blinking shoes for kids
I try to create for kids blinking shoes.
With playing with the Geoeditor and surfaces.
But I see one Problem.
When I enable the body (I did hide it for faster render, I can atm. only use my cpu -_-)
then do i see the feet, see image 2.
I got the Oso janus double shaders, but I have no idea how I can use it to hide the feed inside and apply the shader I use on the outside.
The only image they use is a Normal map, the rest is just settings/colors.
Using this:
with the thin Plastic version.
i never used the Oso janus shader :( I dont even know HOW it works Q_Q.
And any advice about the design? I like the first look, I also thinked about if it would be possible to animate it in a still image, but thats too crazy and no... so giving the best effect in a still image.
Having seen my granddaughter's shoes and other kids' shoes, I wonder if you tried an emmisive shader on the heel area? They always seem to have a 'glowy' effect to me.
yeah they do glow, when you kick the bottom, they glow, they have some kind of button inside :)
But emission hmmm... I will try it!
And hell why does attachments get always invisible for me -_- I cant see them now. (Edit: i inserted them, now can I see them)
Looks not good. It shows the feet inside much more.
Without a bit better.