Some new nk files

mjc1016mjc1016 Posts: 15,001
edited February 2014 in Freebies

Well I got confirmation from some folks with the OK to share parts of this, so I'm now ready to put this up.

This is a pack of nk data files, for use in Luxrender. They are used in the Metal2 fresneltexture name Luxus that's the Metal2 NK file (not sure of the exact spot in Reality..but they will be usable in Reality, too).

Top Row: Old Oxidized Brass by Meelis
Cartridge Brass by Meelis
Bronze 1 (this is a sort of bronze that I cooked up)
Second: Brass7030
Brass8515 The are from a US Army report from the 1980s
Third: Bronze_001
Bronze_002 The 2 bronze files were transcribed from data on the digital restoration of historic bronze artifacts.
Copper_002 This is a different data source than the included copper.
Fourth: Iron Transcribed from a materials manual.
Fifth Not in this pack...and the two on the far right aren't either.

The rectangular bars on the right are a set of 'anodized' aluminum files made by patro, on the Luxrender forums.

1000 x 1000 - 167K
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