DSON Importer and Poser Pro 2012

edited December 1969 in Poser Discussion

I bought the DAZ Horse 2 and they only way to use it is with the DSON Importer. I've installed both the Win 32 bit and Win 64 bit because my Poser is installed in both. I've copied each one to the correct directory and it's not working. When I load the DAZ Horse 2, it shows up in the drop down, DAZHorse2,...but I see nothing and I get this error code.

C:\Program Files (x86)\Smith Micro\Poser Pro 2012\Runtime\Python\lib\genericpath.py:94: RuntimeWarning: tp_compare didn't return -1 or -2 for exception
sepIndex = max(sepIndex, altsepIndex)
Exception in RealityDataModel::addObjects: NULL result without error in PyObject_Call

By any chance does anyone know what this means and how to fix the problem? I have a feeling the horse will be the last thing I purchase here if it's going to be this much of a headache. I've spent several hours installing and uninstalling the DSON Importer trying to get it to work. Seriously, it's giving me a migraine.

Thanks in advance for any help. = )


  • fixmypcmikefixmypcmike Posts: 19,611
    edited December 1969

    Did you install both "DAZ Horse 2" and "DAZ Horse 2 PoserCF"?
    Where did you install them (full path)?
    DO you have PP2012 SR3 or higher?

  • edited December 1969

    I did install both files and I have the SR3 update also. After fighting this off and on most of the day, here's the error I'm getting now...

    Traceback (most recent call last):
    File "F:\PoserContent\Animals\Runtime\libraries\Character\DAZ Horse 2\DAZ Horse 2.py", line 1, in
    import dson.dzdsonimporter
    File "C:\Program Files (x86)\Smith Micro\Poser Pro 2012\Runtime\Python\addons\dson\__init__.py", line 4, in
    import dson.dzdsonimporter
    ImportError: DLL load failed: %1 is not a valid Win32 application.

    The first line shows the path where the DAZ Horse 2 is installed.

    Thanks for the reply, I sure hope we can this working. I really want to try out the new horse. = )

  • wimvdb_dc63ee9ce6wimvdb_dc63ee9ce6 Posts: 183
    edited December 1969

    It tries to load the 32 bit version of the DSON importer (installed in program files (x86).
    The 64bit version (which you need for the 64bit version of PP2012) is installed in program files.
    I think the problem is caused by installing the DSON importer twice (32 bit and 64 bit), the last one uninstalling the first one again. Try installing the 64bit version again and make sure you are running the 64bit version of PP2012.

  • edited December 1969

    Thanks for your reply WimvdB. I uninstalled both versions of the DSON Importer from the control panel under remove/change programs. I installed just the 64 bit version into Program Files. I made sure I opened the 64 bit version of Poser, directly from the file. PP2012 opened, I loaded the horse, it shows that the horse is there as a character in the drop down...but there's no horse to be seen. Then the entire PP program bogs down and I'm not able to move between characters, poses, etc. I uninstalled the 64 bit version of DSON, I then installed the 32 bit version in Program Files ( x86). I opened the 32 bit version of PP from the file. It acts like it starts to load, there's a little pop up window in the center of the scene, then I get this error message...

    C:\Program Files (x86)\Smith Micro\Poser Pro 2012\Runtime\Python\lib\genericpath.py:94: RuntimeWarning: tp_compare didn't return -1 or -2 for exception
    sepIndex = max(sepIndex, altsepIndex)
    Exception in RealityDataModel::addObjects: NULL result without error in PyObject_Call

    I wish I could just get the horse with a regular Poser installer, it would make things SO much easier. lol

  • wimvdb_dc63ee9ce6wimvdb_dc63ee9ce6 Posts: 183
    edited December 1969

    I am wondering if reality is interfering with DSON here. I know there were some problems a couple of months ago, but those were fixed with updates to reality.
    As an experiment: Remove reality from the poser addon folder (just move it to another location, so you can move it back later) and see of the problem persists (after restarting poser). If if you do not use an addin (like DSON or reality), it still is active and can interfere with operations.
    I used the horse a cople of times when it was released and it worked fine with DSON at that time.
    Another question: Does genesis or genesis 2 work? They are in the companion files (and you DO have that installed, do you?)

  • edited December 1969

    Okay, I made sure I had the latest version of Reality, I have 3.1 and that is the newest.
    I removed the Reality folder from both the 32 and 64 bit versions of PP2012. The 64 bit, without Reality, loads up with no error messages. It looks like everything is working, when I load the horse, it shows it in the drop down as being a character in the scene...but it must be the invisible model because I'm not seeing a horse anywhere. LOL
    The 32 bit version of PP had an immediate error box as it was loading the first time I opened the program. The message... [Error 193] %1 is not a valid Win32 application. I'm sure everything is where it is supposed to be, DSON 32 bit is in the Program Files (x86) folder of PP. When I closed that message and tried to load the horse, I got the exact same error message as in my last post.
    After opening and closing PP a few times, the 32 give me no error pop ups, but it does the same as the 64 bit version. Showing the horse as a character in the scene, but it's not there.
    I don't have Genesis or Genesis 2. I"m still cruising along happily with my good ole V4.

  • fixmypcmikefixmypcmike Posts: 19,611
    edited December 1969

    Can you check that the Data folder is in the same (writeable) folder as the Runtime folder (not inside Runtime)? Having the item listed in the scene but not really there usually means the data files couldn't be found.

  • wimvdb_dc63ee9ce6wimvdb_dc63ee9ce6 Posts: 183
    edited December 1969

    I think you need to install the Start Essentials, it not only contains genesis but other base files as well.
    The "invisible" figure is typical of not having the essentials properly installed.

    Install it - even if you don't want to use genesis - and see if the horse works. Create a separate runtime to install the essentials in. That way it won't get mixed with your other content (that is what I have done)

  • fixmypcmikefixmypcmike Posts: 19,611
    edited December 1969

    Where is the content installed (full path)?

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