scene builder failed install
I'm just trying to install DAZ and in the install manager I get the following:
Install Manager cannot find a required path. The installer for "Scene Builder for DAZ Studio" requires that the installed path for "DAZ Studio 4.5" be defined. Make sure that a path for this application is present on the "Applications" page of the "Settings" dialog, then try again.
I have no clue what to do to be quite honest
"Applications" page of the "Settings" dialog
Where is the Applications "page"?
or the Settings Dialog?
Of what?
of the Install Manager?
Is this a Windows 7 thing?
Click the gear icon at top-right of the Install Manager window to open preferences, then click the Applications tab in the dialogue that opens - do you have an entry for DAZ Studio 4.5 or later there?
Hey ! I have exactly the same problem ! I do not havec an entry for Daz Studion 4.5 in the Applications tab... What do i do ? :s
You have to add one, by using the '+' icon at the bottom of the Applications tab.
Insert the path to your DAZ Studio installation.
Thanks for your help !
But how can i find the path ? :s
The path is where you installed DAZ Studio to.
If on Windows, right click on the icon, select Properties, Open File Location, then copy the path from the top of the window.
For example, mine is in C:\Program Files\DAZ 3D\DAZStudio4 for the 64 bit version.
Maybe the intalation doesn't work.. I just have :
C:\Program Files\DAZ 3D\DAZ3DIM1
Inside "DAZ3DIM1" file i've got 5 files : cms/imageformats/service/Uninstaller/vresources
You need to install DAZ Studio first.
Is it DAZ Studio that you are installing that is looking for a path? You should install DAZ Studio first, DIM is just a file downloader and installer, it is not the DAZ Studio application.
Find DAZ Studio inside DIM in the Ready to Download tab, and install it, then enter the path in the Applications tab.
Thanks a lot !
I think that the first intallation screw up because of my account... I'm downloading all the stuff for Daz Studio ! Hope it will work !
This is utterly confusing. They let us download scenebuilder first. Still like a joke in 2017!