Decimator - reducing hair in Hexagon -
Posts: 112
Can hexagon be used to reduce hair resolutions with their Decimator utility - If I could reduce the hair then I could use the avatars hair in iclone. Here's their suggestion above. I'm not sure how to read the utility in Hexagon to see how well its reducing the polys in comparison. If I could understand that then I could reduce it to the 5000 area and see how it looks in IClone. Any tips or suggestions -
I take it this is polygonal hair?
I wouldn't use the decimator in Hex - it makes a real mess. Rather use Meshlab - it's free and does very good decimation, although it turns everything into tri's. It does have a tri-to-quad conversion, but this doesn't work. If tri's are a problem for you, about the best quad conversion I've come across is Blender.