I grew up playing White Box DnD & AD&D ... Would be lying if I didn't say they had a great influence on me (then & now).
So for a tribute, I am going to take a stab at the White Box Monsters & Treasure... Daz3D Style
The Original White Box Rules was kind of weak on description, and wasn't in alphabetical order. I think there were around 58 Entries of monsters, but various types of Men (Cavemen, Pirates etc) are included as well as various types of horse. So I have tried to come up with descriptions as well as arranging them in order. My goal is to use the newest Daz Assets available that will fit the category. If no Daz3d Entry is available, I'll link to web images (and if PAs need ideas for their next creation....). My second rule is that first priority will go to assets that have the name of the monster in their description. For Example... There are lots of assets that could be used as Dryads, but very few say "Dryad" in their title/description... So while "Wendy" the G8F may look elvish and you could make her dryad in a pinch, if there is a Gen 2 that says "Dryad" that is what I will use.
DESCRIPTION – Reptilian Monster, Size M (7’ Long) Eight Legs but movement is slow. Color Dull Brown with yellow underbelly. Eyes glow pale green.
Although this creature cannot fly, it has the power of turning to stone those whom it touches and those who meet its glance, but it in turn can be petrified by the reflection of its own eyes if the light is sufficient, and it looks at a good reflector. The Basilisk is not intelligent
BLACK PUDDING: DAZ3d ENTRY: Slime Attack Vol 1 by Mechasar
DESCRIPTION: Black (or Gray) Ooze/Slime that is composed of single cell creatures. Size S (5’ diameter)
Another member of the clean-up crew and nuisance monster, Black Puddings are not affected by cold. It multiplies by dividing into smaller groups when struck by weapons or lightning bolts. Can be killed by fire. Black Puddings dissolve wood, corrode metal at a reasonably fast rate, have no effect on stone. If an armored character runs through a Black Pudding the monster's corrosive power will eat away the foot and leg protection of the armor so that it will fall-away next turn. Black Puddings can passthrough fairly small openings, and they can travel as easily on ceilings as on floors.
CENTAURS: DAZ3d ENTRY Genesis 8 Centaur Pro Bundle
DESCRIPTION: Half Man-Half Horse. Size Large
Generally, A horses body with the upper torso and head and arms of a human where the horse’s head and neck would be.
CHIMERAS: DAZ3d ENTRY Chimera 2 by Valandar
DESCRIPTION: A Chimera has the forebody of a great cat, the hind quarters of a goat, dragon wings, and three heads. The goat's head can gore with its long and sharp horns, the lion's head can tear with its great fangs, and the dragon's head can either bite or breathe fire
DESCRIPTION: A cockatrice is a mythical beast, essentially a two-legged dragon or serpent-like creature with a rooster's head. Size SMALL
Serpentine tail of the cockatrice is yellow green. Its feet and beak are yellow. Wings are usually grey but its feathers are golden brown. Wattles, comb, eyes and tongue are red.
DJINN: DAZ3d ENTRY (G4) RawArt Air Giants Genies
DESCRIPTION: Djinn resembled extremely tall (averaging ten and a half feet in height) human and women, well-muscled and physically fit. Their features were aristocratic and considered attractive by human standards. Their skin tone ranged from pale blue to a more common olive-brown or dark tan.
MORE TO COME...(unless it is killed by mods)
Don't want to spend too much time on Dragons, as Daz covers them pretty well
DRAGONS: There are six varieties of Dragons, each with separate characteristics
in particular and other things in common. The varieties will be dealt with first:
White Dragons will be found only in cold regions.
Black Dragons will be found only in swamps and marshes. If the Dragon can
talk there is a 5% chance it can use magic, 1st level only.
Green Dragons frequent woods and forests. If the Dragon can talk there is a
10% chance it can use magic, 1st and 2nd level spells.
Blue Dragons are at home in the deserts and arid lands. There is a 15% chance
that talking Blue Dragons can use magic spells of from the 1st and 2nd level.
Red Dragons inhabit mountainous and hilly regions. If the dragon can talk
there is a 15% chance it can use magic, 1st through 3rd levels.
Golden Dragons are able to abide anywhere, as they are actually a class unto
themselves. These monsters are by far the most intelligent of all their kind,
and they are able to use magic. They can employ spells up to the 6th level,
gaining one level for each of their stages of maturity. Golden Dragons are the only Dragons which are Lawful in
nature although this exception is not noted on the Alignment table. They will
often appear as human or in some other guise. They will not usually serve any
Not killed, but moved to Art Studio.
Booked marked
. . looking forward to seeing the the rest
DAZ ENTRY: Sadly, there is no Current (Gen 8) model in the Daz Store... so, I will look for the next newest, which seem to be a Victoria 4 (egad!)
Slender Stephanie 6
The beautiful tree sprites of mythology. Dryads are each a part of
their own respective tree and will stay within 40 Meters of their trees. They are shy and
non-violent, but they have a powerful Charm Person spell with a +10% chance of
succeeding, and anyone who approaches/follows a Dryad is likely (90%) to have
the spell thrown at him. Anyone charmed by a Dryad will never return from the
forest. Dryads have exact knowledge of the woods around them.
EFREET: Another one that was difficult... so I went with
SF Auras Genesis 8 Male
DESCRIPTION: These creatures are similar to the Djinn, but their basis is in fire and
they tend to be Chaotic. Their fabled home is the City of Brass. They are enemies
of the Djinn. The Efreet are otherwise like Djinn, with damage scored equal to
that done by a Giant (two dice, 2-12 points), and they can carry up to 10,000
Gold Pieces weight. In addition they can create a Wall of Fire and they can become
incendiaries. They will serve for 1001 days.
ELEMENTALS: There are four types of Elemental: Air, Earth, Fire, and Water
FIRE ELEMENTAL DAZ ENTRY:Frosty and the Matchstick Man HD for Genesis 8 Male(s)
WATER/AIR (These are more difficult than I first thought... So if I have to pick an asset, I'll choose
SF Auras Genesis 8 Female And then just change the color to fit Water/Air the best
EARTH ELEMENTAL DAZ ENTRY: Muud for Genesis 3 Male
GARGOYLES: DAZ ENTRY Gargoyle for Genesis 8 Male
DESCRIPTION: As depicted in medieval architecture, the Gargoyle is a reptilian
beast with horns, talons, fangs, bat-like wings, and often bipedal. They are hostile
and generally (75%) attack with no provocation regardless of the fact that they
may be attacking other Chaotic creatures. They are at least semi-intelligent, and
usually can be relied upon to behave with forethought and planning. Only magical
weapons/attacks affect Gargoyles
DAZ ENTRY Grave Ghoul HD for Genesis 8 Male
DESCRIPTION: As stated in CHAINMAIL for Wights, Ghouls paralize any normal
figure they touch, excluding Elves. They otherwise melee in the regular fashion
and are subject to missile fire. Any man-type killed by a Ghoul becomes one.
GIANTS: Giants act as mobile light catapults with a
200' range. Due to their huge weapons all Giants will score two dice of damage
when hitting an opponent. Wandering Giants will carry from 1,000 to 6,000 Gold
Pieces with them in their usual copious shoulder sack. Note that there can be
many types of Giants including the following:
Giant Type
Hill Giant
Stone Giant
Frost Giant
Fire Giant
Cloud Giant
GNOLLS: Gnolls are hyena-headed, evil humanoids that wander in loose tribes. Most gnolls have dirty yellow or reddish-brown fur. A gnoll is a nocturnal carnivore, preferring intelligent creatures for food because they scream more. A gnoll is about 7-1/2 feet tall and weighs 300 pounds.
Gray Ooze
Green Slime
Horse Light
Horse, Draft
Horse, Heavy
Horse, Medium
Insects Large
Insects Small
Invisible Stalker
Ochre Jelly
Purple Worms
Sea Monsters
Yellow Mold
I don't know if you are including models made by users but there is a Poser warforged model available at Sharecg.
Interesting! So you are creating a bestiary?