Dartanbeck's Journey - CG Filmmaking



  • DartanbeckDartanbeck Posts: 21,331

  • DiomedeDiomede Posts: 15,130

    Dartanbeck said:

    I've started a pretty cool little web page for my new professional tool for my animation endeavors - Cascadeur.

    Animating with Cascadeur - within the DAZ Zone on my web site.


    What's Cascadeur? Well, besides being the tool that I'll be using to create new animation packs for Daz Studio, here's a really short and wonderful explanation - and my new page goes a bit further with it - and will expand as I get more acquainted with using it:

    Wow, I miss another 6 weeks and you have a whole new tool, with creative pipeline, to catch up on.  Keep up the great work.  I am soooo behind.  sad

  • DartanbeckDartanbeck Posts: 21,331

    Behind Schmehind!

    We do what we can, when we can! :)


    Thanks Diomede! Having a Blast over here!!! :)

    I was just going through the 3DXtract e-zines on my website. Hmmm, I thought to myself. These issues should be in their proper proportion. Makes it easier to scroll through their contents with the mouse wheel. So... Bam! Done. 

    So cool going through new techniques to try in Carrara, written for Carrara from way back - and we can still be inspired by all of this genius! :)

  • DartanbeckDartanbeck Posts: 21,331
    edited August 30

    Very excited!

    Next month I'll be teaching a class via Digital Art Live on creating custom costumes within Daz Studio.

    This is something I do on a near day-to-day basis, and have some really fun techniques that are just muscle-memory to me - making it a lot of fun to just get down and be super creative when designing an outfit.


    Making them for my hero characters is, of course, always the biggest challenge - making them the most fun.

    But what about everyone else?

    Well, I have a lot of fun with that too, and have some specific philosophies that I go by when doing so.


    So I thought that such a thing might be fun to show the world!

    Shopping habits, surface editing, texture editing, mesh editing, morph making, dForce setup and use, saving it all out to work over and over again... these are the things I do all the time - often without even a thought. It's become one of the most comfortable things to do, because I love doing it, and do it all the time.


    Should be a fun class! :)


    Post edited by Dartanbeck on
  • DartanbeckDartanbeck Posts: 21,331

    Well, we've had a bit of a catastrophe over here - my daughter's house caught fire.

    Everyone's fine and the house is actually going to be fine - we think - but I've spoken with Paul at Digital Art Live and we're cancelling the class mentioned above.


    My daughter needs me and I'm all in on that right now. Sorry about that.


    We'll see what the future holds for this amazing class. Maybe I'll put it together as an at-home course or something. One way or another, I'd really like to get these ideas and techniques out to everyone - it's fun, it's simple - it's simple and Fun!!!

  • DartanbeckDartanbeck Posts: 21,331

    BTW - kudos to the Fire Department! Those folks are True Heroes!!!

  • Hello Dartanbeck,

    Hope all is well with you and your family, so sorry to hear about your daughter, the good side is that you get to spend time together solving a problem. Mine just moved in so I speak from experience :)

    Anyway I really love the stuff you've been doing lately with Digital Art Live and have a suggestion, I think it would be worthwhile to have a focus on V3D's HDR creator products, I don't know if you have used them yet, but they are really amazing, you can take a complex DAZ scene and  make an HDRI out of it! The tools are a bit complex though and it would be great to have one of your presentations going through the process and then overlaying an animation on top. Let us know what you think. Thanks for all that you do! -Gerry

  • DartanbeckDartanbeck Posts: 21,331

    Thank you very much for all of the kind words! Truly, it means a Lot!

    As for that amazing suite, Chris already did an excellent presentation on that. Check it out!

  • Great! Thank you.

  • DartanbeckDartanbeck Posts: 21,331

    I see there's another one coming soon on her new Wet and Tan for G9 :)

    I have the one for G8 and Love it!!! V3Digitimes makes Awesome tools!

  • I just picked up Cascadeur, I am astounded by how powerful the ability to choose your rotation and pivot points is for posing! Not to mention the translation tool. Very exciting!

  • Check out this bad boy:




    I can envision a workflow where you do you initial Cascadeur animation and use this product in Daz (works with G2-G9) to fine tune it. I can't wait to try it out, on sale currently.

  • DartanbeckDartanbeck Posts: 21,331

    Okay, I want this! Thanks G!!!

    I'm not supposed to spend any $$$ right now :(

    I'm asking anyway! LOL

  • DartanbeckDartanbeck Posts: 21,331

    Having a lot of fun with Genesis 9, but Rosie 9 is still not a working, functional character. I need more... something. I'm loving the Genesis 9 figure though!

    While I keep trying and pushing forward with Rosie 9, I'm also making sure to stop and animate my beloved Rosie 8.24. Since both endeavors take a lot of time, it's becoming difficult to do both, but I manage.


    I finally got LimbStick for Genesis 9, so when I do get a working Rosie 9 version she can wield her two-handed Legend Sword by Aeon Soul (The Legend).

    I also got TackyFeet for correcting foot slide, but barely got to try it yet because I've discovered my error that was causing foot slide on my G9 figures - forgetting to run Body2Hip prior to converting to Genesis 9. Havanalibere's Genesis 9 Rigged Mixamo figure is awesome! Those FBX downloads turn out perfect for Genesis 9.

  • DartanbeckDartanbeck Posts: 21,331

    What an Honor being one of the top sellers here at Daz 3d!

    Special thanks to All who enjoy my work! I must say... I never stop. My days and nights are blurred and I often forget to eat or sleep!


    Rosie got me covered though! She sneaks in quietly and reminds me to do these things - so now I'm managing time nicely, spending time with her and the kids, walking the ultra-awesome little dog, Chicha - Princess from Spain - Strawberry Kangaroo!!!

  • DartanbeckDartanbeck Posts: 21,331

    But that's not all! 

    This Sunday (wow - tomorrow already!!!), we'll be doing a special community Tribute to Jack Tomalin!!!

    Here's a fun little sneak peek of what's in store:

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