The Wakeful Brain Complaint Thread



  • MistaraMistara Posts: 38,675
    edited December 1969

    I had nightmares last night. Some were disgusting like decapitated felines.

    i've had a couple bad dreams with cats lately, too. 3 cats are in a box and they are sinking into the floor and i'm trying to yell for help but no sound is coming out of my mouth. there is no water or quicksand, they are just sinking to be trapped under the floor where no one will find them and they will die suffering from no food or water.

  • MistaraMistara Posts: 38,675
    edited December 1969

    AtticAnne said:
    Well, I made 3 people happy today! :-) :coolsmile:

    - The computer sales dude at OfficeDepot that got the $550 sale
    - The department manager that helped me find a good system cheap and gets part of the commission
    - ME! :snake:

    Office Depot is having a MSSIVE sale on old Sandy Bridge-based laptops, so I got this Lenovo Z570 Core i5 system for $150 off - it came out to just about $80 more than the i3 system I was looking at and it's significantly faster! It's now my 3D machine and I christen hey "Scylla"! :ahhh: Yes, in a day or so I'll be between Scylla and Charybdis (charybdis is my other laptop).

    I have money left.. what to do, what to do? I have enough to get the i3 Lenovo I was looking at and have money left over, or get a mid-range guitar, or party MAXIMALLY at the strip club! Or go to San Antonio for the weekend and travel the Riverwalk!

    AAIIEE CONFLICTED!!! :ahhh: :bug:

    Voting for San Antonio! the best keylime pie in the world is in San Antonio.

    Don't know about the pie, but there's the Haagen-Daz store by the Alamo. You just haven't lived until you've been in SA when its's over 100F.

    This is pretty much why I've decided that traveling anywhere in Texas right now is a mistake!!! It's supposed to hit around 103F here, SA isn't any better, and unless Haagen-Daz makes sugar-free ice ccream I can't have any. :down:

    I'm strongly considering getting the Lenovo G570 Core i3 system now, as that will complete my upgrade cycle and I can spend this uberhot weekend indoors constructing my Center of Terrifying Power(tm). Of curse if I wait until next weekend, I could get another Z570 Core i5 system.. but honestly.. machine #2 is only for Web surfing, movie watching, writing, and ePublishing - even an i3 is overkill. There's a good possibility that reformatting/reinstalling Windows on the Asus would get it back to the point of being a decent ePublishing machine, my main complaint is that something is chewing up a big chunk of RAM and I can't chase it down. Argh!

    Not real sure about the guitar. If I do get one, that means long hours regrowing calluses on my left hand fingers, which means they become a problem to use for glucose testing, which makes life more difficult. Urgh. Switching t bass probably wouldn't be any better. Still, research shows that plenty of diabetics play guitar, and apparently you can use the SIDE of your finger to get blood from, so it's not a total loss (just more difficult). Meh.

    Today's complaint: pain. Foot hurts from walking on it, legs hurt from walking (getting used to the long daily walk again), had a really bad hamstring cramp coming in to work, oww, oww, freaking OWW! :grrr: This is going to go on for a while, I guess.

    but, it's a dry heat.
    i was in SA in 1987. it was 104F, and it was only April. i used to wait at the bus stop with a few plums i picked up on the way. man, those were finger lickin good.
    by the time plums get to Long Island, they're drying out. feh

  • WoolyloachWoolyloach Posts: 0
    edited December 1969

    Happy Friday! Complaints? Of COURSE I have complaints! I'm an old loach, ad old loaches complain a lot! So, here are TODAY'S COMPLAINTS:

    - My hurt foot is now in "random cramps" mode, oww
    - My hamstrings ache like a son-of-a-loach
    - My stupid SHOULDERS are sore for no known reason
    - My hot tea turned into cold sludge somehow
    - I need a portable writing solution that doesn't involve handwriting since mine is illegible
    - I could use a nice neck massage from a massage therapist
    - I could use 20 hours of sleep
    - I could use winning the lottery
    - I think I need writing lessons :down:
    - I feel seriously crabbity - still :snake:
    - I'm sick and tired of programming today (I hope that clears up)
    - It's too freaking hot outside
    - I have too much content to install still
    - I'm low on chicken wings
    - I feel oddly frisky but too tired to do anything about it
    - I want fried chicken! Spicy fried chicken!
    - I have too many stupid computers


    - Dark rye and Genoa Salami for lunch
    - It's the WEEKEND tomorrow
    - Opened a new box of Lipton tea at work
    - Found some good, affordable writing classes from someone I like online
    - Have enough ideas for books and novellas and short stories to last, oh, 500+ years or ore
    - I can type REAL FAST :snake: Snake speeeeeeeeddddddddd!
    - Finally bought Comic Life 2 today!
    - There are fewer ad fewer things to use as excuses not to write :red:

    Ok, all done! Carry on! ;-)

  • SkirikiSkiriki Posts: 4,975
    edited December 1969

    Non-complaint! GEMOLOGICA is finally for sale!

  • RezcaRezca Posts: 3,393
    edited August 2012

    Non-Complaints first:
    -Got in touch with MAXON Support and they removed my name from the registration list, freeing me up to try again to register the Demo. This time it worked :3 (They mentioned their database "Getting in it's head to try and register activations incorrectly" ^_^)
    -Completed Age of Wonders 2: The Wizard's throne. I restate my belief that the Draconians are overpowered in that game. Swarmed the final city with a draconian rogue hero, two red dragons, three aerial draconian melee units, two faerie dragons, and a Rift Lord (Not a dragon, and not a flying unit) and won easily. Enemy forces had a Red Dragon present and a LOT of archers and a few canons, and I was under constant attack from the Wizard Tower present, but I managed to win against 16 units and a Wizard while only losing the Rift Lord and one Faerie Dragon. Once the archers and canons were gone, the rest were easy prey (The enemy Wizard had run out of spell casting points in the previous battle when I stormed her city with this same setup - she only had a single Red Dragon with her while the rest of her army was out rampaging. No units were lost on my side.) and could do nothing but sit helplessly while my red dragons and draconian hero relentlessly breathed fire upon them until they died. The damage from the tower was hardly worth mentioning, and my hero avoided most of the attacks. It hit a faerie dragon twice I think.
    -A "Light this Scene" challenge is coming up on the Indigo forums soon. I might take part, but I don't like my chances at going anywhere ^_^ Hopefully an OBJ or C4D format will be provided. (They've also updated Indigo with a few more C4D and SketchUp exclusive enhancements)
    -Confirmed I will be upgrading to C4D Studio later this month.
    -Lots of fun is being had with the puzzle making plugin
    Complaints List:
    -All of the draconians were given Cold Weakness (+50% damage from Air/Cold based attacks) in Shadow Magic. The human Knight unit was given the Dragonslaying ability. Neither of these two make much sense other than balancing options, since the draconians originated in a near-arctic climate and the Wizard who created them focuses on frigid locations and spells. Second, it was ONLY the Red Dragons who were given this weakness - not the Golds, Blacks, or Faeries who are all from the same general species (It's even stated that sometimes they mate outside their breeds). As for the ebil and infamous Knight... Well I could understand if they had that ability in AoW and AoW2:WT where dragons were attacked a LOT by Humans (especially in AoW1), but those attacks really died down during AoW2 when Merlin went to the draconian lands (FRIGID REGION) and even helped restore their graveyards from the death-wizard Nekron and the mad wizard Tempest, and never more so than during Shadow Magic where the dragon race was immune to the effects of the Shadow Realm and thus were a strategic advantage when raiding the demons that lurked there. Dragons didn't have this weakness in the original AoW1 either.
    There is a bit in the story between Wizard's Throne and Shadow Magic, as well as the character bio for the draconian wizard Ambir, that hints as to this change not because dragons are "cold blooded' (The other dragonkin in the game and some of their descriptions would disprove that theory), but because of the actions Ambir took against her former master Tempest (The crazy-mad Air/Cold/Ice Wizard) in her rise to power. So I guess that's justified then, since it was ONLY the units owned by the Draconian faction that got hit by that, and Tempest used to command the Draconians... As for the DS-ing ability? Seems counter-intuitive to me, since again all the dragon-hate took place in early human years in the Valley of Wonders and shortly after. Maybe when the tyrant Phobius came into power amongst the humans things changed, since he had some twisted views about things (Thought the dragons and draconians were expendable monsters, and he hated other people using magic saying it attracted the shadow demons. Thus the witch hunts began.) so that could make sense.
    -Shadow Magic is acting up on me. Changed a few things and now it won't start a game - It gets as far as the Start Game screen, but after that everything just acts all weird and I can't see anything. Reinstalling and hope it will work better this time (NEVER did this on my desktop >_> )
    -Was up all night and now am very sleepyz.
    More to come later.

    Post edited by Rezca on
  • SkirikiSkiriki Posts: 4,975
    edited December 1969

    :bug: There's some kind of crazy sale gearing up in DAZ Store at the moment. :bug:

    *runs to her online bank to put more munny on her cred card* Oh god, look at that...

  • WoolyloachWoolyloach Posts: 0
    edited December 1969

    aarrgghhhhh I CAN'T TAKE IT ANY MORE!!! :ahhh:

    I can't go home and just sit behind the computer all night again! :bug: I'm going to leave my backpack and lunchbox here at the office and GO OUT!!! :snake: I'll be a good boy and keep my glucose meter with me, though. :red:

    I'll drink some diet Coke, get a few lap dances, and eat the chicken wings (low carb) and bacon wrapped shrimp (low crb). that'll last me until I get home where I can have a nice snack of whole grain Triasuit crackers (modest carb).

    I'll be a good boy all the rest of the weekend :smirk: and set up Scylla, back up Charybdis, and reformat/reinstall her with Win 7 Pro. With any luck I should have PPro, DS4.5RC3, Carrara, and maybe Bryce installed before Monday - along with my content library as it stands now.

    I haven't been out since July 1st. and I need to get OUT and LIVE some LIFE, otherwise I won't have any new experience to inspire my writing.. ugh.

    Now back to doing writing tutorials while my boss is in meetings.. heh heh heh! :vampire:

  • RezcaRezca Posts: 3,393
    edited December 1969

    Ugh problem's still there. I'm thinking I won't be able to play SM on my laptop at all.

  • Sfariah DSfariah D Posts: 26,142
    edited December 1969

    I need to figure out something to do.

  • MistaraMistara Posts: 38,675
    edited December 1969

    cheesy garlic bread for dinner. and a marguerite pizzette with black olives topping.

    i need to save 16 dollars for D3D's binary editor.
    feh, pmd files. lol
    it's 16:28. i'm skipping out 2 minutes early. rebel without a cause muwahahah

  • ps1borgps1borg Posts: 12,776
    edited December 1969

    Morning. Damp and soggy under grey skies, but not so cold here today, after the deluge of the past few days :)

  • ps1borgps1borg Posts: 12,776
    edited December 1969

    I need to figure out something to do.

    *hugs* Perhaps some rest and recreation and reflection without struggling will be good for you for a while *hopes so* :)

  • ps1borgps1borg Posts: 12,776
    edited December 1969

    aarrgghhhhh I CAN'T TAKE IT ANY MORE!!! :ahhh:

    I can't go home and just sit behind the computer all night again! :bug: I'm going to leave my backpack and lunchbox here at the office and GO OUT!!! :snake: I'll be a good boy and keep my glucose meter with me, though. :red:

    I'll drink some diet Coke, get a few lap dances, and eat the chicken wings (low carb) and bacon wrapped shrimp (low crb). that'll last me until I get home where I can have a nice snack of whole grain Triasuit crackers (modest carb).

    I'll be a good boy all the rest of the weekend :smirk: and set up Scylla, back up Charybdis, and reformat/reinstall her with Win 7 Pro. With any luck I should have PPro, DS4.5RC3, Carrara, and maybe Bryce installed before Monday - along with my content library as it stands now.

    I haven't been out since July 1st. and I need to get OUT and LIVE some LIFE, otherwise I won't have any new experience to inspire my writing.. ugh.

    Now back to doing writing tutorials while my boss is in meetings.. heh heh heh! :vampire:

    Have a great time wooly :)

  • MistaraMistara Posts: 38,675
    edited December 1969

    who has the moon? i doan see it.

  • WoolyloachWoolyloach Posts: 0
    edited December 1969

    It's super cloudy here - can't see any moon.

    I had a BLAST! I learned a few things:

    - It's possible to have a blast at the strp club stone cold sober
    - The girls don't look worse when you're sober
    - Everyone understands about not doing booze
    - Tipping a dancer a huge amount for her birthday gets you a big fat kiss :kiss:

    Had a great time, didn't overspend too much, and home in time for my meds and a nice cup of French Roast! :coolsmile:

    Things I learned today not related to mostly naked women wriggling in my lap:

    - Don't be afraid to rewrite if it's not working out
    - Some planning ahead is a Good Thing
    - Complex characters are hard to write
    - And did I mention not being afraid to rewrite?


  • atticanneatticanne Posts: 3,009
    edited December 1969

    Attic Anne did you get the pm I sent you?

    Yes, and answered.

  • atticanneatticanne Posts: 3,009
    edited December 1969

    Facebook is giving me troubles. Well the mobile version that is.

    I never have learned how to use FB or check my gmail with my phone. 2 people have tried to show me and it just doesn't sink in, so I don't bother with it by phone, just on my laptop.

  • atticanneatticanne Posts: 3,009
    edited December 1969

    @Woolyloach who said "This is pretty much why I’ve decided that traveling anywhere in Texas right now is a mistake!!! It’s supposed to hit around 103F here, SA isn’t any better, and unless Haagen-Daz makes sugar-free ice ccream I can’t have any. "

    Good idea to stay put in this heat. Check HEB's ice cream section for HD to see if they have sugar-free. If so, stock up and settle in with your new darling for the weekend.

  • atticanneatticanne Posts: 3,009
    edited December 1969

    It's super cloudy here - can't see any moon.

    I had a BLAST! I learned a few things:

    - It's possible to have a blast at the strp club stone cold sober
    - The girls don't look worse when you're sober
    - Everyone understands about not doing booze
    - Tipping a dancer a huge amount for her birthday gets you a big fat kiss :kiss:

    Had a great time, didn't overspend too much, and home in time for my meds and a nice cup of French Roast! :coolsmile:

    Things I learned today not related to mostly naked women wriggling in my lap:

    - Don't be afraid to rewrite if it's not working out
    - Some planning ahead is a Good Thing
    - Complex characters are hard to write
    - And did I mention not being afraid to rewrite?


    :-P And it's not even dark yet. You're such a good boy.

  • WoolyloachWoolyloach Posts: 0
    edited December 1969

    AtticAnne said:
    @Woolyloach who said "This is pretty much why I’ve decided that traveling anywhere in Texas right now is a mistake!!! It’s supposed to hit around 103F here, SA isn’t any better, and unless Haagen-Daz makes sugar-free ice ccream I can’t have any. "

    Good idea to stay put in this heat. Check HEB's ice cream section for HD to see if they have sugar-free. If so, stock up and settle in with your new darling for the weekend.

    Yeah - I need to hit HEB tomorrow for a Few Small Things(tm), I'll see what I can find! If not, there's sugar-free Jello! :coolsmile:

    I'm about to start p the new laptop.. I have a backup running on the old machine, tomorrow sometime I'll format the HD and install Win 7 Pro on it and see if I can avoid buying a second laptop.. urgh.

    Gives me something to do over the weekend, in between reworking the plot for "Dead Ringer" and getting ideas for my industrial espionage/murder mystery "Strip" into my writing notes! :)

  • ps1borgps1borg Posts: 12,776
    edited December 1969

    Gloomy morning turning into a gloomy day, overcast and cold out of the sun here :)

  • Sfariah DSfariah D Posts: 26,142
    edited December 1969

    I am tired but I cannot sleep.

  • ps1borgps1borg Posts: 12,776
    edited December 1969

    I'm tired but is only mid day so had better not sleep, at least until the sun goes down :)

  • Sfariah DSfariah D Posts: 26,142
    edited December 1969

    ps1borg said:
    I'm tired but is only mid day so had better not sleep, at least until the sun goes down :)

    It is ten thirty pm here.

  • ps1borgps1borg Posts: 12,776
    edited December 1969

    Is it warm where you are? Last week was real cold, for us anyhow, we aren't used to cold. Good thing is less than 20 sleeps until spring, our Lilac tree haz a few blossoms on it already :)

  • Sfariah DSfariah D Posts: 26,142
    edited December 1969

    Weather is hot.

  • ps1borgps1borg Posts: 12,776
    edited December 1969

    It will be hot here soon enough. Meanwhile I've been swimming a couple of times a week in an indoor pool that is insanely hot, is more like being in a stew on the stove than in a pool, I'm sure hot water makes chlorine smell worse ;)

  • Sfariah DSfariah D Posts: 26,142
    edited December 1969

    I took a benedryl but I cannot sleep

  • ps1borgps1borg Posts: 12,776
    edited December 1969

    There is a tiny patch of sun in our garden, I'm sitting in it :)

  • RezcaRezca Posts: 3,393
    edited August 2012

    Found somethin' interesting...
    In Age of Wonders 2 you can build shrines to have your empire worship a specific spirit.
    I was looking in the editor and the spirits all have a unique name assigned to them. Obviously not in the game world, but in the game's scripting.
    Spirit of War: "Tiamat"
    Spirit of Order: "Mormor"
    Spirit of Nature: "Gaya"

    The spirit of magic does not have a name assigned.
    I think I mentioned on my journal over at FA, but the Summon Gold Dragon spell can be received rarely from the Spirit of Order, and while there is a Summon Bone Dragon (Third level death spell. Researchable.), a Summon Ice Dragon spell (Fourth level Air spell. Researchable), and a Summon Black Dragon spell, there is no way to earn the Black Dragon spell without using the "RESEARCH" cheat which ultimately adds every spell into your spellbook.

    Post edited by Rezca on
This discussion has been closed.