3D Art Freebie Challenge-August 2020-"Cats, Cats, All Kinds Of Cats" -Main Thread Only

Did you know there was Many different kinds of Cats?
We want to see all the versions of cats you have seen in your life time!!
The Rules For This Months Freebie Challenge are:
1. A minimum of (5) Freebies must be included in your image along with Links to the freebies you have used. For an item to be considered free it must be offered as a freebie for the whole month. The exception to this rule is all Daz Bi-Weekly Freebies will be allowed throughout the entire month in which they are free as well as the month following their release as a freebie (For a total of 2 months). Also, if a freebie is broken down into multiple downloads/links/parts (IE like if the freebie is broken down into 3 zips etc...)it only counts as 1 freebie, not 3.
2. There will be a Maximum of 5 purchased items.
3. Base figures (All Gen 2,3,4, and Genesis 1,2,3) as well as their general morphs packs (Morphs++ and similar) do not count as a purchased item or a freebie and may be used as needed
4.Your Rendered Picture must be a new render and postwork is allowed but you MUST include a before and after Postwork versions of your entry in the Entry Thread.
5. All DAZ 3D Programs are allowed (IE Bryce, Carrara, Daz Studio and Hexagon) plus Poser for the contest.
6. All entries are subject to the Daz3D TOS Found Here: Terms Of Service
7. You may enter a Maximum of 4 Entries per month.
8. You may edit your entry as much as you like in the main thread but once it is posted to the "Entries Thread" it may not be further modified. Also, if you edit or add things, be sure you update any links or freebie changes you make.
This Freebie Challenge will end Monday August 31st @ 23:59 Daz time.
*Please Note: Please allow 7 days from the Announcement of the Winners to recive your prize*
If you have not recived your prize, or have any questions, plz contact (ME) Saphirewild in a PM here on the forums or e-mail me at [email protected]
Post your images and freebie links here for link verification. Once the links are verified, you can post your image and links in Entries Thread for judging.
First Place: $15 store credit from KindredArts
Second Place: $10 store credit from KindredArts
Third Place: $5 store credit from KindredArts
Any other donations for prizes will be gratefully accepted. Please send a PM to Saphirewild
There is a change in the rules plz read them carefully!!
Past Freebie Contests:
October 2015 - TRICK OR TREAT TIME
December 2015 - It's Steampunk at the North Pole
January 2016 - The Day After
February 2016 - EleMENtary, my dear Watson!
March 2016 - It seemed like a good idea at the time...
April 2016 - When I Grow Up I Want To Be A Woodland Fairy
May 2016 - From This Hill I Can See...
June 2016 - Dawn of a New Day...
July 2016 - You Did WHAT With That Firecracker!?!
August 2016 - I Don't Want to Go to School!
September 2016 - The Leaves of Autumn Bring Changes
October 2016 - Double Bubble Toil and Trouble
November 2016 - I am so THANKFUL I am not...
December 2016 - How'd THAT Fit Down the Chimney!?!
October 2017 - MONSTERMASH Rehash
November 2017- Remembering The Fallen
December 2017- Waiting Up
January 2018- The Cement Jungle
Feburary 2018- Love Is....
March 2018- As Green As.....
April 2018-April SHowers Bring...
May 2018-Month Of The Dragons
June 2018-Beach Bum Days
July 2018- Camping Blunders
August 2018- Vacation Disasters
September 2018- Worst Day Of School
October 2018-Annual Monster Mash
November 2018- Time To Reflect
December 2018-Let It Snow
January 2019-Frozen In Time
February 2019-Strange Love
March 2019-Lady Luck
April 2019- April Showers Bring...
May 2019- Spring Flowers
June 2019- Summertime Pin-Ups
July 2019- Pool Party
August 2019- Best Friends forever
September 2019- Turning A New Leaf
October 2019- Monster Mash
November 2019- Playing Doctor
December 2019- Better Than Mistletoe
January 2020- New Beginings
Febuary 2020-Natural Love
March 2020- March Winds
April 2020- Easter Happyness
May 2020- >Flowers
June 2020- A Day At...
July 2020- Only At The Circus
Would Hivewire Housecat count as a freebie, since that was given away as part of their Stay Home, Spread Hope promo?
Very cool theme!
Not if it's no longer free. Off-site freebies have to be available for free through the entire duration of the month of entry. Anything DL'd from elsewhere than Daz3D is "off-site".
Just count it as one of five purchased items!
My muse is playing with ideas like "The CATaphract CATapult CATastrophe", but in the meantime it tossed these into the mix...
NAE (Not An Entry)...
Meeow* ?
Me-ow** ?
Cat Burglars Should Land Elegantly
Three freebies used:
- Catsuit Catwomen For V3 by jibicoco as the would-be catwoman
- H.E.R. - Bastet by Sixus 1 as the real catwoman
- H.E.R. - Bastet Extras by Sixus 1 for the real catwoman's pose and black fur
* = "Look at me boys"
** = "I bet that hurt"
Title: Join the Space Force Now
Rendered in iRay. Postwork in Gimp to add the text and sig.
An imaginary recruitment post for the US Space Force. Featuring one of their own Lt. Mia Tabby. Lt. Mia as she is called, is a combination of Victoria 2 body and Millineum Cat. A creature created by Little_Dragon with the help of Redfern and others. The poster behind her is from the JPL site. Lt. Mia is based loosly on Redfern's Mzzkiti, both being service girls and all. I want to thank Redfern for all of his information about this character, where she came from, who was involved. I love history.
So here she is:
Character:Lt. Mia:Actor * Millennium Catwoman v1.2 by Little_Dragon.
Character:Lt. Mia:Tail Bushy Tail 2 by Little_Dragon.
Character:Lt. Mia:Texture * MilCatwoman Red Tabby Texture by Little_Dragon.
Clothing: Jewelry: Earrings * Ankh Earrings for Poser by Chris Cox.
Clothing:Bodysuit and Vest Furrette SPF Uniform by Little_Dragon.
Clothing:Jewery:Ring * Shardz Elven Ring for V3 by Shardz.
Environment:Background Visions of the Future - Venus by Jet Propulsion Laboratory.
Hair Little_Dragon's Ziggy Hair for Furrette 2.0 by Little_Dragon.
Pose:Lt. Mia Inspired by Louis Royo by Schlabber.
Prop:Lt. Mia:Weapon * Angry Hornet Raygun by Archeopterix.
Shader: Lt. Mia:Claws * Iray car related shader presets 'megapack' by Tom2099.
Shader: Suit: Jewelry: Gold * jewelry_iray_shaders by AllenArt LaurieA.
Shaders:Clothing * Iray Leather Shaders by Tom2099.
Paid fors:
Character Base:Lt. Mia:Head * Millennium Cat by DAZ 3D.
Character:Lt. Mia:Claws # Cat Character (w/ poseable nails) by DAZ 3D.
Character:Lt. Mia:Texture # Classic Cats Combo by LaurieS Lisa's Botanicals.
Clothing:Conversion * CrossDresser V2 by EvilInnocense.
No Counts:
Character Base:Lt. Mia:Body # Victoria 2.0 by DAZ 3D.
Clothing:Bib # RDNA Roma by Traveler.
Environment:Lighting # FWSA Soft Light Probes by Fred Winkler Art Sabby.
* - Requires free registration
# - No longer legally available
Here's something for those looking for further inspiration: In German, we say "Es war alles für die Katz," which literally translates to "It was all for the cat." It means "It was all for naught." Do with this information what you want :)
I feel that meaning is backwards. If it is all for the cat, there is no more noble cause. Certainly not in the view of our feline masters.
... and here's Ke$ha's entry to this months freebie contest:
(ok, I'll stop now.)
Somewhere in the future...
Purchased items:
No count:
Genesis 8 Female
Girls Best Friend
*G2 Sandals https://www.renderosity.com/mod/freestuff/g2f-dress-sandal/74609
*Side Swept hair https://www.renderosity.com/mod/freestuff/side-swept-rose-hair-g3f-g8f-part-1/79533
*Leopard Dress https://www.renderosity.com/mod/freestuff/ep-leopard/72563
*G2 shirt https://www.renderosity.com/mod/freestuff/g2-male-my-shirt/76320
*G2 Cargo shorts and boxers https://www.renderosity.com/mod/freestuff/freestuff-item-for-genesis-2-male/75716
*Chain https://www.renderosity.com/mod/freestuff/10ft-easy-pose-chain/65394
*Spike collar https://www.renderosity.com/mod/freestuff/spiked-collar-for-m4/64200
*denotes site registration
Purchased items
City Bus Stop
Newport outfit for Genesis 2 (shoes)
Michael 6
Millennium Dog LE
no counts genesis 2 female and genesis 2 male
All The Links CHeck Out Pl Post To The Entries Thread Now
All The Links Check Out Plz Post To The Entries Thread Now
Here's another NAE (Not An Entry) - although strictly speaking it does use the requisite 5 freebies to be a valid entry, I don't think that counting the two V4 body morphs and a the V4 texture as three separate freebies fits the spirit of the contest.
Something To Do With Cats...
This picture is rather unusual for me as I didn't start by loading a figure/character and applying a random pose. Instead I started by loading a column prop, and then did some playing with the atmospherics and lighting... and then I also duplicated the column a few times.
So when I did eventually get round to loading my leading (cat-)lady she already knew where she was and what she was doing - something to do with cats. Don't ask me though. I imagined there'd be tigers or leopards in the scene - apparently not.
She told me that she needed a pose from the Mystical Sorceress poses set - that's one of the very few non-free (although I picked it up when it was free of course) pose sets that I use a lot. She tried a few, but said they didn't suit her in this light. When she tried this one on she gave me a thumbs up and a big grin.
But it's strange: When I look at the picture I have a sudden uncontrollable urge to look up over my right shoulder - sort of, well, just in case there is a tiger or something...
An earlier version that we like too. I think I prefer the shadows on her face and upper body in this one. If I recall corractly the main difference is that the below one uses an infinite light with mapped shadows while the above uses a spotlight with ray-traced shadows:
The JPGification of those seems to have messed them up about. I usually save at 75% but went higher for these, something in the 80s I think? Looks like I need over 90, or maybe use the PNG.
1 Stefan Morell (Stonemason) Hell Column III (or II ?) - https://web.archive.org/web/20140430010149/http://stefan-morrell.com/downloadfiles/FreeHellColumn3-P5-P6-DS.ZIP
(link via https://poserdazfreebies.miraheze.org/wiki/Freebies_previously_hosted_at_stefan-morrell.com )
2 Rick Bridenbaker's V4 Fantasy Warrior Outfit & Props - https://www.sharecg.com/v/60308/related/11/Poser/V4-Fantasy-Warrior-Outfit-Props
3 Reciecup's Doll V4 (texture only) - https://fantasiesrealm.com/market/Designers/RenderCandy/Doll-V4-Exclusive
4 Naeima V4 (body morph only) - https://fantasiesrealm.com/market/Designers/RenderCandy/Naeima-V4-Exclusive
5 Shy V4 (head morph only) - https://fantasiesrealm.com/market/No-Longer-Available/RC-removed/Shy-for-V4-Exclusive
V4, V4++ Morphs, V4 Creature Creator Morphs (cat nose, cat ears, fingernail claws)
Classic Elegance hair by Mint3D (no longer available - a search for Mint3D at https://poserdazfreebies.miraheze.org only finds Mint3Ds Caramel Hair, which I got at the same time. But that's no longer available either.
V4 Mystical Sorceress Poses from the DAZ store
(I resolved that pseudo-technical jiggery-pokery tricksiness that my TV was playing on me, so I've deleted the rubbish related to that from this post and the next)
A Couple Of Ideas That I Managed To Avoid...
Two more ideas that my muse threw at me, which I managed to dodge. Probably quite lucky, since the ideas were wrapped around large, heavy cat statues.
- Dodged idea 1: "Cats, Cats, All Kinds Of Cats"... sounds like a good name for a specialist taxidermy shop...
(No, I'm not a cat lover. I find they have a far too 'gamey' flavour for my palate...)
- Dodged idea 2: A swinging jazz***** club (perhaps "Pussy Galore's"?), full of hep-cats* ("Hey daddy-o!") and hip-kittys* ("Go baby go!"), all mid-swing**.
Through the smoky haze you can just make out the sign's for the "Hep-Cat Litter" and "Hip-Kitty Litter", which appear to be a large pair of shoes...
*I'm thinking Furrettes, Furraldo's, Starfoxes, Bastets, etc
**Search Youtube for It's a mad mad mad mad world dance scene ***... "Go baby go !" (Warning for the faint-hearted: Barrie Chase and Dick Shawn cool-dancing in their undies!)
***I know that's not jazz (music or dancing), but you get the drift daddy-o ****?
****I know that's not jazz either (jazz-talk that is)
*****Given all the not-jazz-ness of my observations, I may actually be thinking of a 60s go-go club
(Pseudo-technical jiggery-pokery tricksiness stuff deleted)
NAE (Not An Entry) - just the DAZ Mil Cat, twice, with random combinations of species morphs, including negative values
Well, You Did Say "All Kinds Of Cats"...
Title: Hanging Out with Her Best Friends Forever
Rendered in iRay. Postwork in PaintShop Pro to add the sig.
Here again is Lt. Mia. This time Lt. Mia is based loosly on the Britsh TV show called UFO. Released in 1970 the show is very much a 60's piece. JoEtzend created several of the costumes worn by the actors, the moon base and cars driven by the main characters. I have not seen the show but the introduction is quit hip if I don't say so myself. There I have dated myself.
So here she is:
Character:Lt. Mia:Actor * Millennium Catwoman v1.2 by Little_Dragon.
Character:Lt. Mia:Tail Bushy Tail 2 by Little_Dragon.
Character:Lt. Mia:Texture * MilCatwoman Red Tabby Texture by Little_Dragon.
Character:Lt. Mia: Hair Sumire Hair by Yamato.
Clothing:Suit and Boots * S.H.A.D.O. Uniforms for V4 by JoEtzold.
Clothing:Suit:Belt * S.H.A.D.O. Uniforms V4 - Addon by JoEtzold.
Clothing:Suit:Textures * MoonBase Uniform DS Texturing, V1 by luqu.
Best Friends Forever: Pose * Odd Poses for MilCat by Carrie58.
Best Friends Forever: texture * Thai Cat for DAZ MillCat by czarny_jednorozec84.
Environment:Bench Sofa N200816 by Oishe. (3ds format)
Environment:Décor:Vase Grass vase décor 3D Collection by 3DBar. (3ds format)
Environment:Décor: Window Wall Floor * Window Prop by A. Gunsolley.
Environment: Window Space BGs for pulp poses by RedeyeCat.
Shader: Clothing, Boots, Window Frame * DAZ Studio 4.10 by DAZ 3D.
Shader: Room, vase and spheres * Iray car related shader presets 'megapack' by Tom2099.
Paid fors:
Character Base:Lt. Mia:Head * Millennium Cat by DAZ 3D.
Character:Lt. Mia:Texture # Classic Cats Combo by LaurieS Lisa's Botanicals.
Clothing:Conversion * CrossDresser V2 by EvilInnocense.
No Counts:
Character Base:Lt. Mia:Body # Victoria 2.0 by DAZ 3D.
Environment:Lighting # FWSA Soft Light Probes by Fred Winkler Art Sabby.
* - Requires free registration
# - No longer legally available
Doesn't the Newport outfit come free with Daz Studio? It doesn't affect anything in the grand scheme of things here, but I don't think it's something you have to count as a paid item.
It may, I know I got it free but I couldn't remember if it was a montly freebie or what so I just counted it as a purchased item.
Kitty Wants To Listen Too!
Looks like kitty is jealous of her tunes!
Chameleon ROse 2 for G8F (I HIGHLY recommend this character, so many options!) - https://www.renderosity.com/mod/freestuff/chameleon-rose2-for-genesis-8-female/85859
Simple Glasses for G8F/G8M - https://www.renderosity.com/mod/freestuff/simple-glasses-for-genesis-8-male-female/85459
Cutie Dress (Leggings) - https://www.renderosity.com/mod/freestuff/cutie-dress/83674
Summer Tops - https://www.renderosity.com/mod/freestuff/summer-tops/83627
dForce Smart Phone for G8F - https://3dpixelstudios.com/?download=dforce-smart-phone-for-genesis-8-female
Arah3D Winter Goddess Dress (Earrings, Day 7) - http://thefantasiesattic.net/xmas/2018/index.html
Face Shifter Expressions G8F - https://sharecg.com/v/92621/browse/21/DAZ-Studio/FaceShifter-For-Genesis-8-Female
Jane Shephard G8F (Hair) - https://www.deviantart.com/talidesade/art/Jane-Shepard-Genesis-8-DOWNLOAD-UPDATED-801138701
20 Free Pinup Poses for G8F (#18) - https://www.renderosity.com/mod/freestuff/20-free-pinup-poses-for-g8f-by-pan3d/85755
Lynnes Materials for HiveWire Housecat - http://www.lynescreations.com/lynefree37.htm
Lynnes Poses for HiveWire Housecat - http://www.lynescreations.com/lynefree38.htm
Contemporary Room - https://www.renderosity.com/mod/freestuff/contemporary-room/77686
Clearing in the Forest HDRI - https://www.deviantart.com/namtaar/art/Clearing-in-the-Forest-HDRI-811821241
Ornate Carved Sofa - https://www.deviantart.com/mooncraft3d/art/FREE-3D-Ornate-Carved-Sofa-Daz-3D-851824751
Flowers and Hearts for Mothers Day Shaders - https://www.renderosity.com/mod/freestuff/flower-amp-heart-shader-set-for-mothers-day/85162
Shimmery Sheer Fabric Shaders II (on walls) - https://sharecg.com/v/95898/browse/21/DAZ-Studio/Shimmery-Sheer-Fabrics-II
No Count:
Y Personal Test Clothes for G8F (ribbon) - No longer available
Kitty Condo - Got free, doesn’t seem to be available anymore
Hivewire Housecat - https://hivewire3d.com/hivewire-house-cat.html
I tweaked some materials, the light and the poses. And I remembered to use depth of field for once! All done within Daz Studio Iray. No post work except for the watermark.
All The Links Check Out Plz Post To The Entries Thread Now
There is still time to get those Cat renders in!!
*Note to self, Check links at the start of the project not the end.
"Meowphistopheles at your service"
Base Daz studio render:
Composite from Daz studio canvases in post:
The Grand Loo scene - Shifting images : https://www.deviantart.com/shiftingimages/art/The-Grand-Loo-Scene-for-DAZ-Studio-489696917
alternatively on ShareCG : https://www.sharecg.com/v/78166/gallery/21/DAZ-Studio/The-Grand-Loo-Scene-for-DAZ-Studio-Part-1
Old Magic Book - MysticArtDesign : https://www.deviantart.com/mysticartdesign/art/MysticArt-OldMagicBook-747179641
Ornate Throne Armchair - Mooncraft3D : https://mooncraftrp.com/index.php/2020/08/13/free-ornate-throne-armchair-daz-3d-model/
Puma - Adam Thwaites : https://www.most-digital-creations.com/puma.htm
Morphing Flame for Iray - SquarePeg3D : https://www.renderosity.com/mod/freestuff/?item_id=76201
and not that you can see it I replaced the throne cushion mat with
Leather018 - cc0textures: https://cc0textures.com/view?id=Leather018
No Counts:
Victorian Lamp post - DryJack : I'm pretty sure this was probably a renderosity prime freebie at some point so it might count as purchased instead but I can't find it anywhere.
All The Links Check Out Plz Post To The Entries Thread Now
Excellent picture ! Confirms what I always thought about cats...
Just Another Day at the Cat Park!
All the dogs are in their dog houses playing cards while the cats are out playing chess. Poor little Sue fell asleep with her favorite toy while waiting on her dad to finish playing his game of chess and her brother is practicing his stalking technique with his bird friend in the background.
Chessboard: https://www.renderosity.com/mod/freestuff/poser-chess-includes-chess-board-and-one-of-each-chess-piece-/70800
Scene Tree/Planters (schoolyard): https://sharecg.com/v/71186/view/11/Poser/Schoolyard-For-Poser
Scene Grass/Wall (grass): http://www.mada3d.com/Freebies1.html (row 8 last one "Bird Bath and Walls")
Chess Piece (used Hexagon to modify pieces): https://www.sharecg.com/v/47414/
Cat Toys: https://www.renderosity.com/mod/freestuff/cat-toys/85106
Bench: https://www.renderosity.com/mod/freestuff/?item_id=23896
Bird: https://www.most-digital-creations.com/magpie.htm
White Cat: 3D Starter Pack- https://www.daz3d.com/3d-starter-pack the Millenium Cat LE is not shown in picture however listed in what is included in the bundle
Grey Cats: https://hivewire3d.com/shop/hivewire-house-cat-1536.html (got free but now paid)
I played with some of the bumps and textures here and there.
No post work and rendered in 3Delight.
I will include a watermark for the next Challenge (W.I.P 3D Logo)
All The Links Check Out Plz Post To The Entries Thread Now
There is still a couple days to get all your Cat renders in!!!
3D Art Freebie Challenge August 2020 "Cats, Cats, All Kinds Of Cats"
Because cats are my favorite animals I had to make a render of course.
[Best watched at full size for details.]
"As nimble as a cat..."
Starring: Linda and the HiveWire House Cat
The tale:
"Hey there little one, you probably don't have to learn to dance anymore, as flexible as you already are!" Linda said to the neighbor's new kitten who walked into her dance school (named The Purple Cat)...
The Cats - Save The Last Dance For Me (© 1977)
COUNTABLE FREEBIES: (Alphabetic order)
#01! Bandage Bikini for G8F by Yashiro Amamiya
https://www.renderosity.com/mod/freestuff/bandage-bikini-for-g8f-/85840 **
#02! Cutie Dress G8F by Leilana
https://www.renderosity.com/mod/freestuff/cutie-dress/83674 **
#03! Deco Cat by kratzdistel
https://www.renderosity.com/mod/freestuff/deco-cat/85910 **
#04! DOA 6 Marie Rose - Head and Body Morphs for G8F by TritiumCG
https://www.deviantart.com/tritiumcg/art/DOA-6-Marie-Rose-Head-and-Body-Morphs-for-G8F-825236730 **
#05! Dog Collar by Laboratory108
http://lab108.x0.com/lab108/accessories.html (item 4)
#06! EA Beanie with Hair for G8F & G3F by EichhornArt
https://www.renderosity.com/mod/freestuff/ea-beanie-with-hair-for-g8f-amp-g3f/81261 **
#07! Eyes Dilate for Genesis 8 Female by felldude
https://www.renderosity.com/mod/freestuff/eyes-dilate-for-genesis-8-female/82869 **
#08! Fun Pillows for DAZ Studio by amyaimei
https://www.deviantart.com/amyaimei/art/Fun-Pillows-for-DAZ-Studio-846165540 **
#09! G8F Free Pose 023 by richardandtracy
https://www.renderosity.com/mod/freestuff/g8f-free-pose-023/85884 **
#10! Headphones by MysticArtDesign
https://sharecg.com/v/96239/browse/21/DAZ-Studio/Headphones **
#11! Iray car related shader presets 'megapack' by Tom2099
https://www.deviantart.com/tom2099/art/Iray-car-related-shader-presets-megapack-539622361 **
#12! Iray Jewelry Shaders by AllenArt
https://sharecg.com/v/95893/gallery/21/DAZ-Studio/Iray-Jewelry-Shaders **
#13! Kristen Stewart - Head and Body Morphs for G8F by TritiumCG
https://www.deviantart.com/tritiumcg/art/Kristen-Stewart-Head-and-Body-Morphs-for-G8F-841957993 **
#14! LAMH Presets for the HiveWire House Cat by Saiyaness
https://hivewire3d.com/lamh-presets-for-the-hivewire-house-cat.html **
#15! Linda - Character for G3F with texture maps by Edelzwicker
https://www.sharecg.com/v/89731/related/21/DAZ-Studio/Linda-Character-for-G3F-with-texture-maps **
#16! Look at my Hair FREE Player by Alessandro_AM and Kendall Sears
https://www.daz3d.com/look-at-my-hair-free-player **
#17! MomiMomi Bell by 3Zi
http://sanzisannzi.blog83.fc2.com/category6-11.html (Scroll down to '(MomiMomiBell.zip) のDownload')
#18! Mystics Floor & Backplanes by MysticArtDesign
https://sharecg.com/v/94620/browse/21/DAZ-Studio/Mystics-Floor-Backplanes **
#19! Pd-Soft Leather Daz Studio Shaders for Iray by Parrotdolphin (Janet)
https://sharecg.com/v/80223/gallery/7/Material-and-Shader/Pd-Soft-Leather-Daz-Studio-Shaders-for-Iray **
#20! Simple NEON Scene 1 by brain1969
https://www.renderosity.com/mod/freestuff/simple-neon-scene-1/85817 **
#21! Summer Tops G8F by Leilana **
https://www.renderosity.com/mod/freestuff/summer-tops/83627 **
#22! SY 200 Morphs for Genesis 8 Head and Body by SickleYield
https://sharecg.com/v/91888/view/21/DAZ-Studio/SY-200-Morphs-for-Genesis-8-Head-and-Body **
#23! Yoga mat by Valmont59
https://www.renderosity.com/mod/freestuff/yoga-mat/85954 **
--- Backdrop by Allenart
++ DAZ Studio Iray HDR Outdoor Environments by Daz Originals, DimensionTheory [Maui used]
--- Free Iray Outdoor Lights by Dreamlight
$1. HiveWire House Cat by Chris Creek
*1 E-mail address required
** Registration required
#x! Countable Items (Bold ones are used by me for the first time I think.)
--- No longer available freebies
++ Free with DAZ Studio (or the Essentials)
$x. Purchased/Paid For Item
Rendered with DAZ Studio (nVidia Iray)
Other free software used: GIMP v2.10.18 and Irfanview 4.54
Postwork: used the AltaLux Image Enhancement Filter (Effect) by Stefano Tommesani that comes with Irfanview. Also used mcjDenoise by mcasual. (https://sites.google.com/site/mcasualsdazscripts9/mcjdenoise)
"As nimble as a cat..."
All The Links Check Out Plz Post To The Entries Thread Now