BRYCE RENDER CHALLENGE ►►►Spring Edition◄◄◄ Theme is ☼♪♫♪☼ SPRINGTIME ☼♪♫♪☼



  • ChoholeChohole Posts: 33,604
    edited April 2014

    silly one. Spring is sprung, so we have Spring Flowers

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    Post edited by Chohole on
  • HansmarHansmar Posts: 2,895
    edited December 1969

    Hi all,

    When the theme came out, I thought: spring: what to do with that.
    I did think of a spring (as did other people, I noticed) and also of the Dutch 'Spring' (means: 'Jump'), which in my view for me as Dutchman would be acceptable.
    Then today I looked at all the wonderful entries and thought "Why not" and decided to enter this pure abstract. Admittedly: not made to look like spring at all. But: all the bright colours and forms coming from the dark (i.e. winter) - it fits (I hope).

    I've seen some amazingly original and great entries. There should be a law forbidding Horo to enter Bryce contests, because he is just too good. Not to speak of David Brinnen. Just kiddin! Without those and other masters of the game, how would I ever learn to do anything right in Bryce.

    So, here comes my first and probably last entry!

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  • jamilan-2246581jamilan-2246581 Posts: 0
    edited December 1969

    just a bit of an update regarding SpringRise.
    I took Horo up on his idea about moving the sun. The first image shows my attempt to keep the purple in the sky.
    In the second image i gave up on purple and went for an early to mid-morning look.
    I still prefer the original, but I'm terrible at lighting anyway.

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  • adbcadbc Posts: 3,115
    edited December 1969

    @JStryder : love that clown
    @TheSavage64 : very realistic
    @mermaid010 : Abstract, I love it
    @chohole : nice springs
    @hansmar : this is original !
    @Jamilan : I'm not an expert, but I think the 2nd one is better.
    @horo : I appreciate your comment.
    This time I paid more attention to the proportions. If I make the horse smaller, compared to the trees it will almost have the size of a cat.
    Both houses are behind (small) bumps in the terrain which (might) make them look less high.
    If I measure the height of the horse, it comes from the ground (behind the bumps) at about the height of the door(s).

  • ChoholeChohole Posts: 33,604
    edited December 1969

    adbc said:
    If I measure the height of the horse, it comes from the ground (behind the bumps) at about the height of the door(s).

    When I go riding I expect to stand about shoulder to shoulder with the horse

  • adbcadbc Posts: 3,115
    edited December 1969

    chohole said:

    When I go riding I expect to stand about shoulder to shoulder with the horse

    If you see it that way, you're right.
    I never ride a horse and I never will, too scared.

    I made the horse smaller, and it looks better to me when i put the 2 images next to each other.

    Did not change the title : Very Early spring.

    987 x 493 - 108K
  • GussNemoGussNemo Posts: 1,855
    edited December 1969

    @adbc: Like what you've done with your latest image. And after comparing the horse in both images, agree it does look better in the second image. Or you could have said it was a moose in the first image and let it go at that.

    @JStryder: Lovely render. It's hard to determine which camera position I like better, both are very nice.

    @Dave: I can actually seen something like that existing somewhere. Nice work.

    @mermaid: Beautiful colors, and I can see some could be considered flowers or other plants.

    @Pam: Love the colors you chose, and the specular effects. Nice touch framing the image.

    @hansmar: A really colorful image.

    @jamilan: Changing the lighting in the second, of your latest images, really help define all the trees. I really like the results of that image.

  • srieschsriesch Posts: 4,241
    edited April 2014

    @GusNemo and @Horo, I'm going to try to put another tree smack in the middle of the view to kind of break up the mountain. It's funny, you both said that the mountain imposes and detracts from the view of everything around it, and that's exactly what I thought was cool about it. Ah well. I suppose the render is supposed to be about the spring flowers in the foreground and not the scene as the whole. I might try to shrink it a little too, but not a lot, we'll see.

    Post edited by sriesch on
  • GussNemoGussNemo Posts: 1,855
    edited December 1969

    @Sean: For me, it's the material, or extensive use of material, that draws my attention to the mountain. Should you chose another material which gives the feel of lingering snow, but also shows more rock, I think it would then blend in better with the scene. With the way you've composed the scene, showing really green vegetation in the foreground, some melting snow on that mountain would lead a person to believe the snow melt has helped to green the dormant vegetation.

  • HoroHoro Posts: 10,538
    edited December 1969

    @Pam - a funny silly one. Looks like the blades of a fan.

    @hansmar - nice and colourful with strong contrast.

    @jamilan - I see what you mean. Your original was nice to start with. The last iteration shows the trees and sky best. However, it depends what you wanted to accomplish in the first place. When we look at "landscapish" scenes we almost always conclude that it ought to look photo real. But this is not always what the artist wanted to accomplish. We give our opinions but you are the final judge of your artwork.

    @adbc - the size of the horse is better. In cases where sizes must match, I often use a cylinder as ruler to measure the elements in the scene. Camera FOV changes the perspective and how a scene is perceived by the viewer. There are moments when we have to cheat deliberately to make it appear right - even though it's wrong.

    @Sean - don't be hasty and ruin what you've already accomplished. You're the artist, it's your work, not ours. If you want to draw the eye first to the mountain and have it descend to the vegetation, that's your decision.

  • adbcadbc Posts: 3,115
    edited April 2014

    A horse it is, maybe next time a moose !
    I definitely have a problem with proportions and compared it with the wrong object.
    thank you for the tips.

    Post edited by adbc on
  • srieschsriesch Posts: 4,241
    edited December 1969

    @Horo, I don't think the tree will ruin it. I'm not trying to completely eliminate the mountain, I'm just trying to break up the bulk of it to make it not dominate the scene as much. PC is tied up with a different project so I won't be able to get a render out for a little bit yet, although I got as far as verifying that the base of the tree is in the right place. And to clarify my previous post, I meant that I thought the massive mountain is what was cool about actually being there on the mountain (I used photos from a hike at a nearby one as inspiration), not specifically what was really cool about the render.

    @GussNemo, I did experiment with trying to reduce the ratio of snow to rock on the mountain material. Unfortunately I chose a rather complex material and I'm not a Material lab expert, so my experiments so far have not worked, and other materials aren't looking anywhere near as good so I haven't been able to replace it yet either. I may give it another shot later.

    @adbc, how did you get the wavy pattern on the ground? That's an interesting material.

  • adbcadbc Posts: 3,115
    edited December 1969

    @adbc, how did you get the wavy pattern on the ground? That's an interesting material.

    I honestly don't know. I started with a terrain material and changed the settings
    until I had that effect, mostly those things just happen.

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  • adbcadbc Posts: 3,115
    edited December 1969

    Finished my second entry today.
    Impression of Spring.

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  • ChoholeChohole Posts: 33,604
    edited December 1969

    After a couple of older ones as NAE and a silly one I thought I had better do a serious entry.

    Springtime, the time when the woods an forests come back to live after the Winter, and if you are lucky you may see the denizens of the forest awakening after their hibernation.

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  • mtnmenmtnmen Posts: 444
    edited December 1969

    @Hansmar... love the the bright of Spring emerging from the darkness...I can see the young flowers dancing in the sunlight within the colorful shapes.

    I love this challenge and that one can enter 3 times... offering us the opportunity to explore different perceptions of the theme..

    My third entry is WIP titled: Spring Time... I have wanted to do an image of clockworks, getting inspiration from the opening graphics of Lionsgate Films...

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  • Dan WhitesideDan Whiteside Posts: 500
    edited December 1969

    Another excellent turnout and some really interesting takes on the theme and some really excellent images.

    Here's my entry " Spring Contemplations"

    The Robins are the first spring bird to arrive around here, which is where this scene started.

    Apps used:
    DAZ Studio (posing, Bryce bridge)
    Abarro (trees)
    Bryce 7.1 Pro

    Content Credits:
    Cyborg 4 - DZFire (DAZ3D)
    Robin - Songbird Remix (DAZ3D)
    Tulips - Lisa's Botanicals (DAZ3D)
    Ancient Ruins - unknown (From Poser 4)

    Rendered with a Use Sky IBL and True ambience at 64RPP. About 4 hour to render.

    Thanks for looking!

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  • HoroHoro Posts: 10,538
    edited December 1969

    @adbc - interesting scene here.

    @Pam - great idea and very nicely done.

    @mtnmen - did you the models? Look really great.

    @Dan - the render time was well worth it. Amazing scene.

  • mtnmenmtnmen Posts: 444
    edited December 1969

    Horo...The sprockets/wheels were from BadFairie at ShareCG.. I modeled the spring in Hexagon..

  • HansmarHansmar Posts: 2,895
    edited December 1969

    @jamilan: Trees look much better in the second version. I feel like you might want to lighten the grass a little bit, because, together with the trees it makes for a rather dark part of the scene.
    @adbc: You took quite a difficult task to get all those elements in one piece! I think the horse might be a bit (not much bigger), but the problem is that distance looks to be compressed. For example: the flowers look very big to me, because it looks like they are not very far from the buildings. Then again, the sheep (are these yellow ones sheep?) look small compared to the hare. So: things in front look big compared to things in the back or the distance is larger than it looks. What I tend to do when using different people, animals etc, is first load them at the middle and compare sizes there and then move them. By the way, by increasing the frequency on the material of your terrain, you can probably make the things in the back really look more distant too.
    Your second entry is very nice! I really like the frogs and the watersprouts!
    @chohole: Great scene! Really wel done to merge the girl with the trees!
    @mtnmen: thanks. Very nice your clockwork yellow!
    @dan whiteside: Very nice work!

  • GussNemoGussNemo Posts: 1,855
    edited December 1969

    @adbc: I understand about the material, I can't claim any titles except, maybe, tinkerer. Really like your latest entry, sky is really striking.

    @Pam: A very novel image. Sort of reminds me of one Dr Who episode.

    @mtnman: Neat image. Nice Hexagon work.

    @Dan: Whoa, lovely image. Makes a person wonder just what that character is pondering.

  • adbcadbc Posts: 3,115
    edited December 1969

    @chohole : love that lady in the woods.
    @mtnmen : nice modeling
    @dan whiteside : like the contrast robot/nature
    @horo @ GussNemo : thanks for your comment on the 2nd entry.
    @hansmar : the yellow stuff is supposed to be weeds (buds), no sheep (sorry)
    I suppose things in front are nearer thus bigger, far away smaller.
    I did put all the stuff in the middle first (not all of them at the same time) and re-positioned them, the horse was too big (horo was right
    As to the material of the terrain, it was a lot of tweaking to get the wavy stuff in front, the greenish (vegetation) on the bumps and the sandy look elsewhere.
    I don't think I'll have the time to change anything on it. For the moment I'm using a friend's computer.

  • fictionalbookshelffictionalbookshelf Posts: 837
    edited April 2014

    I forgot to save renders as this scene progressed so the image below is the final draft for my 2nd entry.

    Title: Tropical Spring

    edited to add: Am I still considered a Bryce Newbie if I have only been using it for less than a month? I'm going on 3 weeks of use and I'm in love. Since I've been using Bryce I have barely touched Daz.

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    Post edited by fictionalbookshelf on
  • ChoholeChohole Posts: 33,604
    edited December 1969

    Bryce is terrific fun, once you start using it. And yes you are still a bryce newbie, so will be in with a chance for the newbie prize as well as the main prizes.

  • GussNemoGussNemo Posts: 1,855
    edited December 1969

    @fictionalromance: That's a very pretty scene.

  • fictionalbookshelffictionalbookshelf Posts: 837
    edited December 1969

    GussNemo said:
    @fictionalromance: That's a very pretty scene.

    Thank you so much.

  • fictionalbookshelffictionalbookshelf Posts: 837
    edited December 1969

    Okay here is the final render for my entry #1, the original wip was posted here#1 Wip

    Title; Spring Swing

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  • HansmarHansmar Posts: 2,895
    edited December 1969

    @adbc: Thanks for the explanation. It must be some kind of perspective distortion that makes me think that sizes are maybe not realistic. Perhaps it is the terrain, which looks like not very deep, while things further away are rather small. I understand the difficulties of redoing things. And please, do realise it is just what I perceive, which is not necessarily correct either!
    @fictionalromance: very nice and colourful works! really springlike!

  • HoroHoro Posts: 10,538
    edited December 1969

    Since I've been using Bryce I have barely touched Daz.

    Hehe, that's the spirit. Bryce can be quite addictive. That's a beautiful garden. The swing scene is also nicely done, I like the idea.
  • adbcadbc Posts: 3,115
    edited December 1969

    @fictionalromance : nice scenes !
    @hansmar : back home now.
    You made me thinking, worked on a copy to be safe, reduced the size of the red flowers and add some,moved the yellow flower buds a bit and made them a tad smaller and increased the frequency on some parts of the terrain material.
    To me it looks better, other people might perceive it differently.
    Yep, redoing things takes time. We're here to learn and learning takes time !
    Normally 3rd time right, I hope ?

    987 x 493 - 108K
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