Distorted body fbx import to c4d
Posts: 16
Hello, When I try to import an fbx file into c4d my model gets all distored in the picture. Any advice on what can I do to prevent or fix this? Thanks!!
daz distored anim.PNG
1329 x 772 - 417K
Is this using the new bridge? Which figure is it? Was it sent over posed or in the zero pose?
I just learned about bridges today and am trying it out. I am tryig to do both models at the same time, but it looks like it only accepts one so far. I havetried to export both, then also each individually, because the animations/characters get stacked on top of one another, no matter if I space them in the original daz scene. I ahve also tried using a null in c4d but they just end up smooshed together. Im going to mess with bridges and report back if successful!
So the figures both imported, but the animation didn't Im also using Face mojo and that did not work :(
So what did you do differently so that they didnt distort?
I used the bridges plugin https://www.daz3d.com/daz-bridge
the issue now is that there is no animation. So it appears to be either/or, but not both. i am still tryng to wrap my head around it. so far. i used this method to bring in both models with good spacing into c4d then upload the solo animation fbx of the one on the right. that worked but i cant animate the left. Bridges allos you to animate in c4d, but it gets rid of any poses you have in daz, so basically you have to start from scratch. there could be a work around. i read on another thread where someone said to switch out the fbx file in the temp folder in the file path i quote that advice "The temporary files go to C:\TEMP3D btw. I tried to create an FBX export myself and replaced it with the DazToC4D.fbx that gets created in that folder, and it works with this fbx. So I guess as a workaround you can create your own fbx files and put them there and the C4D part will pick that up."
Im not the most tech-y person, i did try it, but it didnt work so i didn't do it right. Thats where Im at with this so far, and all ive managed to figure out!
I have done the swap and it worked,.. (my joints were still deformed) but to do the swap,.. when I exported the FBX on my own,.. I saved the FBX to the Directory C:\Temp3d as DazToC4D.fbx and then when into C4D ran the plugin and it did work,.. now there were several attempts to make this work, the successful imports w/ the self exported FBX, I had to eliminate certain items such as a piece of dForce clothing, I watched the task manager for activity during my import attempts, w/ the files using Bridges own export I'd tell c4d to open it,. and it'd sit there and just not do anything it didnt like something so I removed itemss from the scene and also tried a fresh export w/ just a character and some clothes and got it to eventually import (still deformed) since it adds shape you have installed the export times were astronomical and yeilded huge file sizes, a single character, hair, and 2 pieces of clothing w/ bridge produced a 700meg fbx, while the same exact character clothing/hair doing a standard export created a 23meg ffile, now "IF" that huge file produced something useable I might be able to get past it and just accept it,. so upon loading that 700meg file I again watched task manager and memory usage as it loaded memory usage grew,.. expoentially before ending using all my ram and giving me out of memory errors,.. for reference I have 32gigs of memory, the 23meg file using the same import, same memory usage increase maybe half a gig during import.
I mentioned I tried exporting a scene I had been currently working on,.. that one took about an hour to export created a 3gig fbx and of course ate all the memory and then coulding exactly finish for reasons above
just curious-- when you say the joints were stiill deformed, do you mean like in the first picture i posted? or do you mean they were restricted in terms of being able to animate?
There are so may issues with bringing Daz characters to Cinema 4D and posing them that I gave up in 2018. The new bridge might help, but I go for Blender now.
One major issue is that Cinema 4D's FBX importer is not able to read the default orientation of the joints. In Cinema 4D a joint usually points to the next joint in the hierarchy. So the bridge has a lot of issues to solve. The JCMs have to be connected to the joints (e.g. via Xpresso), but the default orientation has to be in the same position as in Daz to make that work.
On top of it, Cinema 4D uses a different rotation system, which is only able to simulate the XYZ axis system. This simulation is not working well. This all shows that a lot has to be done by the plugin to address these issues and it will be probably needed after import as well for adjusting the JCMs to the C4D rotations.