Simple Animation

lannabullslannabulls Posts: 0
edited May 2014 in Poser Discussion

Poser Pro
could you please teach me how to do a simple animation as Victoria 4 walks, then stops in a natural resting pose.
Load Victoria 4, create a path, apply to V4 the walk designer "default setting", apply "walking along path", Poser asks to encrese the default 30 frame number to 205 frame accordingly with the new walk animation, yes, Now I have V4 walks following the path.
The animation ends at 205 frame with V4 still in a walking pose. I would like to make her stop in a natural standing resting pose

If I increse the animation lenght, from 205 to 250 frame, at frame 206 V4 jumps back to frame 1. I go to the animation end, frame 250, and I load a standing resting pose, V4 jumps back at frame 1 in that new standing resting pose.
What I would like to achive is the so called "Tweening", make V4 walk, 205 frame as exp, increase the animation lenght to 250 frame, go to the animation end, 250 frame, load a final standing resting pose,go to the animation palette, change the interpolation from frame 206 to 250 to linear, Poser should fill the interpolation with keyframes giving a natural transition from last walk pose frame to the last resting standing pose.
Why I'm not able to do so?
What I'm doing wrong?
Colud you please expain the exact steps to achive that, make a natural transition from a last walking pose frame to a natural standing resting pose.
Thanks a lot!

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