Forum search tool?

Seven193Seven193 Posts: 1,111

Can someone explain the proper usage of the forum search tool?  Is there a doc explaining how to use it?  Does it understand special characters, similar to what Google uses?

I want to search for all posts containing two specific words, which are not necessarily next to each other, but I'm getting undesirable search results.


  • AtiAti Posts: 9,143

    If you want something similar to Google, use Google. :)

    Type this in Google's search box:

    word1 word2

    where word1 and word2 are your search words.

  • Seven193Seven193 Posts: 1,111

    Thanks, if the forum search tool can't search for more than one keyword then I will stop using it all together, but I was just wondering if someone could clearify what it can and can't do.

    One thing that I did notice is that it does seem to understand double quotes, so if I search for "search tool", it will return all posts containing that phrase only.  But, it doesn't seem to be very helpful when searching for multiple keywords.  The search results returned are confusing.

  • NorthOf45NorthOf45 Posts: 5,551

    The forum can search for multiple keywords, but it matches each one individually, like an "OR" function, so if you happen to include a common word, like shader or material, you'll have no end of posts to sift through. I sometimes use the double quotes for a sure-thing phrase I know or remember, but otherwise search from outside.

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