still no application window.

When I launch it, I see something small for a split second on the top left, then disappears. While in Hexagon, if I try something like command-O to open, Hexagon instantly crashes.

It use to work, and uninstalling it doesn't seem to clear everything otherwise it would be working again. So now I'm stumped. Maybe there's an OSX file I can delete that resets all window positions and application history. I don't want to reinstall OSX just to fix this for it to only happen again.

So any Mac experts out there that might know a crazy console command to fix this?


  • TimothyBTimothyB Posts: 0
    edited January 2014

    Finally got it working!

    After uninstalling it, I never noticed Daz put a folder in a random place that housed additional preferences that were not deleted. They put it in the first level of my user folder.

    So annoying since deleting preferences was the first thing I tried earlier, argh. I did not know there were two preference folders for Hexagon, 1 in the application folder, and a Daz folder randomly place in my user folder next to the application folder, documents, pictures, so very out of place. I must of failed to discern two locations when doing my initial search on the system.

    If anyone comes across this thread for a similar off screen window issue, here are two possible solutions:

    1: Gather Windows script on Snipplr:

    I saved that as a Applescript to run when needed. Worked to make any window, even if slightly going off screen, to fit within the desktop.

    2: Then if you have another odd issue, like a canvas in Photoshop disappear, it can be related to the dual graphics in something like a MacBook Pro, so turning off automatic graphic switching, restarting, can help solve that.

    Discovered that tip here:

    Post edited by TimothyB on
  • PeriastronPeriastron Posts: 44
    edited December 1969

    I would hope that future Mac versions of Hexagon (assuming we ever see any) put their configuration data in ~/Library/Application Support, instead of polluting my home directory with a "DAZ 3D" folder that has no business being there. :P

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