BRYCE RENDER CHALLENGE ►►►Early Summer Edition◄◄◄ Theme is ­▄▀▄▀▄ STREAMS ▄▀▄▀▄



  • GoshtacGoshtac Posts: 0
    edited December 1969


    Love that submission - Beautiful work and such a great mood to the atmosphere.


    Guss - Fantastic scene there and that bridge really is the icing on the cake. Well done my friend..

    Got to go - Computer telling me it is shutting down for updates momentarily... Have a good one folks !


  • HoroHoro Posts: 10,538
    edited December 1969

    @STKydd - very nice Bryce work.

    @GussNemo - great use of your bridge. The foreground could perhaps be a wee bit brighter.

  • STKyddSTKydd Posts: 59
    edited December 1969

    @ Gussnemo, Thanks , Love the bridge scene, reminds of a place where I grew up

    @ Dana365 Thanks, When I made the terrains I used the terrain rock brush on all the vertical surfaces, I never hear or read of anyone using them so I am guessing it is a very under utilized tool in Bryce.

    @ Goshtac, Thank you for your kind comment

    @ Horo Thank you

  • GussNemoGussNemo Posts: 1,855
    edited December 1969

    @Bruce: Thank you very much.

    @Horo: Thanks. I'm not real sure how to brighten the foreground without affecting other components. But I'll play around with it and see what I come up with.

    @STKydd: Thank you.

  • HoroHoro Posts: 10,538
    edited December 1969

    @GussNemo - for any light (Light Lab, IBL) you can include/exclude objects from the light. Try with ranged falloff, no shadows.

  • adbcadbc Posts: 3,115
    edited December 1969

    Wow, everyone made such beautiful renders.

    This is my first entry called Early morning.

    540 x 405 - 52K
  • dana365dana365 Posts: 131
    edited December 1969

    good tip!
    I am guilty of under utilizing the different brushes in the editor. I need to keep in mind that the editor is "pressure sensitive" for a lack of a better description, so the brush shape is way more flexible than one would think. Its not just that shape stamped on, in other words. I edit terrains in Photoshop, and I need to try more of Photoshop's preset brushes as well, or make some of my own, and set my pen and pad pressure down to get similar results. when my Crescent Falls animation is done rendering ( 2-3 days) I am going to spend some time seeing the various geometries the different brushes produce.

    I like that scene, great positioning and the details work real nice.
    one request, you could make your image size bigger, so that when clicked on we can enjoy the details even more, right now it is the same size as the forum post when clicked on. When I render a scene for the forum I use 1024 x 762, or even bigger.

  • STKyddSTKydd Posts: 59
    edited December 1969

    @ adbc, Nice image, water looks really good and I like the color variation in the sky

    @dana365, Love the waterfall animation very cool.

  • dana365dana365 Posts: 131
    edited December 1969

    Thank you, I should have the complete animation done in a few days , with sound, might take a few more on top of that.

  • adbcadbc Posts: 3,115
    edited December 1969

    @dana365 thanks for your comment. Making it bigger : the outcome is not good at all, the pixels are not right any more.
    I think I should have started bigger. My idea was to make like a photo, small (less render time), resize it makes it really look out of proportion.
    BTW Crescent Falls is really, really awesome, so is the video.
    @STKydd : thanks for your comment.
    I like Highland Gate, it looks great !

    To everyone else : you really made great renders.

  • HoroHoro Posts: 10,538
    edited June 2014

    @adbc - that's a lovely scene, so peaceful.

    Here is my 3rd entry.

    Name: Delta
    Commercial products used:
    - Bryce 7.1 Pro - High Resolution Terrains - Set 1 (9 terrains used) and
    - Bryce 7.1 Pro Lenses and Filters (fisheye lens and lens flare filter used).

    The stream broadens in the flat land before it reaches the sea.

    1200 x 741 - 258K
    Post edited by Horo on
  • JamahoneyJamahoney Posts: 1,791
    edited December 1969

    Lovely works all...just can't comment as way too many, and would be amiss of me to leave anyone's out.

    Below, a second entry. The rain mat is found in the Bryce library, and the only postwork done was saturate the render ever-so slightly. They were initially psychadelic to start off with anyway, however, wanted just that little bit more dramatism.

    Title: A Chance of Rain


    1300 x 704 - 1M
  • dana365dana365 Posts: 131
    edited June 2014

    Thank you! such kind words! the rest of the animation should be done rendering in the next few days, and if I put sound on it a few more after that.
    regarding resizing:
    that is unfortunate it looks out of proportion when you went to make it bigger, but you did get what you wanted originally so that is a success. if it is proportion that's giving you grief maybe check to see if you kept the aspect ratio the same when you went to enlarge it, if its a pixel thing, you could try to render to disk and set the size and dpi higher that way. there is also the "size" of the image in terrain editor that can be put up

    really like the curvature you used there, like a camera lens would capture. you must have put many hours into photography to know this so well, just perfect!

    very artistic, and very bold colors, I like it. The rain has spurred me to think what stars would look like in a long exposure image captured by a camera.

    Post edited by dana365 on
  • JamahoneyJamahoney Posts: 1,791
    edited December 1969

    Cheers, Dana365, I think I've been looking out my kitchen window (below) way too long at psychadelic colours ;)

    Experiment with long exposures of rain and stars...hmmm, sounds interesting....let us know how it turns out - might inspire you to do a Bryce render on it later.


    800 x 936 - 1M
  • mtnmenmtnmen Posts: 444
    edited December 1969

    @Horo... Delta is another fantastic creation... near and far a gorgeous view
    @Fictionalromance... Love your darker (especially) bridge image... very spooky but inviting.. You do some really nice stuff here...
    @Jaymahoney... your Chance of Rain is indeed psychedelic... I have been to this place..I think on one of my trips in the 70's... Very Nice!

    @Chohole... I have a question... I have been working on an image with light streaming through one of my own stained glass designs ... I have the stained glass panel in a storefront window casting its light and pattern out onto a sidewalk...
    I used an image of the stained glass as a gel for the spotlight pointed onto the sidewalk... and I have a cone with the "lit rays" material and that looks great so far... I have tried streaming light through the window as you did by positioning the Sun... but my projection through my 2d object shows up actually grayscale ... I don't understand that and I also don't understand what you meant with:
    " I added a colour channel in the 4th spot in diffusion, which is set at “interpol+interferences” No value to it, it is just in both diffusion channels"
    I have looked here and there for "interpol+interferences" and I don't know actually where this might be...
    I have included my WIP... There's lots of re-texturing of buildings and additional lighting to make it more inviting as is the Red Light District of Amsterdam where this window actually resides.
    I look forward to your most excellent assistance.

    960 x 720 - 532K
  • GussNemoGussNemo Posts: 1,855
    edited December 1969

    @Horo: Ah, okay, I'll give that information a try. This is one of those things I never really understood. That's a great looking scene.

    @adbc: Really good looking scene. One thing strikes me are the ripples to the left of the figure. They look as large as the figure, which seems strange to me.

    @Jay: Whoa, let me get my sun glasses on. Them's bold colors, but make a neat looking scene.

    @mtnmen: Love the stain glass and the rays.

  • adbcadbc Posts: 3,115
    edited December 1969

    I don't really understand what you mean.
    The ripples are flat even though at the left of the figure (suppose you mean the girl with the dog) they are closer to the figure and
    a little less dense than in the back.
    This is something that happens frequently with terrains as well, the material on the same terrain looks different in the back than closer in the scene.
    Don't have a clue how to correct something that I thought was normal, I know I have some problems sometimes with proportions.
    Please explain.

  • adbcadbc Posts: 3,115
    edited December 1969

    That's what I did so far:
    Changed the material of the plane and tweaked the water material of the slab.
    Changed the resolution after all, had to adapt a few things like the field of view and re-positioned one of the terrains.
    To me it certainly looks different and maybe better.

    987 x 493 - 86K
  • JamahoneyJamahoney Posts: 1,791
    edited December 1969

    Cheers, Mtnmen...been to Amsterdam twice - loved it.

    Hehe, Guss...more like one needs welding goggles ;)


  • HoroHoro Posts: 10,538
    edited December 1969

    @Jay - what a bold render. I like it. Rain's difficult to get right (even when photographed).

    @mtnmen - streaming light looks great. Maybe you'll need a higher ambience setting for the sign.

    @adbc - looks quite fine. I hadn't any qualms about the larger waves, didn't look wrong to me.

  • ChoholeChohole Posts: 33,604
    edited June 2014


    Go to the mat editor

    Click in the 4th spot of the 2 diffuse channels to add a new mat

    Then shift click on the right hand arrow, then click on rocks. I used the Rocky grey one.

    Then click on the 2nd ball along to go into the DTE Change colours (this may need some experimentation to see which ones look best

    Then click on the down arrow below the colours to go into colour mode.

    I found that Interpol+Interferences gave the best effect.

    And sorry the first 2 images should be reversed.

    Oh and BTW for my glass pane I put the image in the diffuse channel, also the transparent channel and then set trans at 100% but normal, I didn't blend the trans.

    I was playing with the sun placement as I actually wanted the sun to come through the window from the back, outside the building, where as you want it to be light by a light from inside the building.

    638 x 506 - 135K
    638 x 506 - 107K
    638 x 506 - 114K
    638 x 506 - 147K
    638 x 506 - 143K
    Post edited by Chohole on
  • GussNemoGussNemo Posts: 1,855
    edited December 1969

    @adbc: What I meant in referring to your first scene, is that to my eyes the size of the ripples seemed out of proportion to the height and size of the girl and the dog. Again, to my eyes, what you've done in the second version seems better proportioned given the height and size of the girl and dog. But someone once posted that it was the artist who had the final say in their work.

    @Jay: Using welding goggles would prevent the scene from being seen. And I'd hate to miss any of your scenes. ;-)

    Back in post 148, I submitted my 3rd entry for this challenge. Horo suggested the foreground might need a wee bit more enlightenment, so I gave it a go. I first tried an HRDI but lost the clouds that came with the sky, but gained a nice looking, brightly lit, mountain. I wanted the clouds, so instead of trying another type of lighting, I decided to try increasing diffusion. Full diffusion didn't improve things very much, so I pulled out my handy dandy hypertexture material and gave it a try. With a setting of .05 it brightened the foreground enough to help bring out more of the foliage in the water and on the left bank. But not enough to overdrive the light of a sun setting. I also took out the ambient from the leaves on the right tree, which really helped. So instead of reposting a new version of my 3rd entry in this post, I reposted it in post 148.

  • HoroHoro Posts: 10,538
    edited December 1969

    @GussNemo - I think it has improved. Clever idea to use a hyper texture to boost diffuse.

  • dana365dana365 Posts: 131
    edited December 1969

    I think it looks right, and I do like the new size when clicked on as well. well done. the ripples to the left of the figure just looks like a shot of wind has come up, to me any way, it looks natural.

    "Bridge_over_water_7" I like the newer version, with out the previous one to compare it to, its hard to say how much different it is , but this one looks really good.

    if my yard was that beautiful I would spend hours in the window as well!

  • adbcadbc Posts: 3,115
    edited December 1969

    @GussNemo, thanks for the clarification, I understand what you mean. My eyes do not see it though. I wouldn't pretend to be an artist !
    The contest is giving me a subject to focus on and learn to use Bryce more efficiently.
    Yours and everyone else's comment is certainly welcome.
    @dana365 Thanks for your comment.
    In your previous post you draw my attention to some features in Bryce that I was not really aware of.

  • mermaid010mermaid010 Posts: 5,389
    edited December 1969

    Great renders from everyone. Time is running out, I hope I can get a second entry in.

    Like Adbc, these challenges are helping me to think out of the box, that is a challenge in itself. ;)

  • JStryderJStryder Posts: 168
    edited December 1969

    @mtnmen, the mood with the stained glass is real. I've never been to Amsterdam, but that cafe looks inviting. @chohole, thanks for the mini-tutorial. Some nice entries from beginners above, too.

    My second entry, sort of a political cartoon designed to be used as a graphic for a "COME ON IN, THE MONEY'S FINE!!!" Internet meme.
    Starring Franky from Nursoda and a bunch of loz-rez figures from Predatron. Probably could have fit more in, but was afraid Bryce would get cranky. The everlasting spigot makes a reappearance, this time gushing bank notes. You can't beat the big boys when they control the money spigot and where it flows. So be careful about jumping in.

    I've mostly forsaken the Daz bridge in favor of Daz export as .obj, re-import into Bryce. It doesn't take much longer and seems to be more reliable. But it does use a little more disk space since Daz copies the texture files to the designated folder when exporting. I think that may be why import works better too, Bryce never has difficulty locating the proper texture. BTW I tried exporting Franky from Poser, but the Daz exporter worked more smoothly with Bryce, mainly because of the missing texture problem.

    The scene could be improved. I had in mind a vast horde of people pouring over a cliff into the sea of bank notes, while the giant pig laughed. More loose notes blowing about on the "sea" would also help. But I have limited time and skills, so this will have to do for now. Setting up a vast horde in Bryce without crashing would be quite "fiddle-ly" I am sure.

    1280 x 787 - 895K
  • StuartBStuartB Posts: 596
    edited December 1969

    Some really nice images submitted here.

    I think this is the easiest render I have ever done. 2 Ivy objects made with Ivy Generator, a few leaves from the same and a water plane. HDRI lighting.

    800 x 431 - 294K
  • dana365dana365 Posts: 131
    edited June 2014

    Very cool concept, I like everything about that piece, The Sex Pistols button made me think even harder about what was going on, and laughed a little bit harder.

    nice job on the floating leaves, I have yet to try and float anything.

    Post edited by dana365 on
  • dana365dana365 Posts: 131
    edited June 2014

    A note too those I said that my animation would be ready soon,
    I have decided to fix the things I thought I could live with, turns out that my ocd wont let me, so I have made some changes and have to re-render the entire two minutes. 2 weeks to completion is my next best guess.

    1698 objects
    19 968 364 polygons
    avg. 15 min./frame render time
    2 min @ 30 fps = 3600 frames
    rendering 3 seconds at a time on each machine, three machines running. (helps limit losses to small portions, and avoid Bryce's choke point)
    lightning just wont do this size, or size/ length combination, how ever the two work together in Lightning,so its old school.

    Post edited by dana365 on
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