SOLVED: Dynamic Back Pack product for V4 won't show up~please help if you can?
I can post the file list if you want. It's not expensive, but I expected it to show up in Content/Smart Content (gawd knows everything else does!)
I can open DS and put a V4 figure in but the backpack, though listed, is invisible! Doesn't show up if I try to put it on her.
I also don't know where to put the additional resource file that comes with it. I have put it in almost all folders connected to this product.
All very weird. I have this artist's flared skirt and had the same problem. Artist's name didn't ring a bell at first, if it had I would not have bought the product.
But it was the ONLY backpack for DAZ. Any I doing something wrong?
I am trying to finish an e-book cover for a first ebook job! But I have probably spent more in products than in what I will make LOL, but she's a friend and an indie publisher on Kindle so am happy to do it...and want to sort this last thing. I will be "distressing" it to fit with the ancient times. I am now thinking I will have to make my own bp with vertex modelling. It does not need wearing in this scene, maybe in future scenes, but can bypass it this time if no real solution.
I want to finish my Great Race scene this week...and I have other work as well. Never enough time!
Cheers for listening....
xx :) SileneUK
Hi Silene :)
This is a DS only product because it uses the "Optitex" Dynamic cloth in DS.
Q: Are you using DIM to download and install your products ?
It sounds like you're moving files around manually... that normally breaks the links to any additional or supporting files (the object, the textures etc)
Products are built to a strict folder structure, and as long as DIM knows where your DS is, then it'll put all the product files where they should be.
Dim shows this product is installed into (Daz Studio formats) People / Victoria 4 / Dynamic clothing / Backpack
Hope it helps :)
if it is a dynamic prop it can be exported via .duf to carrara after freezing the sim
for genesis parent it to the figure first
V4 it should conform
open windows tab dynamic clothing
then set to collide with body parts namely neck chest abdomin hip collars shoulders arms
run a drape or animation then on right hand top box click and choose freeze
it will freeze the cloth sim as a series of morphs
save v4 & the backpack as a .duf scene and import it into carrara 8.5
if you want it just as a prop not draped
you can export it from Daz studio as an obj
import into carrara
might need to rescale
in carrara line it up to fit v4
select her hip
hold shift select the back pack
go up the top to animation choose attach skeleton
Thanks all,
I will do that, I don't need it ON her now. But it was not draping or installing onto V4 in DS..... although it was in the list.
Andy I used DIM. There was an extra resource file...but it does not say where to put that. Or is THAT already included in DIM?
Thanks for all the suggestions...Wendy's will work the best as it just going to sit on the ground.
Cheers, xx :) Silene
Not a safe assumption to make — when the Smart Content system was first introduced, it wasn't entirely reliable and only a small proportion of the huge amount of stuff in the DAZ store had been set up to use it. Things have improved a lot, and more and more items are converted every week to use Smart Content, but it's a huge job and it isn't finished yet. The best thing is to get used to finding things in the Content Library tab instead, and use that when (not "if") Smart Content fails or doesn't show something.
Also, keep in mind that Smart Content doesn't show your actual content files, like the Content Library tab. It shows a filtered and sorted view of a database of pointers to your content. A subtle difference, maybe, but a vital one. And it's a DAZ feature, it doesn't work for freebies or anything bought from other stores. (It is possible to set up your own Smart Content data, but it isn't easy and it isn't fast.)
HI :)
The "Resource files" from the product page, are the UV map templates, to help you to create your own textures in an image editor or paint program like Photoshop or Paint-shop-Pro. and the product "Read-Me" files.
The ZIP file is for Mac's, and the EXE file is an installer for PC,.
Because these templates are just images you would use in another program, they don't need to be installed into any specific program, such as DS or carrara.
You can install them into a folder somewhere, then maybe copy the actual "UV templates" (jpeg images) into a folder you use for images. and uninstall.
I think it's a little bit OTT, to have an installer for the uv maps, or no explanation on the product page of what these files are, how they're used.,. but I suppose the web site is still a WIP.
Hope it helps :)
Wendy :)
You're Awesome :coolsmile:
awww shucks guys
you both ROCK! tooooo!
You deserve it, Wendy.... there's a lot of knowledge and creativity on your site, but your Car know-how you post here is amazing and much appreciated.
xx :) SileneUK