New Hairstyle please critique :)
Hey everyone, so I recently purchased Little Fox's Hair modelling tutorial, and while I havent used every technique she teaches in that book, it did make my hair modeling life much easier and more inspired. Here's the result of the application of some of her techniques and some of my own innovations. The only downside to the main modeling technique I am using is that texturing is quite a bit more complicated as it is not just a bunch of polygon strips placed on the head, so I have to actually do some UVW unwrapping, I do have a program that is supposed to automate the majority of the process but haven't gotten around to it yet, so the model is untextured as of yet, which is actually a benefit here bcause it allows you to suggest improvements to the underlying mesh. Would love to hear some critiques, or things you dont like about it, or even just a post stating you love the snot out of it :) lol.
Overall I think it's a HUGE improvement over my last hair attempt.
hard to say with out texturing
Thanks for the response. Do you do any modeling? The reason I ask is because at other forums that focus primarily on modeling, people mostly post untextured models when it's still a WIP and they are looking for critiques to make it better. The reason is that textures can cover up flaws and mistakes in the mesh. I will definitely be posting a textured version when I finalize the mesh though, probably even give it out as a freebie.
Yes I do models - don't do hair
Yes I do models - don't do hair
Sweet, whats your main focus if you dont mind sharing?
nice looking hair
I did a texture but my hair modelling sucks
it is actually carrara dynamic hair on a plane rendered!
The basic style looks good (speaking as one whose modelling experience stated, and ended, with Airfix models ...) A plain textured render would help to see how the transparency maps, etc work with it.
Hey thanks for the texture! I actually have an abundance of hair textures, but I want to finish the model before UV mapping, as UV mapping is a pain in and of itself and any changes to the model will require a remap. Thats why I was hoping for some critiques before I finished it :D
That being said thanks for all the positive feedback guys :D Once I get this textured I'm gonna release it for free, probably on ShareCG.
But for real that is a really nice texture, you should release a resource pack :)
mmm , nice model ( i mean the general look of the mesh), but I also wait to see how the model looks like after adding texture (whole material) to it.
This is the problem of polygonal hair
in my opinion it depends also on your experience and practicing (so by the time you know how to balance between nice polygons count and details (in case of hair exactly) and where exactly to put and modify your hair mesh-blocks )
I look forward to see your model after texturing. :)
Sweet, whats your main focus if you dont mind sharing?
any thing else - most times structure .
Texture is critical in assessing a final result. A reasonable mesh can look rubbish if badly textured. Likewise, a good texture can make a poor mesh look reasonable.
Without the intended texture you can't make an assessment as to how layers work together, if there are enough, or if more are needed.
I like the Idea of the Modeled in Shadows on some of the mesh here. I hope you plain the UV's and Texture maps to take those into account. Texture shadows often fail in many lighting types.
yeah, basically I am going to texture the hair as if it WAS strips of polygons, because each of the "strands" in this hairstyle are divided by edges. I'm just finishing up the mesh, then I'm gonna do texturing on it, which shouldnt be too hard. I appreciate everyones input, I'll make sure and update this when I have a textured model.