Genesis content gone from my poser library

edited December 1969 in Poser Discussion

Ok, I was in the middle of updating things and converting things.. using Genx among other things. I finally went back into Poser Pro 2014 and all my Genesis data is gone! Daz People no longer has Genesis in it. All the Genesis 2 stuff is gone to.

I've been installing everything using Daz Install Manager, so everything is supposed to be in the Runtime inside the MyDazLibrary folder in my public documents folder. Anyone know what I can do to get it all back? I have so far tried resetting the database and reimporting all the metadata without luck.

Boojum the brown bunny


  • Lissa_xyzLissa_xyz Posts: 6,116
    edited December 1969

    The daz studio database and metadata means nothing in Poser.

    Did you uninstall the PoserCF files and not reinstall them?

  • edited December 1969

    I didn't uninstall anything... but I am now. So I can manually select a folder in DazStudio4's MyDaz3dLibrary and tell it to create the Poser Companion Files. Then the object shows up in poser.. at least the objects do. The textures for a lot of stuff don't and throw errors saying it has no data on those files.

    So now I am uninstalling all my CF files and reloading them. I'm hoping that this fixes the problem.

    Boojum the brown bunny

  • edited December 1969

    I am now very, very, very confused and not sure how this was working before.. but I found the problem. Somehow my Daz Install Manager lost the Poser Pro install location and the poser content checkbox was unchecked. I am not officially confused. So I have put the path poser back in and checked the content box and.. wow.. look at all the stuff to download! :D

    It's running now... and only has about 500 products to download, so that's not bad.

    Boojum the brown bunny

  • Lissa_xyzLissa_xyz Posts: 6,116
    edited December 1969

    Glad you got it sorted. Not sure what caused DIM to forget your Poser paths.

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