Scavenger Hunt Contest! (Closed!)

KaribouKaribou Posts: 1,325
edited August 2012 in The Commons

New Prizes! Read on!

Okay, as you may have noticed, I'm rather annoyed by the new handling of the itemized order history, because I find it cumbersome to wade through. Anyway, I was trudging along the 3037 items in my history, and it occurred to me that this might be an opportunity for a little fun. Never being one to sulk for long, I'm instead going to offer a contest. The basic idea is that you will be conducting a scavenger hunt in your itemized order history. The items you "find" must be used together in a cohesive render.

1) The render must be new. (And honestly, I'm pretty sure that's a moot point. I cannot see how anyone could have used these random items together before!)
2) No size restrictions, they simply must fit the image rules of the DAZ forums.
3) Renders will be judged on
*Portrayal of a cohesive theme
*Making your scavenger hunt items the main focus of the render
*Technical skill and appearance
4) It's my contest, so I get to judge it. :P
5) No cheating -- will be somewhat easy to gauge, since your order history is alphabetized.
6) A list of the items from your "Scavenger Hunt" and the artists who created them must be included in your image's description, as well as any software used to create it.
7) Images must be posted as replies to this thread.
8) Two entries per contestant allowed, but they must use the same 5 scavenger hunt items
9) Other items may be used in the render, but they should not be the focus of the render
10) Postwork is allowed
11) Any 3D software (e.g., DazStudio, Poser, Bryce, Carrara, etc.) or 2D postwork (e.g., Photoshop, Paintshop Pro, Gimp, etc.) software is allowed
12)Contest entries must be submitted by midnight (CST) on July 31. Entries coming in "just past the wire" will be accepted per the management's (me!) discretion. (I know that render times sometimes just don't cooperate.)

And, not a rule, but I'd love to hear the "story" of what's going on in your render in the comments. :)

Please read the instructions carefully! (They're complicated!)

If you open your order history, you will notice that you can change the number of items listed per page from 10 to 20 to 50. For the purposes of this contest, I will leave it up to you how many items you list per page. Someone with a small number of items will likely want to stick with ten. Someone with 3037 items (*cough*) should probably go with fifty.

At the top of your order history, you will see a navigation bar. It will look something like this: Page:

(Previous arrow) 1...54 55 56 57 58...61 (Next arrow)

This will be your navigation for finding your scavenger hunt items.

***NOTE*** if any of the items you find are SOFTWARE items, or are otherwise unusable in a render (platinum club renewal, CD backup, gift certificates, etc.), choose the next usable item above or below the unusable item.

It was also pointed out that some items present application conflicts. I'll apply the same rule for these instances. When two pieces of content cannot easily be used together (i.e., Carrara shaders and DS4 lights) You can choose which item you'll toss. Then, just as noted above, choose the next non-conflicting item above or below the item that doesn't work. This will be on the honor system.

If a chosen item is a bundle, you may use any part of the bundle you want.

Soooo. Here is how you will find your items. There are 5.
1) Start on page 1. Choose the third item from the bottom.

2) On page 1, look at the navigation bar and click the "..." link twice. (If your order history is too short for two "..." links, just press it once.) Choose the 7th item from the top.

3) From the MIDDLE page in your history (Okay, math time... take your last page number and divide by two. If your last page is an odd number, your middle page will be a decimal, so just round up.) choose the MIDDLE item. (If you're displaying 10 items, this would be item 5. If you're displaying 20 items, this would be 10. If you're displaying 50 items, this would be 25.)

4) Choose the last item on your last page.

5) Choose any item from any page number that could be snipped from your birthday numbers -- but you can't jumble the numbers. For example, if your birthday is 7-15-1971, you could choose pages 7, 1, 5, 9, 71, 15, 51, 19, 97, 71, etc...

And yes, I know some of us have content from several generations of Daz people. No excuses! Be creative!! :D

All items from my (admittedly anemic) Renderosity store AND a $25 DAZ gift certificate, and... the glory of victory?
NEW! Winner gets a choice of any one product (excluding bundles) Firstbastion's storefront here at DAZ

If anyone wants to donate other prizes, PM me.

I'll post a render of my own just for fun, as soon as I follow my OWN scavenger hunt! Happy Hunting!

Post edited by Karibou on


  • FirstBastionFirstBastion Posts: 7,750
    edited December 1969

    This sounds like fun, will follow with interest...

  • BlazeMystEraBlazeMystEra Posts: 464
    edited December 1969

    I agree... this sounds like fun ^^
    Just to be sure though... can we only use what we take out of our list or can we use other stuff too? Like a room or other Figures?

  • KaribouKaribou Posts: 1,325
    edited December 1969

    This sounds like fun, will follow with interest...

    Okay, meant to post in the commons. So, if this disappears, follow with interest there, Lol.



  • KaribouKaribou Posts: 1,325
    edited July 2012

    I agree... this sounds like fun ^^
    Just to be sure though... can we only use what we take out of our list or can we use other stuff too? Like a room or other Figures?

    Yup. :)

    9) Other items may be used in the render, but they should not be the focus of the render

    Post edited by Karibou on
  • Velvet GoblinVelvet Goblin Posts: 532
    edited July 2012

    Unfortunately, I'd have to render in two different apps, as some of the Gen3 content just will not work in DS 4, and some of the Genesis content won't work in Poser. I could render in both and composite, but given how hard it is to match lighting from one to another, that's waaaaaay too much work.

    Cool idea, though. Have fun!

    Post edited by Velvet Goblin on
  • BlazeMystEraBlazeMystEra Posts: 464
    edited December 1969

    Oups... I could have sworn that this wasn't there... Guess I'll render a pair of new glasses first ;) Thanks.

  • KaribouKaribou Posts: 1,325
    edited December 1969

    Unfortunately, I'd have to render in two different apps, as some of the Gen3 content just will not work in DS 4, and some of the Genesis content won't work in Poser. I could render in both and composite, but given how hard it is to match lighting from one to another, that's waaaaaay too much work.

    Cool idea, though. Have fun!

    Hmmmm... Since I'm giving a mulligan to items that aren't usable in renders, I'll apply the same rule for instances when Gen3 items are selected with DS4 content. You can choose which "generation" you'll exempt. Choose the next non-conflicting item above or below the item that doesn't work.

  • frank0314frank0314 Posts: 13,927
    edited December 1969

    Moved to the Commons at OP request.

  • KaribouKaribou Posts: 1,325
    edited December 1969

    Frank0314 said:
    Moved to the Commons at OP request.

    Thank you very much! :)

  • edited December 1969

    What a fun concept! I just went through your steps (20 items per page and 39 pages) and came up with:

    A Curious Town Hall
    Latin Stage Unimesh Fits
    Medieval Village-Smithy
    Lycanthropos Species

    I have a feeling there are going to be a lot of Zubarras (last item, last page). :)

  • KaribouKaribou Posts: 1,325
    edited December 1969

    My items (Just for fun!) are

    Acasia for V4
    Eastern Terrace Poses
    Lisa's Botanicals Painted Daisy Garden
    Zone of Extraction
    Alchemy II

    I think my Zubarra came in the form of a bundle. :)

  • SkirikiSkiriki Posts: 4,975
    edited December 1969

    Ooooh! Sounds like fun! I'm in! Let's see what I will get! 38 pages of riffraff! 10 per page!

    1. Aiden for M5 (Good, good, he comes with a nice set of skin and lights.)
    2. Full & Feathered Hair for Genesis (...I sense something humiliating is about to happen to poor Aiden...)
    3. GIS for Genesis Male (And it is!)
    4. Wyvern 2.0 (Ha!)
    5. Genesis Creature Creator Bundle (Because "18" is the most perfect number -- now, don't laugh, it totally is! -- and therefore I declare that as my chosen page.)

  • flashbackflashback Posts: 0
    edited December 1969

    I'm going to have to try this.

  • gingercakes47gingercakes47 Posts: 382
    edited December 1969

    Sounds like a lot of fun :)

  • Kendall SearsKendall Sears Posts: 2,995
    edited December 1969

    If the item at the destined line is a bundle, must all items be used?


  • KaribouKaribou Posts: 1,325
    edited December 1969

    If the item at the destined line is a bundle, must all items be used?


    Nope. :)

    If a chosen item is a bundle, you may use any part of the bundle you want.

  • Rowan54Rowan54 Posts: 13
    edited December 1969

    First page, 3rd from bottom: 1002 Nights party light set (which tells me which set I'm using...the thousand & 2 nights)
    2 clicks, 7th was a DTE tutorial for Bryce on Noise, so I went down the page to: Buckled (which I think is for David, or was it Stephanie?) which tells me which character
    Middle page, middle item: Maces & cudgels, the character is armed.
    Last item, last page: Zinnia garden. There are flowers involved. Somehow. Are they sinister? Or is the person ignoring something coming up behind while admiring a lovely blossom?
    Birthday numbers had a wide choice of numbers. I'm debating over page 1 "Demon Dogs" and give this person a pet or adversary, or page 65 and have some more flowers.

    Hmmm....looking them up was fun. I think I'm getting inspired.


  • judee3djudee3d Posts: 171
    edited July 2012

    This looks like a lot of fun! I love this kind of challenge, unfortunately, I had computer blowout and though all my downloads are safely stored on an external HD, nothing is installed! And with so many programs and such to install, I'll never find the time to do this - but may do so at a later date just for the fun of it.

    Anyway, I did take the time to note the products for future reference.

    3dU Toon Croc
    Dancar Diversity
    M4 Leather Jacket
    'Blowing in the Wind Tool' (showed up last, perhaps because of the ' before the name?)
    nerd3d Stone Bridge.

    I can already imagine a scene. Alas, no time, no time. I'll be watching this thread, though, hope you get lots of people to play along, it's a fun idea!

    Post edited by judee3d on
  • TotteTotte Posts: 13,890
    edited December 1969

    Sounds like a version of the RRRR (Random Runtime Roulette Render) that I've been running in the PC, great idea and effort to bring it to the Commons!

  • CyonixCyonix Posts: 212
    edited December 1969

    This sounds's my five items using 20 items per page with 27 pages:

    1) Okay, go to the first page, 3rd item from the bottom is.........Aikiyu. Looks like I'm using Aiko 3. Awesome!
    2) Let's see, click the "..." twice, find the 7th item from the top and.......Pausanias Crusier. Um, Houston, we have a problem. I know NOTHING about using Bryce, or about how to bring items from Bryce into DS, so let's see what the item above it is....Order of Steel. So now I've got my character AND her weapon!
    3) Ok, 27 divided by two is 13.5, so let's go to page 14.....since I've got 20 items per page, let's find the 10th item and.....Masquerade Masks. Well, they're made for V4, but since they're just props, I can probably resize them.
    4) Let's see.....last item on the last page is......Zetta Boots. Hmm.......this is clothing for V4, so simply resizing them is probably out of the question, but I do have EvilInnonence's CrossDresser, so......
    5) My birthday's in August, the 8th month, so let's see what's on page 8.....Hmm.....Elita Hair looks useful, since I know it's got an A3 fit.....

    So my items are Aikiyu, Order of Steel, Masquerade Masks, Zetta Boots and Elita Hair.....Looks like someone's gonna be crashing a party :)

  • KaribouKaribou Posts: 1,325
    edited December 1969

    Cyonix said:
    2) Let's see, click the "..." twice, find the 7th item from the top and.......Pausanias Crusier. Um, Houston, we have a problem. I know NOTHING about using Bryce, or about how to bring items from Bryce into DS, so let's see what the item above it is....

    And what, exactly, does it say about us that we have items in our order history that we literally have no idea what to do with? LOL! I'm certainly not pointing fingers, I KNOW there's stuff in mine that I couldn't currently render if my life depended on it. :P

  • gingercakes47gingercakes47 Posts: 382
    edited December 1969

    Using the formula I get:

    1. Aiko 4 starter Pack...... will use A4
    2. Onyx for Genesis Female...... oh, I like that.
    3. Lirio.. hmmm for V4 but I can use the Unimesh with it... one is 24.5 and the other is 25.5 ( 50 )
    4. Robo Geisha Girl for Hitomi so I guess that means Hitomi, too. (Born 19something so used 19)
    5. "Blowing In the Wind" which somehow translates to Snow Tool in my Runtime.. huh, who knew?

    Loaded said items and saved so now I just gotta figure out what to do with them.

  • TotteTotte Posts: 13,890
    edited December 1969

    I'm in!
    I got:
    #1 Achilles Hair for Michael 3
    #2 Greeble City Blocks 2
    #3 M3 Fantasy Collar Set
    #4 Zoey for Victoria 5
    #5 Jepes Double Feature Clive and Dax

    That's a challenge, but I've got an idea ;-)

  • KeryaKerya Posts: 10,943
    edited December 1969

    And what, exactly, does it say about us that we have items in our order history that we literally have no idea what to do with? LOL! I'm certainly not pointing fingers, I KNOW there's stuff in mine that I couldn't currently render if my life depended on it. :P

    Uhm ... that we are happy to get freebies? ;)
    And we are foresightful - you never know, maybe you need it one day?

  • TotteTotte Posts: 13,890
    edited December 1969

    Totte said:
    I'm in!
    I got:
    #1 Achilles Hair for Michael 3
    #2 Greeble City Blocks 2
    #3 M3 Fantasy Collar Set
    #4 Zoey for Victoria 5
    #5 Jepes Double Feature Clive and Dax

    That's a challenge, but I've got an idea ;-)

    Additional items used:
    Streampunk Wild (pant and glasses)
    SickleYield shoepack 1 for Genesis (sandals)
    StalkerGirl Pants & Boots
    BadGuy2 (shirt)
    Fabricator (shirt shader)
    Simply Lit (light for background render)
    The Room
    Lathios Lights 2

    Background sky from
    Background rendered in DS 4.5P
    Scene rendered in DS 4.5P
    Background setup in OmniGraffle
    Background postwork in FilterForge

    Jesus! No! This feels so wrong!

    800 x 800 - 114K
  • KaribouKaribou Posts: 1,325
    edited December 1969

    Totte said:
    Totte said:
    I'm in!
    I got:
    #1 Achilles Hair for Michael 3
    #2 Greeble City Blocks 2
    #3 M3 Fantasy Collar Set
    #4 Zoey for Victoria 5
    #5 Jepes Double Feature Clive and Dax

    That's a challenge, but I've got an idea ;-)

    Additional items used:
    Streampunk Wild (pant and glasses)
    SickleYield shoepack 1 for Genesis (sandals)
    StalkerGirl Pants & Boots
    BadGuy2 (shirt)
    Fabricator (shirt shader)
    Simply Lit (light for background render)
    The Room
    Lathios Lights 2

    Background sky from
    Background rendered in DS 4.5P
    Scene rendered in DS 4.5P
    Background setup in OmniGraffle
    Background postwork in FilterForge

    Jesus! No! This feels so wrong!

    LOL!! You DID say you had an idea! Talk about "out of the box" thinking!! Very fun!!

  • TotteTotte Posts: 13,890
    edited December 1969

    LOL!! You DID say you had an idea! Talk about "out of the box" thinking!! Very fun!!

    Six months of RRRR render contests trains your brain in adapt and execute ;-)
  • Scott LivingstonScott Livingston Posts: 4,340
    edited December 1969

    1. Ashley for M5
    2. The Forest Whispers
    3. Lisa's Botanicals Palm Trees
    4. Woodland Warriors
    5. M5 Pro Bundle

    When you consider that Ashley has an elf ear morph, I feel like I must have won some kind of random number lottery.

  • ZelrothZelroth Posts: 910
    edited December 1969

    I was looking through my history and went through and found the items for 1-4 with 10/page (5 being a hassle with deciding :lol:) and then went and did it again with 20 and then with 50 items per page. Some interesting combinations have come up. Now I just have to figure out which list I shall try to pursue.

  • KaribouKaribou Posts: 1,325
    edited July 2012

    Okay, I'm obviously not participating (seeing how I'm the judge and all, I thought that might be a bit unfair...) but I did make a render for fun. And I may follow Zelroth's line of thinking and mix things up a bit. I'll always be stuck with that last one, but at least it isn't a zubarra! This not participating thing is quite freeing, actually! Anyway, here's my non-entry. Consider it a sample? Though Totte already beat me to it... Meh. So be it!

    Title: Mourning the Fallen

    Scavenger items:
    Acasia for V4 - MindVision G.D.S.
    Eastern Terrace Poses (slight head position change) - Digiport
    Lisa's Botanicals Painted Daisy Garden - Lisa's Botanicals
    Zone of Extraction - Nytoprod
    Alchemy II - IgnisSerpentus

    Non-Scavenger items
    Maegan Hair - nikisatez
    SEA - Water and Air (Vase) and FK's PictureFrames - fabiana
    RDNA Platez Volume 1 - Traveler (Rescaled, retextured, and turned into a desk)
    Scifi Crate - Inception 8 (freebie)

    1200 x 1019 - 484K
    Post edited by Karibou on
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